View Full Version : Strange behavior?

09-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Thurs. Afternoon I took Zeke to stay with me at a hotel about 1.5 hours from where I live. We're staying till monday morning.

Last night Zeke wouldn't go pee. I tried for different times for an hour or more before going to bed. He just pulled me to the door to go inside. There were some thunder showers and Zeke really hates thunder.but he wouldn't even pee on a bush that was under a covered area. I figured he was frightened. This morning he seemed fine. Then late afternoon he was not interested in walking anymore. And tonight he almost won't walk at all. I tried making him walk and he just stops and stands there. Normally he'll pee on every bush or tree, he hasn't even pee'd once on our walk tonight. He just pulls to the door. I can't figure this out...I checked the weather it's not suppose to rain again till atleast tomorrow night.

He hasn't poo'd since this morning...I'm not sure if he should poo twice a day or not, but normally he likes to go out after his dinner.

Any ideas? I've been walking him but not over walking him. Normally he loves to run, and can do so for hours. He has plenty of water and has been drinking....I'm a little worried..do you think it's just silly?

09-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Zeke might just be scared of the hotel. It's a new place he doesn't know. I don't know if you are close to a PetSmart or a PetCo, but they have suppliments you can give your dog to calm them down and make them less nervous. I hope he acts better.

critter crazy
09-07-2007, 08:00 PM
I have had problems where my dogs wont go potty in strange areas. I would just keep an eye on him, he might just not be used to the new surroundings yet, and it might take alittle more time. :)

09-07-2007, 08:15 PM
he was fine for most of the day, and most of the morning today. He's comfortable in the hotel...infact he has a whole bed to himself.

oh yeah, the place I'm at is REALLY small...I don't know that there is even a pet store near here