View Full Version : Rainbow and Reds first updates

09-05-2007, 11:56 AM
sorry no pictures. Ok first Rainbows. They say he was very relaxed adn calm for teh ride home. Which I am not surprised about since we did a lot of car rides to get them used to traveling. Rainbows family has 2 other smaller dogs and they were curious of him but also a bit wary since he is bigger then they are. He ate no problem and they already started his potty pen training and he went right after his meal in the pen. Then he got to play outside and meet the neighbours. Who all thought he was gorgeous(I tend to agree. lol) and loved how white his coat is. And surprise(not really) he loves air conditioning and will bite the air as it comes up through the regester. I spoiled them with teh air conditioner here. lol Esspecially during the heat wave we had. By the end of the evening he was crashed out with the dad. They are very happy adn promised me that they would update me agian later in the week. So sounds like all is going very well for little Rainbow.

Reds turn. He slept for most of the drive and then she stopped to let him out of the crate to stretch and then he slept the rest of the way home. Agian I am so glad I crate trained them and got them used to car rides. He is eating and drinking fine, Comes when they call him by name(we have been using their new call names since the night the families were matched with their pups), He slept most of the night and then went potty and then back to sleep. So sounds like they had a fairly easy night. He went to the vet and all is fine. Their dog is adjusting well to him and the cat is learning to tolerate him. His house training is going very well and he has yet to have an accident. Which they are very proud of. They know to expect some accidents but are proud that he has not had any yet. And so am I. And they also promised to send me more updates soon.

Reading these really made me happy. It sounds like both pups are adjusting very well and are not stressed at all. Takes a huge weight off my shoulders. I knew you all would want to know how they are doing.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

09-05-2007, 12:19 PM
What are their call names?
I was LOL reading about Rainbow Sherman and the AC vent! :D

09-05-2007, 02:48 PM
Wonderful! I'm so glad they are adjusting well:)

Lady's Human
09-05-2007, 04:41 PM
Glad to see the pupsters are adjusting well to their new homes. I hope they get spoiled rotten!

09-05-2007, 09:14 PM
It's good to hear the pups are doing so good in their new homes! :D

09-05-2007, 11:38 PM
I'm thrilled they're doing great..but I sure do miss them. Lucky owners, to get such great pups!

09-06-2007, 11:57 AM
Thanks all. Got another update from Rainbows owners this morning.

He had his mandatory first vet visit and was pronounced very healthy. He now weighs 14 lbs and is eating very well. He is getting along with their cats and dogs. He loves to play out side and has had very few accidents in the house and he is picking up the pottying idea quite quickly. He has been sleeping through the night from 10pm-7am so about 9 hours straight. He is fine with being in his crate when they have to step our for an hour or two and shows no sign of stress when they get back.

Thats it and sorry no pictures yet. lol I know you all really want to see some and so do I. lol So he is doing very well and is defiantely well loved and taken care of. Just wanted you all to know how he is doing.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

09-06-2007, 10:41 PM
Sounds like Rainbow Sherman and Red are off to a great start with their new families! You did an awesome job preparing them!