View Full Version : Brick pictures!!!! More pics added with Gracie and Beanie!

09-06-2007, 02:09 PM
I stayed home sick today. Fortinatly, I had Brick here to intertain me. I took some pics of him.

"Gimmie the toy!!!"

"Fine, I'll just take it then!"

"I gotta get that squeeky!"

more squeeky carnage.


He had actually already torn the squeeky out of the toy and when we squeeked it, this is the look we got.

"You got the squeeky mom???"

"If I sit like a good boy can I have it???"


09-06-2007, 02:11 PM
He is sooo handsome! How's he getting along with everyone else?

critter crazy
09-06-2007, 02:12 PM
Brick is just a Happy handsome Boy!! Loved the last pic!! Fabulous!! thanks for sharing these, cant wait to see more pics of Brick!!:D

09-06-2007, 02:15 PM
He is sooo handsome! How's he getting along with everyone else?
He gets along fine with everyone. No fights, just a lot of playin. He even lets Beanie win.haha

09-06-2007, 02:17 PM
I can have Brick after Brick after Brick until I build a house....... he´s such a cutie!!....... and what a lovley smile..... but what can you expect from a Pittie other than THE smile....... smooch

I second what Pat asked..... any chance we get to see pics of them together soon

09-06-2007, 02:21 PM
I can have Brick after Brick after Brick until I build a house....... he´s such a cutie!!....... and what a lovley smile..... but what can you expect from a Pittie other than THE smile....... smooch

I second what Pat asked..... any chance we get to see pics of them together soon
hmmm.....It has been a while since I've posted any of the other pups. I'll grab my camera again and get pics of all of them real quick.

09-06-2007, 02:49 PM
awwwwee, look at him sitting down in the first and last ones, great job Brick! But I have a question - does he need his tail amputated because it didn't heal well after he had broken it? Because it looks pretty much like a good doggy tail to my (un-trained) eyes.

09-06-2007, 03:07 PM
He is so handsome! :D

09-06-2007, 05:19 PM
Sorry it took so long for these other pics. My computer messed up and I had to use my other one.

Gracie and Brick playing.

Brick trying to talk Gracie into giving him the toy.

Gracie playing keep away.

My good girl. So dirty. It finally rained last night and Gracie rolled in the mud this morning. :rolleyes:

My big pups sitting so nicely together.

Beanie wasn't into the crazy play. His age is getting to him.

Sorry the pics are so dark. I dunno why they turned out that way. :confused: Rally wasn't in the pics. She was eating her breakfast in her crate. She eats alone due to her food aggression.

09-06-2007, 05:42 PM
Beanies gone nekkid :D Love the photos!

09-06-2007, 07:24 PM
I just love him. he's so gorgeous. :D and yeah his tail looks like it isn't even broken to me. :confused: in this picture especially..


09-06-2007, 09:54 PM
Hmmm. maybe another excuse to call out sick tomorrow? You don't want to miss out on the fun! Your place must be zooming with activity! What fun!!!

09-06-2007, 11:03 PM

Thanks for the smiles Lute and Brick!

09-06-2007, 11:24 PM
i know this is *supposed* to be about brick, but I think Beanie is the CUTEST FREAKING DOG EVER. ok I just had to say that.

09-07-2007, 12:12 PM
Ive been away from PT for a while so I havent "met" Brick yet- HE IS GORGEOUS!!! He looks like a typical crazy, fun pittie!! :D

09-07-2007, 09:30 PM
Congrats on the new addition!! It was great to see Gracie and Beanie as well!Looks like fun at your house!
ps. I'd love to see new pictures of Rally sometime too! ;)

09-07-2007, 11:02 PM
Congrats on the new addition!! It was great to see Gracie and Beanie as well!Looks like fun at your house!
ps. I'd love to see new pictures of Rally sometime too! ;)
I'll try and get some time to upload some pics of Rally tomorrow when I get home from work. I had planned on taking her and Brick to the park for a run. Gracie can't go. She knows right where the small escape hole is. :rolleyes:

09-09-2007, 08:16 PM
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am in PITTIE HEAVEN! I did not reply to the other posts, just figured I'd reply to this one. Sorry I have missed these threads, I have been off line for a long time, but I am back. Brick is such a handsome boy, I am in love!! His fur is so brown it is red....god I love him. I am so happy you saved him from the hands of a hearless man. You are a true hero. You will see the joys of having a pittie, he will love you unconditionally for saving his life. I am so proud to know you Lex!!! ((((((HUGS)))))) BIG HUGS TO BOTH OF YOU!!! Say hi to the folks for me!!

09-09-2007, 09:03 PM
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am in PITTIE HEAVEN! I did not reply to the other posts, just figured I'd reply to this one. Sorry I have missed these threads, I have been off line for a long time, but I am back. Brick is such a handsome boy, I am in love!! His fur is so brown it is red....god I love him. I am so happy you saved him from the hands of a hearless man. You are a true hero. You will see the joys of having a pittie, he will love you unconditionally for saving his life. I am so proud to know you Lex!!! ((((((HUGS)))))) BIG HUGS TO BOTH OF YOU!!! Say hi to the folks for me!!

Thanks Tracy! I do love Brick. He has already paid my family and I back a ton. He is the sweetest dog I have ever owned! He is going to be in a parade next week. We have a night time parade and my grandparents asked to have him walk in it.