View Full Version : Unnecessary trip to the white coats

09-05-2007, 09:11 AM
Boy oh boy did I feel like a horses paw-tutie yesterday. :o

I made an appointment for Buddy because where he pulled his nail out a few weeks ago was looking nasty. (or so I thought)
So we went yesterday and of course had to bring the princess along for the ride :rolleyes:.
The vet walks in and the first thing he says is.."Oh Buddy, you've had a rough year with these feet huh!" (yeah Doc... tell me something I don't already know! :p )
He looks at it and says, Oh.. that is looking good.

That looks GOOD?? :eek:
Alrightly.. if you say so, your the Doc.
He gave us antibiotics to be on the safe side too.
And of course while I was there I decided to pick up more Interceptor... so our unnecessary trip to the white coats put me out $117!! :eek:
He's pretty sure the entire nail bed was pulled out and doesn't think a nail will ever grown back.
One less nail to trim I guess! :p

09-05-2007, 09:18 AM
Now come on, part of that $117 was for the Interceptor which you would have bought sooner or later anyhow.

There is something to be said for lessening your anxiety about the toesies, as well.

Glad there was only GOOD news! That's what we all love to hear.

Hugs and petts to Buddy and his consort! :D

09-05-2007, 09:31 AM
One less nail to trim I guess! :pAtta girl, look at the bright side! Far better to spend a little money to know he's alright than wait....and possibly have a REAL emergency because it wasn't alright! :D Smooches to Princess Sierra and a big hug to Buddy ;)

Cinder & Smoke
09-05-2007, 11:15 AM
:eek: (Why I'm not a Vet!)

Started last weekend --- found a "Burr" embeded in Miz Cinder's fur coat - on her back.

*Tug* - *wiggle* - *roll* - *pull* - <rrrrip> --- GOT IT!

Monday ... anudder "Burr" ...
*Tug* - *wiggle* - *roll* - *pull* - <rrripp> --- GOT IT!

Tuesday - :eek: - ANUDDER "Burr" ... same place ... HOW are you doin this???

*TUGG* - *ROLL* - *PULL* - *YANK* - <<RRRRRIPPP>> - :eek: Furr Roots!

OMG! Now there's a HOLE in her fur coat!

Wednesday - skin feels "wrinkled & bumpy" ... better call Doc Mike!
Short day - office is closed.
I first aid the "hole" with a warm water bath ... buncha "pink" comes off.

Thursday ... talk to the Girls ... they check with Doc ... come at 5:30 - we'll hang around.

5:30 and the last lil Kat heads for home ... NEXT!
After greetings and salutations ... Cinder's on the elevator table and SmokeMutt's
acting forgotten ... he got a bisquit.
Right THERE Doc ... OMG - I can't FIND it!

He felt around and announced "I got it!" ... Hmmmmmm ...

It was now "nothing" ... HAD been a rub or irritation --- I'd been "pulling SCABS" ...
not the best thing in the world to do ... but no harm done. Leave it ALONE for a few days
and it should vanish and the fur will grow back. No creame, no salve - NUFFIN!

And then more good news ... How much ($$), Doc?
"NO CHARGE - we didn't DO anything but *look*! - Have phunn at the Dawg Park!!
Here Kids - have anudder TREET!"

WOW! ~~~ THANKS, Doc!!
I alway knew I liked him!


09-05-2007, 12:23 PM
pulled the whole nailbed out?!
**huge shudder**
poor guy? Does he limp at all?
I hate those quick trips when it is supposed to be just a routine but
you need frontline, heartguard, and thyroid meds. $200 later....

09-05-2007, 01:15 PM
Yep Staci... the entire thing!! :eek:
Nope, he doesn't limp at all! He only did the 1st day it happened!

Phred, you got a great deal there!

