View Full Version : Teary-eyed Too Much

09-03-2007, 08:54 AM
I don't know if you guys will either think I'm really weird, or just normal. But when it comes to cats and any animals in general getting hurt, or I hear about an animal getting hurt I get teary-eyed and sometimes just can't hold it in.

Lately I hear alot of stories about kittens being put in pillow-cases and either thrown in the ocean or thrown in a river in January. And I don't mean this is happening right now, but I go to a church where there is alot of get togethers and socialization, and I hear these stories. Everytime I hear one I can barely hide my tears. I think alot of people that see me like that think I'm a little too sensitive.

Just last night a guy was talking about this guy he knew who threw his cat across the room, the cat got a broken leg and a lady that was there was an animal lover (now he said animal lover like we were horrible stupid people) and she told that man that by the end of the day she was going to put him in jail. And within four hours she was able to have him put to jail for 21 days. This guy that was telling this to me and some others said "Isnt that just dumb!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I believe that whether its a cat or a human thrown against a wall, that they both deserve the same punishment.

If an animal breaks its leg, it feels the same amount of pain as we would. How should they be lowered to a different level like they have no physical pain or feelings? If it wasn't for me being in a house with a bunch of church people, I would have spoke my mind, but I tried my best to just keep my mouth shut and hold back my tears for that poor cat. I am personally ecsatically glad that that man was put to jail.

Anyways, am I being normal, or do you think I am actually being a little too over-sensitive about animals? Sometimes I wish I didn't get so teary eyed over animals, but I just can't help it, just hearing any stories about animals getting hurt I get this terrible feeling and I even get a headache from trying to hold my tears and crying back. Well if anyone read this, thank you very much:)

09-03-2007, 09:18 AM
I don't think you are oversensitive at all. You also have much more restraint than I do. Whether my family were church goers or not I would most definately have spoke my mind and I am sure I would have offended more than one person. When I hear stories about what so called 'humans' do to animals I get so angry. I do tear up but it is just as much from anger toward the person as for sadness for what the animal has had to go through. People are sick. There are us who love animals, those that tolerate them, and those who find them to be a bother. And for us animal people the others just don't understand where we come from. We are our own special group and cannot understand how the others can be as they are. I wish there were more animal lovers in the world then we wouldn't have to hear such horror stories as a pitbull being barbequed alive, or a cat being soaked with gasoline and burned, or someone skinning an animal and leaving for the owners to find. Some people don't deserve to breath the same air as animals. It is sad that 'WE' are so few and far between.

I will and do gladly proclaim myself a part of that elite group called 'Animal Lovers' and will always be there to put anyone in their place who thinks we are wrong or strange. Animals deserve to be treated with love and respect unlike some rotten people in this world.

((((((HUGS)))))) You are a good person and I am glad to know you.


09-03-2007, 09:18 AM
Kalie, I am the same way. You are human and compassionate, which is a great thing!

I am surprised these people are regular church goers, geesh! Maybe a word to the pastor and he/ she can do a sermon on St Francis of Assisi and caring for God's creatures!

09-03-2007, 09:24 AM
Aw thanks so much you two. Kittycats-delight, your words are so true and you had me holding back tears again, but they were happy tears as well to know that we animal lovers do have to stick together. And I'm glad we do. I had no idea that there were any pitbulls bbq'ed alive, that just horrered me. I couldn't believe it! Just he mental picture is enough to drive an animal lover crazy.

Last night I did stick up for me and animal as much as I thought I should. When one of the guys were telling a story about how when they were young they had to throw kittens into a freezing river, he said "now adays they'd shoot ya if they found that out" and I replied "I would shoot ya!" But when it came to the man thinking it was dumb to put a man in jail for that cat's broken leg, I did have an immense amount of anger built up towards him, but I knew I just had to hold back what I wanted to say because of the fact that I was in another person's house. If I weren't I would have let loose and I wish I could have.

