View Full Version : OMG Black Widows... another few days for the bug guy

09-06-2007, 07:11 PM
So I finally called the maintenance man today to come and fix our screen door that has been off of the track for months now. As he approached the door he reached out for it and then pulled back quickly asking me if I knew about the spider egg sacs that were hanging along the outside track of the door. I told him that yes, I knew they were there but I left them be because they were outside where they belonged. He then informed me that they were black widow egg sacs :eek: :eek: He took the screen door across the yard to blast out with a hose and said that he saw hundreds of baby Black Widows go running off into the yard. He then took spider spray and drenched the track of the door and chased out big Momma Black Widow. She was huge and terrifying and thankfully is now dead as a doornail. He said that the spray won't kill the egg sacs but their bug guy will come out first thing in the morning on TUESDAY! He is out of town now :( :( I called the office and they said that they would try to get him to come back into town on Monday but that is all that they could promise right now.

That is the last time that I will just leave a spider sac alone. I don't care if it is outside. That big Momma could have easily done SERIOUS harm to either of my boys or Boomer.... Please think of us and send us some positive thoughts that we don't have any inside the house and that they can come out and take care of the problem very very soon!!!

09-06-2007, 07:16 PM
UGH! I have chills from reading this. I wouldn't have known what those looked like either. Good hting he came over (finally!)

09-06-2007, 09:31 PM
Holy crap! I think I would be residing in a hotel till they were done and gone! I am so not one for spiders, but a black widow, and hundreds of baby ones... :eek: :eek:

Ok, now I feel all itchy!!!

09-07-2007, 02:08 AM
So glad you're OK.

I'd trade you for a Black Widow any day though over these Yellow Sac spiders! We have them everywhere and can't eradicate them. They're supposedly worse than Brown Recluses. I know they've given me the creeps since the very first time I've seen one. (That was years ago and I only just recently found out about them being so dangerous.) I don't normally kill spiders (not even Black Widows... Despite what the authorities will say, YES we DO have them in MI,) but i don't waste a second in squishing Y.S.S.

09-07-2007, 08:45 AM
Yuck! Can't you just squish the egg sacks?

That is sooo creepy!

09-07-2007, 08:50 AM
Eeeewwww!!!! I'm glad he was able to identify the egg sacs and hopefully the problem will be taken care of quickly.

Love the name Big Mama!!

09-07-2007, 04:39 PM
Ewww. I'd be creeped out too. I don't think they bite too often, but hundreds of them certainly increases your chances.

There are 31 species recognized in the black widow's genus. They live in just about every country in the world, including Canada. So yep, Michigan has them.

09-07-2007, 04:40 PM
Thankfully only the mature females are dangerous. The babies and the males are harmless to humans but I still don't want them around my family!!

09-07-2007, 08:53 PM
Has anyone come to spray?

09-07-2007, 09:45 PM
The bug guy is out of town.... He'll be here first thing tuesday morning at the latest. The maintenance guy sprayed the area really well before he left and killed at least two big ones...

Ugh :eek:

09-07-2007, 11:08 PM
I'm not a spider fan - I'm glad you got rid of them thus far and hope the bug guy can blast them away...

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-08-2007, 04:22 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
OMG, I would be so scared to death!! All spiders, even the tiny ones, make me scream like a lunatic.... :o ; I think I would never dare to go back into my house for at least a year.... :eek: :o

09-09-2007, 10:49 PM
Hah. We have so many Black Widows around our yard, it's insane. And the egg sacs are huge as well >.< Kinda gross, if you ask me. But I suppose if you live in the desert, you get used to all of its creepy critters :p

Next time you encounter an egg sac, spray it with hairspray and light it on fire. It does the trick! ^_^

09-10-2007, 08:34 AM
Next time you encounter an egg sac, spray it with hairspray and light it on fire. It does the trick! ^_^

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think I'll stick with having hubby knock them down and crush them.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-10-2007, 12:39 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think I'll stick with having hubby knock them down and crush them.

oh gosh oh gosh, thinking about that sound, makes me shiver all over....! I think I am out of here :eek:

09-10-2007, 03:42 PM
The black widows that lived in my window (on the inside), never bothered me. The window was covered in them (I didn't know they were black widows at the time)... I thought they were cute look a likes & let them live in my plant. I watered my plant all the time. that required me to pick it up, to water it... Did that for 5yrs & never had a single issue.

09-10-2007, 04:00 PM
The black widows that lived in my window (on the inside), never bothered me. The window was covered in them (I didn't know they were black widows at the time)... I thought they were cute look a likes & let them live in my plant. I watered my plant all the time. that required me to pick it up, to water it... Did that for 5yrs & never had a single issue.

I don't care how peaceful they seem. The fact of the matter is that one bite from a mature female could kill either of my children and that is NOT a risk that I am willing to live with. I am horrified at the thought of us out there playing just a few feet from several very large very aggresive spiders! If you had cute little black widows in your window they were likely babies or males which are harmless. The females get very big and very mean and WILL bite you if you disturb their webs.

09-10-2007, 06:05 PM
I cannot stay away from this thread.

I just read it over and over and get goose pimples! ACK!!!!!!

09-10-2007, 06:41 PM
Sevin dust is a miracle worker. If you cannot find that have hubby go and get Home defense spray. Works wonders on arachnids!

