View Full Version : A question about weight?

09-06-2007, 12:57 PM
My dog Chance is seriously the pickiest eater ever!!! I have tried all kinds of dog food brands, wet food and even raw and he never eats anything!!!! I think he looks really skinny but everybody that see's him says im over reactiing and that he looks just fine.. Do you think he is too skinny or is does he look fine in weight? his ribs dont stick out or anything but I dont know if im over reacting about it. The pics I took arent really good but will give you an idea.




09-06-2007, 12:59 PM
And here is a few pics of my more plump Gracie who eats everything!




I took one of Mimi so she wouldnt feel left out.

09-06-2007, 02:10 PM
What does your vet say? They can probably give you the best opinion.
What I've been told is -You should be able to feel a little fat over the ribs, but if it's hard to find those ribs, it's time to loose some fat.

09-06-2007, 02:24 PM
My vet has this chart up in every exam room. Here is the link; you will have to scroll down. There are 5 silhouettes, the middle one is the prefered weight.


09-06-2007, 05:21 PM
I can't notice any big issue with the weight of your dog from these photos. I think he looks fine as others say.

A lot of people say that their dog doesn't eat anything but they usually eat more than their owners realise.

Here is a quote from one of John Fishers books:

"The finicky eaters usually worry their owners by hardly eating enough to keep a fly alive, when in fact they probably have a very low metabolic rate and don't need as much food as the owners think they do. Often they have learnt to play the game 'I can't eat that, it's dog food - give me a steak'; their reward is that the owner usually does. Another good ruse is 'how to get attention' and lots of picky eaters end up being hand fed. These dogs are not anorexic, they are usually just brats."

The anorexic part was mentioned because this quote came from a section about anorexia in dogs...which is different to that in people of course...not a fear of getting fat, lol. :D

09-06-2007, 05:24 PM
I personally don't think he looks thin, but I agree with everyone else. What does your vet say?

09-06-2007, 07:41 PM
thanks.... The vet never said he was too thin, he doesnt have to go to the vet for his yearly yet and he isnt sick acting so I havent taken him in awhile... but last year the vet said he seemed fine even though he lost a few pounds.

09-06-2007, 07:44 PM
I think he looks good! I'm so used to seeing obese Goldens around here, it's nice to see one who is a decent weight! :)

09-06-2007, 09:38 PM
I think he looks good! I'm so used to seeing obese Goldens around here, it's nice to see one who is a decent weight! :)

My rule: I'd rather have a lean dog than a fat dog. You can see the ribs on both Giselle and Ivy, and that's exactly how I want them to be. Every now and then, I see an extremely well-conditioned dog with rock hard muscles and the ribs slightly showing. For many many breeds, that is my ideal. After all, a little skinny is better than a little chunky ;)

09-06-2007, 09:48 PM
RB Cody had a terrible weight problem ( :o no doubt, with my help) but when he lost 20 pounds he looked great. He wasn't skinny but he got his waistline back. I see a lot of heavy dogs at the dog park. I keep a close eye on Logan (she lost 2 pounds running around) because a heavy dog develops so many problems, I couldn't bear to have another constantly ill dog.

I think Chance looks fine. I guess animals are like humans, some have a faster metabolism. My cousin's corgi ate everything they did and never gained a pound. Logan's cousin, Gizmo, the beagle is the same way.

09-06-2007, 10:45 PM
Chance looks fine if you ask me.

09-07-2007, 07:38 AM
Thanks everyone it makes me feel 100 times better now. :)