View Full Version : Uh oh, two surgeries needed in 1 week! *****Update #20******

09-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Oh dear........my vet is really going to love me this next week! :rolleyes: ;)

It is now time for little Taz to be fixed, so that will happen on Tuesday morning. He will be staying with them for 2 nights ( I keep telling him he is going to a spa for 2 days! ) He will be missed - even just for 2 nights. We have actually let him out of his room at nights, and of course you know where he is sleeping....with the rest of us!!! :D We are now back to 3 kitties on the bed with us. It took him a few nights, and hisses before he found 'his' spot on the bed, but all is well now.

Then Yoshi will be entering the 'spa' on Thursday morning for his tooth. He apparently broke off is right K-9 tooth, but the root is exposed and most likely is hurting him :( . So we have started antibiotics for him and while under he will also get his teeth cleaned! He also contracted a bad case of feline acne on his chin last week and we have been scrubbing that clean twice daily along with putting medication on. She thinks this may be caused because of the broken tooth.

Ok, I really think my vet will soon be taking a vacation from all the money we have been giving her these last 2 months!!

Let's see, it all started with bringing Taz home:

1) Taz' first visit, with blood & feces testing, first shots and the dreaded ear mites....

2) Then we treated him for ringworm......

3) Lucky went in for his anal glands

4) Taz's second set of shots

5) Then we treated Lucky for ringworm.....

6) Then we treated both of us for ringworm..... :rolleyes: ok, she didn't get money from that!

7) Yoshi in for feline acene

8) Taz to be nutered

9) Yoshi in for dental work

Hmmm......I think I'm missing something, but you get the picture!! That should be enough $$$ for a nice cruise or something ;) :rolleyes:

So, send your good vibes out west for both Taz & Yoshi next week.....we are going to need them!

09-07-2007, 06:56 PM
I Know What You Mean As 4 Found Cats Have Been In The Last Three Months.its Not Inexpensive But I Know That We Will Do Anything For Our Cat Companions.
We Know Your Friends Will Repay Us In Love Purrs And Cuddles.

09-07-2007, 06:59 PM
Oh yeah, with the amount of money I've spent on cats in the last several years, I could have a second vacation home, no kiddin'. But it's what we do, right? Prayers going out that your furkids will be just fine......

09-07-2007, 07:16 PM
Vacation?? What's a vacation??? LOL! I think only the vets and the regular doctors know what those are!

09-07-2007, 08:42 PM
Exactly. I think my vet calls me Ms. French, as in Riviera. :p

critter crazy
09-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Yup, I have been in the same bot lately with my two, and the 5 fosters. I have seen the vet so much lately it is just scary!! Oh well, at least his kids will get to go to a nice college thanks to me!!:D

09-07-2007, 09:04 PM
GOOD LUCK YOU TWO! Prayers from NC.

Ps- Vet bills are NO fun, but hey, its all worth it in the end! Once they are gone, we would do it over in a heartbeat for one more moment with them ;)

09-07-2007, 09:56 PM
I don't mean to be a downer on the topic however has anyone ever actually seen the bills that come in at a vet hospital? I can't even comprehend the staggering amounts even for simple things like utilities, let alone the bills for normal supplies and the pharmacutical bills. :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-07-2007, 11:59 PM
Bunny, I can relate to all of the vet bills and to seeing the vet so often. I hope that both Taz's neutering and Yoshi's teeth cleaning goes well. Will Yoshi need to have his broken tooth extracted? Please continue to keep us updated about your boys and give them all come pets and kisses for me.:)

K & L
09-08-2007, 07:11 AM
Kevin & I cringe at the thought of what we've spent in vet bills between our own, and the park cats. We figure what we don't know won't hurt us :D (except the pocketbook)hahahahaha.

Good luck to both the boys!! They will do just fine!! Keep us posted.

09-08-2007, 02:54 PM
Will Yoshi need to have his broken tooth extracted?

The tooth actually broke off and I stepped on it :eek: and the root exposed, boy did that hurt!!

So I really don't know when it came out. Then a day or 2 later I stepped on something else (you would think by now I would learn to wear shoes :rolleyes: ) and that turned out to be one of Taz's baby molar's!

The vet was surprised that I actually found teeth, like she said they usually get sucked up in the vaccum and no one knows anything about them.

When Lucky went though that Chylothorax a few years ago, Tim told me to stop adding up the bills........I stopped when it reached $7,000.00 :eek: - but he was worth every penny of it!! He is now playing like a big kitty, but we are enjoying every minute of all of this!!

Yes, we love them and will do anything for them and their health! After all, they are my children!!!!!! :D

09-08-2007, 04:26 PM
Prayers on the way for Taz and Yoshi.

I hope all goes well for the both of them and that they have a full and speedy recovery.

09-10-2007, 11:44 PM
Well tomorrow morning is the morning for Taz......

