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View Full Version : One of Our Cat's Has Blood in It's Poo

09-04-2007, 04:13 PM
Okay I am starting to get really worried. For the past two nights we have been finding poo on the floor in the morning. And its been diarrhea all the time. I know its not Bobo, because Bobo is in my room all night with the door closed, and I'm almost 99% sure its not Kalypso.

I think its my sister's cat Cc. I just went to clean the litter box and a fresh pile of diarrhea was there, and it did look like it had blood in it. And the ones that were on the floor looked like they had blood in it too. I know Cc is not my cat, but I don't think blood in poo is good is it? :(

I have never had this problem with a cat before, is blood in poo really dangerously bad, or is it a small something that maybe I can fix?

Please pray that whatever it is, that the cat will be okay.

09-04-2007, 04:15 PM
I dunno what it is. If it dosent go away in an few days i would take the cat to the vet.

09-04-2007, 04:34 PM
It's Kalypso:( I am wondering if the reason is because she's eating adult food. I always have kitten food on the floor for her, but she watches the cats jump up on the bathroom counter and she jumps up there and eats their food too. Could adult food cause this? I just moved the adult cat's food up higher where I hope she can not jump.

09-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Blood in the stool is not normal. It may not be anything too serious but you need to call your vet now.

Miss Z
09-04-2007, 04:43 PM
The first thing that I would check with Kalypso is that she is well hydrated. She'll be losing a lot of water in her diarrhoea that would normally be absorbed in the intestine, and being dehydrated can be quite dangerous.

There can be many causes for blood in the faeces, but it certainly is not a good sign and I would advise that a trip to the vet is in order to identify the problem exactly. Whilst I was on work experience at the vet practice, we had a cat in exhibiting loose faeces with blood which was identified with a gastrointestinal condition, so this could be what Kalypso has got too.

I'm so sorry that Kalypso is under the weather. I hope she'll be feeling a lot better soon!

09-04-2007, 04:44 PM
Oh no. The only cat I had with that was Rumor a year or two ago and the vet put her on antibiotics.

09-04-2007, 04:47 PM
Actually Kalypso isn't under the weather at all. She is the happiest cat here and running and jumping and as normal as normal can ever be. It doesn't affect her at all. It just seems that she is having diarrhea and little hints of blood here and there. But its not effecting how she acts or anything.

But I already had made an appointment with the vet for next wensday, so if she still has it by then, then I will mention it to the vet and see what he/she thinks.

09-04-2007, 04:49 PM
That was how Rumor acted. She was fine, eating, drinking and playing as usual, but she had very stinky bloody diarrhea. I waited about a week before I took her to the vet because she just seemed so healthy but it never got better. The vet wasn't really sure what it was and just gave her clavamox or something along those lines for a week. Cleared it right up.

09-04-2007, 04:54 PM
Next Wednesday, as in a week from tomorrow? If so, that's a long time to wait. I'd see if I could get her in sooner, if possible. If she becomes dehydrated, you could have a real problem on your hands. Think about it, would you want to have diarrhea for over a week? It weakens the system and they don't get proper nutrition because it isn't absorbed into the system.

09-04-2007, 04:55 PM
Well I can try, but my vet is really busy, they could barely make me an appointment for next wensday, and I called about that appointment 3 weeks ago.

I also don't have the biggest amount of money right now, and I have no idea what he will charge to get a poo sample and what it will all come to after that.

09-04-2007, 04:57 PM
I would think that if it was affecting her health, or dehydration, that she would show it in the way she acts.

Could it be from eating adult cat food?

09-04-2007, 05:07 PM
Kalei - you don't have to wait to take Kalypso in! :)

Get a sample of the poo and put it in a clean plastic sandwich bag or ziplock bag, and take it to the vet. They can analyze it there MUCH sooner than you waiting to take your kitty in.

When I first got Cole, he had some diarrhea with blood also. I just took in the sample, they told me what they found, and then I got antibiotics.

It was coccidia, and cleared up in about two days, but I gave Cole the pills for 5 days.

So - just take the sample in! :)

09-04-2007, 05:14 PM
Kalei - you don't have to wait to take Kalypso in! :)

Get a sample of the poo and put it in a clean plastic sandwich bag or ziplock bag, and take it to the vet. They can analyze it there MUCH sooner than you waiting to take your kitty in.