09-03-2007, 09:29 AM
Kalei, The pitbull think happened quite some time ago. About 2 years or so. I read the article here on PT. If I remember right she was just a puppy. She did survive and after a long long recovery was adopted. I cannot remember by who (maybe one of her rescuers). Even after what she went through she was a happy and lovable little angel. So goes to show you how much more 'human' she was than the 'animals' that did it to her.

09-03-2007, 10:03 AM
Kalei your heart is in the right place - I wish more people were as caring and compassionate. In my opinion, you're better than 'normal' :)

09-03-2007, 04:07 PM
Kalei, The pitbull think happened quite some time ago. About 2 years or so. I read the article here on PT. If I remember right she was just a puppy. She did survive and after a long long recovery was adopted. I cannot remember by who (maybe one of her rescuers). Even after what she went through she was a happy and lovable little angel. So goes to show you how much more 'human' she was than the 'animals' that did it to her.

Wow, isn't the love and compassion of an animal the most uncondtional and forgiving that any type of love could ever be? I mean after that puppy going through that and then still able to have love towards humans. It's just amazes me.

Bengalz thanks so much for your reply, It means alot to me, and its good to know that you guys think of people like me and other people with the same compassion as better than normal:)

I guess I just had to get this whole thing off my heart and mind by writing it down to people who I know share the same type of love for animals:) I knew that most people on here would understand me.

09-03-2007, 06:51 PM
God bless you, Kalei. I get very sad and sometimes moved to tears by such things also. It makes me very discouraged about the state of the human race in general.

But we have to keep on going and keep doing what we can for the animals that we can. If we give up in despair, then that means that fewer animals are being cared for.

This is one reason I love Pet Talk so much.. a place full of people from around the world who feel the same way I do about animals.

You're doing great, Kalei! Thank you. You go, girl!


09-03-2007, 06:59 PM
I think it was Ghandi who said the greatness of a nation is reflected in the way it treats its animals. If there were more compassionate people, we'd be in better shape!!! You are OK in my book!!

09-03-2007, 07:48 PM
You sound pretty normal to me! :)

09-03-2007, 07:56 PM
Kalei, I think that you sound like a very normal animal loving person to me.:) I also get very teary eyed when I hear or see something bad happening to animals. Sometimes when I watch animal planet I'll just start crying when I see an abused or neglected animal. You're not alone and I wish that more people felt the way that you do.:)

09-03-2007, 09:35 PM
I admire your sensitivity to the suffering of the animals.

As you go through life, you may find that administering to the young, old, handicapped, frail, etc. of your own species who also suffer will call to you as well. That's what happened to me. At my rather ripe old age, life has been a lifetime of love extended to all God's creatures...be they human or otherwise. I wish the same joyous rewards to you. God bless you.


09-04-2007, 07:49 AM
I can't stand to hear stories or watch movies where an animal is in peril, let alone hurt and/or abused. If I know of someone who has hurt an animal, god/dess help them. Your reaction is normal and someone who thinks it's amusing to relate a story about animal abuse will find out immediately from me that it ain't funny! I don't even tolerate cat jokes if they're unkind in any way.

09-04-2007, 12:05 PM
Thanks so much everyone, thanks for even reading it, its pretty long. I am so happy to know that I'm not the only one that's this way, my mom says that I should try to strengthen myself and not get so worked up, but I don't think I could ever not get worked up over the thought of an animal getting hurt.

I use to know a lady (she was the wife of a pastor) and she hated cats like no other. I went downstairs in her house one day and she owned a book called "How to Kill the Cat" and I looked inside it and it had many many pages of different ways to kill a cat with pictures to show, not real cat pictures, but cartoon pics.

My stomach felt sick, while other people were laughing at it, I shut it and put it down and walked away.

09-05-2007, 12:39 AM
People really irritate me. Trust me, I get very emotional when I hear about some inconciderate @$$ mistreating an animal. I think "What if that was YOUR kid" Some people are just not able to process an animal as a sentient, pain-feeling being. Im glad there are those of us who are though! Im proud to be an animal lover :D and you should be too!