View Full Version : Where isn't your cat allowed to go?

Former User
07-31-2002, 01:26 PM
With us, we try to keep them away from kitchen table and counters, there just isn't room for them. Also when bed is unmade they can't go there with their toys. Other than that, they are free to roam, and boy they do :rolleyes:

So, how's it in your house?

07-31-2002, 01:33 PM
I don't have any cats, but my birds are free to roam everywhere except the kitchen at cooking time, because of the hot stove and oven. Otherwise, they are free to roam the entire house; they even go up and down the stairs on their own!

07-31-2002, 01:53 PM
Let's see, they can go anywhere in the apartment except behind the computer (too many wires/cords) and the closets. They aren't allowed on the kitchen counter or table either.

Noel isn't allowed outside anymore. She eats my plants and tries to slide under the railing! We are on the second floor so it really scared me when I saw her doing that. :eek:

Edwina's Secretary
07-31-2002, 02:22 PM
Well...here I go again being the completely indulgent mama....

There are no restiction on where Edwina goes. She HATES the kitchen counter and if put on them ...jumps down and runs. And she is not to get on the eating tables if we have company.

Is there an icon for embarrassed??? :o :o

(Guess no one will be coming to my house for dinner...:rolleyes: )

07-31-2002, 02:35 PM
I am afraid to say that my cats are allowed to roam free inside my house. Like Edwina, they are not allowed on the table when I have guests, although they give it their best to at least sit on laps after the meal is eaten. Other than the that, they go everywhere/anywhere they wish.

They do not go outside. I know if I start with the leash thing, I will never get any rest. They will hound me until I have a nervous breakdown.

My kitties are spoiled!:o

07-31-2002, 04:15 PM
Scout has free roam of the apartment. I keep the toliet lids down(no drowned kitty for me) and try very hard to keep him out of the recliner(I love how tiny he is, but it will be a relief when he's too big to crawl underneath.)

I guess you could say he's not allowed in the ferret room. If I ever introduce them , it would be one at a time and under strict supervision. Scout could easily jump over the barrier that I have up so the ferts can't get out...but so far he chooses not to venture in.

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-31-2002, 04:22 PM
Tinky and Jupiter are only not allowed on the kitchen counters and kitchen table or the garage.... other than that they have free roam of the house....
Well Eric... my husband.... tries to keep them off of the coffeetable and endtables but **Mommy doesn't care** so I doubt they will ever catch on to that ;)
AND... they are not allowed outside unless they have thier leashes on... and accompanied by me of course.

07-31-2002, 04:25 PM
I was hoping to keep them off the kitchen counters and table..... but we lost that battle. I keep the bathroom door closed( they wait outside and do body slams against the door if I'm in there too long) and my workroom cause there 's too many things that might harm them in there. Other than that they have all the house and we are at their mercy cause our third floor bedroom has no doors.:rolleyes:

07-31-2002, 04:28 PM
they go wherever they want, except the kitchen counter and table (and all but one chair).Celeste sleeps in Ethan's special feeding chair, but never uses it for getting on the table, so it's ok. Also, no sinks we use are to be drank out of (dripping water) because, well, if they lick the tap, then the water coming out will have,...kitty germs!hehe. at this very moment Celeste is grumbling because Mason is holding her. not growling, but whiny mumbling, 'please put me down, PLEASE!' :D

07-31-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by lailamara
I was hoping to keep them off the kitchen counters and table..... but we lost that battle.

Same here, although when my boys see my hubby come into the room they fly right off the table and counter ASAP. They know I am a bit of a softy and don't get down until I tell them to. :rolleyes:

The only place they really can't go is outside!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-31-2002, 04:39 PM
Tubby and Peanut can go anywhere they can get. ;) Which means that Tubby used to be banned from counter tops, but he can't jump that high anymore so it's not a problem. :p Peanut never had a thing for the counter and will jump down if put up there. They get out in the garage when Terry is out there, and they get outside when I put them on their leashes. So, there really isn't anywhere they can't go. It helps that there are places they don't want to go though. ;) :D

When Tubby was a lot younger, I didn't want him turning into a beggar cat, so I banned him from the kitchen while I was cooking & eating. Well, that lasted until I moved back in with my parents and "grandma" indulged him shamelessly, and now Terry is even worse than "grandma." :p So both Tubby & Peanut have turned into professional beggars. :rolleyes:

Miss Meow
07-31-2002, 07:16 PM
Mine go anywhere, everywhere, and back again just to make sure their surroundings aren't any different from five minutes ago. They aren't allowed into the courtyard without supervision after Mini's great escape from the garbage bin into one of our neighbour's ferneries. It was full of cobwebs and spiders and other evil scary creatures - I nearly left him there!

I wish they'd keep out of the bathroom sink, washing basket and top of kitchen cupboards, and I really wish Mini would stop dragging my undies out of the washing basket around the house. No wonder visitors don't come around as often!

07-31-2002, 07:53 PM
I am constantly walking on furry toys and bottle tops. I usually remember to wear slippers around the house, but even then, I can find something in my slipper every now and then. I find toys in the bed when I awake in the morning and find toys under every piece of furniture in the house. Last night I did some laundry and when I was transferring from the washer to the dryer I found a catnip mouse had been washed with my clothes. It evidently was tucked into the hamper by one of the little furry monster cats.

There is nothing sacred in my house. They move and remove every movable object. Everything. No wonder half my earings don't have mates.

Maybe I should confine them to a tiny room. Sure! That would work! NOT!:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-31-2002, 10:56 PM
They are not allowed OUTSIDE (too much traffic close by), but that's not the question I don't think.

Inside, I am (kind of) embarrassed to say they go pretty much everywhere they want :o except on the kitchen counters when I am cooking. My kitties are spoiled........................

Miss Meow
08-01-2002, 04:56 AM
Can't help myself ...

Miss Meow
08-01-2002, 04:59 AM
Oops, hit post instead of attach

08-01-2002, 06:58 AM
Ours is the same way casper&kitty's mom and no kitchen while i'm cooking either :)

08-01-2002, 07:03 AM
My babies go anywhere they please, EXCEPT OUTSIDE!!!!:)