When I first got Cole, he had some diarrhea with blood also. I just took in the sample, they told me what they found, and then I got antibiotics.

It was coccidia, and cleared up in about two days, but I gave Cole the pills for 5 days.

So - just take the sample in! :)

That's a good idea, I will try to get a sample tomorrow and take it in. Our vet would be closed already today. Althought I don't really want to put diarrhea in a plastic bag....yuck!

But I will do it for my kitty. I just hope the antibiotics don't cost alot.

09-04-2007, 07:24 PM
Thats A Good Idea About The Sample. I Dont Think That Eating Adult Food Would Do That As I Ahve Had Kittens That Ate Adult Food And There Were No Problems In That Respect. I Would Do That Asap So You Dont Worry, And Its Cured And Kalypsos Better Sooner.

09-04-2007, 07:33 PM
Kalei - yeah, it's yuck! But use three sandwich baggies (all new ones). Put two over your hand to pick up the poo with - or use a flat piece of cardboard like the stuff shoeboxes are made of to scoop it up with.

Don't worry, they don't need a LOT of the stuff! :)

In November 2005, Cole's nanlysis was $14.32 CDN and the meds were $14.00. The drug was Metronidazole 75 mg.

I hope that's all Kalypso needs! :)

09-04-2007, 07:45 PM
Not to minimize the possible seriousness of bloody diarrhea, however it is possible a bad reaction to a food change, in this case to adult food, could possibly cause this.

While any diarrhea is dangerous because of dehydration and underlying problems, we had one of our hospital cats do this a while back. We had been feeding her the same food we feed our patients and she was fine with that. However we got a ton of sample packets of a different food and figured we'd feed it to her. We did the food change gradually, but soon she started losing weight, losing her hair, getting scabs all over her body and had horrible bloody diarrhea. We couldn't find anything else wrong with her and changed her food back. After two days her stools firmed up, and after a week no new scabs. After two weeks you could see the hair trying to grow back.

I'm not saying that's what this particular cats problem is, however being it was mentioned she recently started eating a new food, it could be a problem. The cat still needs to see the vet though and soon to prevent further problems. Until you can get to the vet or at least a fecal sample, try to keep your cat in it's own food bowl, not the one that has the other food in it. If you have to feed the cats separately, it could make a big difference.

Is your vet always that busy? If so then I'd concider getting a second vet for emergencies or outright change vets. It's not good to have to wait 3 or more WEEKS when you have a problem now. Most vets should be able to get you in within a day or two, sooner if it's an emergency.

Good luck and keep us posted.

09-04-2007, 07:52 PM
Poor Kalypso... hope it's nothing serious! Will be sending up good thoughts and prayers for her, and sending out big hugs for her as well!

09-04-2007, 07:53 PM
Thanks Catlady, that's what I am trying to do right now. Its really hard to keep Kalypso away from the adult food, just for the fact that she can jump pretty much as high as them. I put the food in a different spot that is a little higher up so I am hoping that she won't figure out its there and be able to jump that high.

Right now Kalypso has been on Nutrience for Kittens, but she also had been getting up and eating the cat's adult food, so she has been getting a mixture of both now for awhile.

09-04-2007, 10:26 PM
Poor sweet Kalypso. I glad though that she is still running and playing.

I was going to suggest the same thing that Catty1 did. Getting a sample to the vet tomorrow. At least they can rule out any bacterial infection or worms. Personally, I think it could be the food. This happened with Lindy Lou when she got into the adult food. All I did was kept her in my room for a few days and mixed some Rice Baby Cereal in with some wet food and gave it to her. Within two days her bowels were back to normal, and the adult food got put up higher. :)

09-05-2007, 04:41 PM
Kalei, how is miss Kalypso today? How do her stools look, any more blood?

09-05-2007, 05:55 PM
Thanks for asking:) I just looked at one of her poos and even looked inside it ....gross...and it doesn't have any blood in it, and it is still a form of diarrhea but its not as watery as before, it is a bit firmer:) Yay! She has gone a full 24 hours without any adult food, so lets hope it was that:D Maybe tomorrow it will be even better.

09-10-2007, 04:41 PM
Kalei, how is sweet Kalypso? No more blood I hope.