I have to bring him in and he will stay for 2 nights :( OMG! I am going to miss my little boy!!!! He has just begun to sleep all night with me, by my side and it is comforting!!!!

And then on Thursday morning I have to bring in Yoshi for his surgery!! We will be down to one kitty only - all day Thursday!! Poor Lucky! :eek: He is either going to sleep the day away, as usual or pace around looking for Taz & Yoshi.

Then Thursday night I will have two babies that will need extra TLC.

Taz isn't even gone yet and I am already missing him!!!

Please send your thoughts over this way for Taz tomorrow!!!! Thank you!!!!

09-10-2007, 11:51 PM
Bunny, I'm sure that everything will go well. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

09-11-2007, 07:10 AM
Prayers going out now but I'm sure all is well.

K & L
09-11-2007, 09:42 AM
Good luck today!! Gives us an update.

09-11-2007, 11:32 AM
If I saw your list ok, there is still a ringworm treatment for Yoshi missing ;)

When Filou lost his left K9 tooth 9 years ago, he lost it completely- nothing left. Poor Yoshi!

All the best for the Taz boy- the sleeping story gave me a good laugh- what do you expect? :D

09-11-2007, 12:42 PM
Prayers and good thoughts on the way. I'm sure everything will go just fine.

My dog Disney jumped out of the car on to the concrete garage floor, hit her mouth and broker her K-9 tooth off. She had to have the remaining part of the tooth and roots extracted. It went fine with no problems and just a groggy doggie for a few days. It really didn't bother her eating too much either.

09-11-2007, 01:44 PM
Prayers are being sent that everything will go well for both!!!

09-11-2007, 02:38 PM

Well, you are not going to believe this, I'm still in shock :eek: :

I dropped Taz off this morning for his neuter, they said they would call me when done. Got home and about 1/2 hour later I get a call from the doctor. He said they couldn't do Taz's neuter. Oh great I though, he probabbly threw a hissy fit and they couldn't control him. But no............they couldn't do a neuter on Taz, because.............Taz is not a boy............we have a

GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

OMG!!!!! What is going on???!!! HOW can this be??? The lady we got him from said he was a boy, we looked, the vet looked............apparently we all can't see very well!!!

NOW what are we going to do?? He finally realized that his name was "Taz" instead of "NO! NO!!"

I called Tim at work, he too is shocked! But...........he said he is happy to have a little girl now!!!! :)

How am I supposed to break this to Yoshi & Lucky........well, maybe they knew all along, and just didn't mention this to us!! :rolleyes:

So, they spayed "Miss" Taz and she is resting well, I get to pick her up on Thursday, but she will have a pain patch and have to go back on Saturday for a check.

OMG............... I am still in shock that Taz is really a girl!!!!! :rolleyes: :eek:

09-11-2007, 03:03 PM
That is just too funny! Well, either way, ya got yourself a little kitty kat that is better off. Good luck! Man, is that ever funny! :p

09-11-2007, 04:56 PM
ROTFLOL!!! I'm sorry but that is so funny! I hear about these kinds of stories but to know someone it really happened to is very funny.

I hope you guys weren't too set on a boy. :p

09-11-2007, 05:44 PM
Oops! Well, it's certainly not the first case of "mistaken identity"! :D Hmmm, maybe we should call her Tazina now? LOL! Glad she did well and will soon be home!


09-11-2007, 06:22 PM
LOL! I think it's pretty funny myself. I'm guessing Taz is either really fluffy or somehow there wasn't a "package" visible from the rear? :rolleyes: :p

09-11-2007, 09:16 PM
Tazmine? :) Glad to hear she came through! :)

09-11-2007, 11:54 PM
LOL Bunny this is too funny.:) At first I thought you were going to say that Taz was a cryptorchid meaning that his testicles hadn't descended yet and they were still inside of him. This is what happened with Starr but we knew he was a boy.;) I'm glad to hear that you have a little girl and that her spay went well.:)

09-12-2007, 10:52 PM
Well MISS Taz made it through surgery just fine, I can pick her up tomorrow morning after 9 am.

But.....tomorrow morning at 7 am I have to drop Yoshi off at their other office (closer to home) for his dental surgery.

Jeez, this week has been nothing but surgeries, stress and a HUGE change in our household!! :eek: Tim suggested painting her room pink, but that ain't going to happen!! lol :rolleyes: ;)

I guess Tim & I are the only shocked ones, I really believe that Yoshi & Lucky knew she was a female alll along.

All right guys, one more time for prayers and thoughts,, only this time for Yoshi (who we know for sure is male) Let's hope that his root removal will go smoothly and without any complications.

Thank you again for all your thoughts......good Lord, we really needed them this week!!!

You know.....when it rains, it really does pour!! :D

K & L
09-13-2007, 10:54 AM
Glad to hear Miss Taziana ;) is doing just fine. Yoshi will come through with flying colors. Will wait for the update. Good Luck!