09-10-2007, 06:44 PM
the bug guy will be here tomorrow!!!

09-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Gotta say, I love the EHRLICH PEST CONTROL man. He's my bestest friend!!

When I first moved into my house, I was in the basement and saw this big black bug and was like "What is a cricket doing down here??" My friend was like "Yeah, that's not a cricket." That was my introduction to water bugs (aka oriental roaches... :eek: :eek: ). The Ehrlich man was here the very next day. He laughed when I said I saw one. "You called me about ONE roach?" Heck ya I did!! There is NEVER just one, and one is way more than I ever want to see!! I have a monthly contract with Ehrlich, and they take care of any issue I have with any kind of bug. It's the best $40./month ever spent!

09-10-2007, 08:16 PM
I have no idea what company will be coming out! The contractors that own this part of base housing are responsible for taking care of that! I just call them up and point them in the direction of the bugs :D

09-10-2007, 10:28 PM
Ok, this comes out sounding snotty when i repeat it back to myself... that is NOT my intention.

$40/mo. :eek:

$12 has lasted me five years already. (first box was $5) *huggles her Diatomaceous Earth* (Ok, not actually hugging it... just mentally so. Even if it is National FREE Hug Day today.)

09-10-2007, 10:35 PM
Ok, this comes out sounding snotty when i repeat it back to myself... that is NOT my intention.

$40/mo. :eek:

$12 has lasted me five years already. (first box was $5) *huggles her Diatomaceous Earth* (Ok, not actually hugging it... just mentally so. Even if it is National FREE Hug Day today.)
but I have looked high and low - here and there for diatomaceous earth and I can't find it anywhere.
my dad whose been a farmer all is adult life and worked at an elevator for about 8 years had no clue what it was.
and his manager didn't know what it was.
I've seen stuff with it in it at tractor supply but never a bag that I could buy.

09-10-2007, 11:08 PM
Wow, that's weird. One of the first articles i ever found about it was about it being used in cow feed. (Which i stumbled upon wen researching what exactly the U.S. feeds cows.) (DE makes for MANY less flies around dairy farms and such.)

We get ours from a tiny local farm supply store.

I suggest looking up a few brands and either writing to them or calling and asking where they distribute to. (I just looked and the first brand we bought was Glorious Gardens and the second brand was Concern.)

I found this link where they talk about where to find it as well as other aspects... http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/organic/msg05010216853.html

but I have looked high and low - here and there for diatomaceous earth and I can't find it anywhere.
my dad whose been a farmer all is adult life and worked at an elevator for about 8 years had no clue what it was.
and his manager didn't know what it was.
I've seen stuff with it in it at tractor supply but never a bag that I could buy.

09-10-2007, 11:10 PM
Wow, that's weird. One of the first articles i ever found about it was about it being used in cow feed. (Which i stumbled upon wen researching what exactly the U.S. feeds cows.) (DE makes for MANY less flies around dairy farms and such.)

We get ours from a tiny local farm supply store.

I suggest looking up a few brands and either writing to them or calling and asking where they distribute to. (I just looked and the first brand we bought was Glorious Gardens and the second brand was Concern.)

I found this link where they talk about where to find it as well as other aspects... http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/organic/msg05010216853.html
thanks - I'll look into it more

If that means that the DE is in cows does that mean we are eating too? why am I still getting eaten alive by mosquitoes?! :p

09-10-2007, 11:16 PM
LOL! I wish it worked like that.

If that means that the DE is in cows does that mean we are eating too? why am I still getting eaten alive by mosquitoes?! :p

09-11-2007, 08:24 AM
Ok, this comes out sounding snotty when i repeat it back to myself... that is NOT my intention.

$40/mo. :eek:

$12 has lasted me five years already. (first box was $5) *huggles her Diatomaceous Earth* (Ok, not actually hugging it... just mentally so. Even if it is National FREE Hug Day today.)

Where exactly are you putting this earth stuff? Is this something I'd want to put in my basement, or kitchen or living room. Think about it. I pay monthly for prevention of having creepy crawlies in my house. I live in a row home in center city Allentown. When you live in the city, you have to deal with those who live around you and they are not always as concerned about bugs or whatever as you may be. Considering they take care of ANY kind of infestation or any kind of pest I may find, to me it's worth my time and money.

09-11-2007, 08:28 AM
Maintenance just called... The bug guy isn't coming... First I was mad but then they told me that he had a family emergency :( I guess our friendly neighborhood black widows are here for another few days. I'll send hubby out with the Bug Stop spray again later.

09-12-2007, 06:12 AM
I think i would have been out there with my hardest flattest shoes going SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH! if i was that afraid of something hurting me. *shudders* we once had these spiders that had such thick shells that i had to use almost all my strength to squish them. (I would have left them alone, but they were HUGE and making webs above the bed. I tried catching them to release, but they were quick.)

Maintenance just called... The bug guy isn't coming... First I was mad but then they told me that he had a family emergency :( I guess our friendly neighborhood black widows are here for another few days. I'll send hubby out with the Bug Stop spray again later.

09-12-2007, 09:46 AM
well they came yesterday afternoon... and were here for all of five minutes. They thought that they were being sent to my home for an ant problem so were rathered surprised to find Black Widows. They sprayed outside my doors and windows with really stinky stuff and left :( They didn't seem to know what they were doing but oh well. I haven't seen any Widows today yet *knock on wood*