09-05-2007, 02:46 PM
Even though it wasn't really a necessary trip I'm glad that the doc said his foot looks good:)

09-05-2007, 03:23 PM
I've made many unnecessary trips to the vet. I told my vet once that Pingo's problem was she has a neurotic owner! He told me "better neurotic than sorry" (Turned out there really was something wrong with Pingo that time). I've taken Bandit in just because he stopped talking.. "he's lost his woo" was what I told the clinic. Paxil has been in for what turned out to be nothing too! I'm quite happy to spend 50 bucks on an office visit and have Dr. Rick tell me nothings wrong!

Glad Buddy is ok!

Ginger's Mom
09-05-2007, 03:24 PM
My philosophy is, it is not a wasted trip if it gives you peace of mind. :) I am glad to hear that Buddy is healing up well, and hope that he has learned from this experience.

09-05-2007, 06:12 PM
I don't believe in such a thing as an 'unnecessary' trip to the vet. Even if whatever it is, from a tick that looks like a mole, to a scabed over wound that is healing well, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen the look of absolute relief come over a worried pet owners face when the vet says everything looks good. That alone is worth the visit in my opinion, since I've BTDT myself a couple times over minor things. Besides a person never knows when it's serious and when it's not, so having a vet look at something might catch a problem early and prevent more problems later.

Glad it turned out to be noting serious.

09-05-2007, 06:20 PM
I'm glad the vet thinks it's healin up good. We had a German Shepherd that was boarding at the vet jump on the chainlink fence and ripped out THREE of his nails. Poor guy. I hated having to tell the owners, but fortinatly they had boarded with us before and understood it was an accident.

Interceptor can be a bit pricey. Atleast your pups will be heartworm free! :)

09-05-2007, 06:43 PM
One less nail to trim I guess! :p

See, there's always a positive way to look at things. ;) Let's hope that Buddy doesn't do any more damage to himself! I just bet when he was walking into the vet's he was probably saying to himself "now what did I do now?" :p

As the Mastercard commercial goes....
Exam at the vets and Interceptor - $117
Peace of mind - Priceless :)

09-05-2007, 09:33 PM
Like a few others have said Angie, there's no such thing as an unnecessary trip to the vets. :)

09-06-2007, 07:09 AM
I've taken Bandit in just because he stopped talking.. "he's lost his woo" was what I told the clinic.

LOL! Okay... now THAT'S funny!!! :D

Lute- Holy Moley!!! 3 NAILS!! :eek: Yes, it IS pricey, but Buddy gets worms every blasted summer!!! :mad: This year is the first year of them being on Interceptor and the first year (knock on wood) we haven't had worms!! So it's very well worth it!

Pam.. I love the MasterCard commercial! :p

Thanks everyone for the comments!!

09-06-2007, 10:31 AM
Lute- Holy Moley!!! 3 NAILS!! :eek: Yes, it IS pricey, but Buddy gets worms every blasted summer!!! :mad: This year is the first year of them being on Interceptor and the first year (knock on wood) we haven't had worms!! So it's very well worth it!

Wow! Buddy had HW every year??? I hope you mean intestinal worms...not that it's any better, but is less hecktic on the dog for removal. All my dogs are on Interceptor and we've been HW and intestinal worm free.

09-06-2007, 10:37 AM
Wow! Buddy had HW every year??? I hope you mean intestinal worms...not that it's any better, but is less hecktic on the dog for removal. All my dogs are on Interceptor and we've been HW and intestinal worm free.
I'm sure she means intestional worms, I doubt a dog would survive multiple heartworm treatments.

09-06-2007, 11:43 AM
Wow! Buddy had HW every year??? I hope you mean intestinal worms...not that it's any better, but is less hecktic on the dog for removal. All my dogs are on Interceptor and we've been HW and intestinal worm free.

No, not heart worms... intestinal worms. :D

09-06-2007, 12:22 PM
No, not heart worms... intestinal worms. :D
Oh, I see! I'm glad Buddy has been worm free this year.

09-06-2007, 10:00 PM
I doubt a dog would survive multiple heartworm treatments.

Actually they can, but it makes them (pardon the pun), sick as a dog afterwards.

We've had several clients that just don't seem to believe in preventatives so they have put their dogs through HW treatments every couple years because of their ignorance. Grrrrr :mad: