View Full Version : Pictures of Dozer and Mike's nephew (VERY adorable)

09-04-2007, 06:34 PM
My boyfriend's dog, Dozer is such a sweetheart. I absolutely love that dog. He's so gentle and smart, he can be such a blockhead sometimes (like one time he ran into the fence going after a tennis ball.. ) but anyways - This is Eddie, Mike's nephew who's a year old. He kept trying to lay by the dog, be very comfortable and we all laughed when we watched him doing that. Eddie kept leaning back, putting his arms behin his head, just to rest his head onto the dog. Dozer just laid there and just kept giving him little kisses. :) I couldn't help but I had to take a couple pictures! I hope you guys enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed seeing his interaction with Dozer.



I ADORE this picture:


critter crazy
09-04-2007, 07:33 PM
Awwww....those pics are so cute!! Eddies is just a huge Cutie pie!! Awwwww.....:D

Daisy and Delilah
09-04-2007, 08:30 PM
Awwwww!!!! Eddie and Dozer are just perfect together. I love both of them :) Wonderful pictures!!! :)

09-05-2007, 07:20 AM
Awwwww... great pictures!