View Full Version : Call me wierd, but this is SCARY! *COOL GHOST SITE*

09-05-2007, 10:07 AM
Ok, a couple years ago when I first moved into the new house (I was probably nine or ten) and I would wake up in the middle of the night because I would hear voices and footsteps. So I got up and I heard something coming from the hallway, so I checked what it was and there was this person walking back and forth. They didn't seem to notice me and I was right in front of me. She was a young lady and she looked really worried and was mummbling something. I got really scared so I went back in my room and locked my door.

A couple nights later, it got cold all of a sudden so I woke up and a little girl was standing across my room staring at me. I screamed so loud that my mom came in and asked what was wrong. I told her someone was in my room, but when I looked where she was standing, she wasn't there anymore.

I wasn't the only the one who saw these ghosts or sprites or whatever you want to call them. My mom and her boyfriend would see them too.

Now, last night I woke up cause I was thirsty. I went downstairs to get a cup of water and I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and that girl was behind me!!! :eek: I got so scared. I didn't scream or anything cause my sister was sleeping. She just stared at me. I walked back upstairs and she just looked at me walking away.

Call me weird, but I was so scared. I haven't seen them for about 4 or 3 years and now they are coming back!!

09-05-2007, 10:08 AM
Do you know who used to live in that house?

09-05-2007, 10:19 AM
Do you know who used to live in that house?

Yes. I asked a couple neighbors if they remember who lived there and they told me it was a family and an older woman.

09-05-2007, 11:06 AM
They are apparitions. Try to find out exactly who lived in the house (names, ages, any tragedies that happened). I'll bet you'll be surprized.

Do NOT dismiss it.

They seem to be friendly ghosts. If they weren't, a lot worse can happen. Tell them that they need to go to the other side, that it's okay.

I truly believe in that kind of stuff. My Dad has been gone for ten years and I still smell cigar smoke every once in a while, while I'm alone. I know that's HIS way of telling me he's watching me.

09-05-2007, 12:04 PM
Oh my gosh I'd have a heart attack and die and become a ghost too! :eek:

09-05-2007, 12:31 PM
They are apparitions. Try to find out exactly who lived in the house (names, ages, any tragedies that happened). I'll bet you'll be surprized.

I tried typing my address in Google, but nothing happened. How can I find this stuff out?

09-05-2007, 12:55 PM
Go to City Hall - they have property records.

09-05-2007, 01:01 PM
Or the LIBRARY. =)

That's not weird; I've had that happen too. It was at least 4 years ago, though.

09-05-2007, 01:20 PM
They are apparitions. Try to find out exactly who lived in the house (names, ages, any tragedies that happened). I'll bet you'll be surprized.

Do NOT dismiss it.

They seem to be friendly ghosts. If they weren't, a lot worse can happen. Tell them that they need to go to the other side, that it's okay.

I truly believe in that kind of stuff. My Dad has been gone for ten years and I still smell cigar smoke every once in a while, while I'm alone. I know that's HIS way of telling me he's watching me.

I saw my nan alot when I was little. I lived in 2 houses where I've seen spirits and as said above she doesnt want to hurt you just remember that when you see her again. They are lost souls she probably trying to get you to help her in her own way. I have lived in a house with a not so nice spirit and she done more than just stare. :( Try not to be scared You have a gift of seeing her. Definatly find out you records from the library.

We did the same for our house because my mum was curious about me telling her about this girl. She found out that my house was raided during a war and was surrounded by a poppy field. I had a really weird experience, It was whist I was sleeping I had the nightmare that I was running through a poppy field and ran into my house and upstairs into my cupboard and my heart was up in my mouth I could feel my heartbeat so badly, The door opened and I got shot by a uniformed man. I woke up in such a state and a red mark on my body where "I" was shot. We moved after that happened. Bearing in mind that my mum did this research after my experience. My mum would swear I was in standing somewhere downstairs and I was upstairs playing, I dont know much about this girl but she was very weird and the house just seemed quite evil to be honest.

09-05-2007, 02:16 PM
Yes my mom & me has that gift because sometimes i see an person pacing around outside my house or in my room. They cant hurt you directly but we once lived in an house with an bad one and we had serious bugs!

09-05-2007, 02:35 PM
Oh my gosh I'd have a heart attack and die and become a ghost too! :eek:


I've always wanted to see a ghost...UFO too. But stuff like that never happens to me.

I think your ghosts appear to be friendly. They probably think they still live in the house. I wish I lived near you so I could visit your house in the hopes of seeing them. But I'm with Kalei. I'd probably have a heart attack.

When I went to Nevada last month, I went to the Piper Opera House in Virginia City. There was a tour going on and some people on the tour were claravoent (spelling??). They were in the some of the box seats and they could smell cigar smoke and they felt a presence. I ran up there hoping I could feel something too. But I didn't. :( Then I took a whole bunch of pictures hoping I would "catch" a figure in one of them. Never happened. :(

09-05-2007, 03:18 PM
Did anyone who lives in or near Phila. ever go to the Eastern State Prison? I went there last year for Halloween and boy, it was so scary! It's a old, haunted prison and you can walk through it, go in cells, watch LIVE videos of the ghosts in there or there's a huanted house you can go in. I want with my friend and my dad and it was so scary, but cool. Here's the site: http://www.easternstate.org/halloween

If you click on 'Real Ghost Sightings' you can watch creepy videos if you dare.:p

09-05-2007, 03:25 PM
Wow I didn't know that people even had those 'gifts' I just thought that if there were a ghost near you then you would be able to see it, but maybe only some people can see them.

I haven't seen one yet, and honestly if I just don't have the 'gift', I am kind of glad because that would be such a burden on your shoulders to bear, seeing these ghosts and feeling the need to help them yet not get too scared...I don't think I could ever do it.

You are very brave KittyGurl.

09-05-2007, 04:42 PM
Woah thats really werid, I never really knew you could actually see the ghosts presence. I thought people could just feel them around you like know there there. I be freaked out if that happened though. :eek: When I use to live in florida there was a town close called Saint Augustine. They had this hotel there, that suppously had this one haunted room where they said once this ladies purse was found in the sink with water in it, and a man under the bed and stuff. But, I never stayed there I was too scared. I have no idea if I would now, I'd probably like stay up all night though to try and see them, since I wouldn't be able to get the sleep anyway :p

09-05-2007, 04:54 PM
I have no idea if I would now, I'd probably like stay up all night though to try and see them, since I wouldn't be able to get the sleep anyway :p

That's what I wanna do. I'll probably do some ghost calling ceremony tonight;)

When I use to live in florida there was a town close called Saint Augustine. They had this hotel there, that suppously had this one haunted room where they said once this ladies purse was found in the sink with water in it, and a man under the bed and stuff.

OMG!! Are you serious! That is freaky and scary. I wouldn't blame you for being scared to stay there.

09-05-2007, 06:50 PM
Woah thats really werid, I never really knew you could actually see the ghosts presence.

I don't call them ghosts, I call them spirits. :)