View Full Version : I'm baaaaack.....(pics)

07-31-2002, 04:49 AM
Hello everyone. I'm back from vacation (yeah I know half of you are going wait who are you or you were gone??) lol. Actually I was back on Sunday, but I haven't had a chance to really get online yet. I started to upload pictures, but my computer is being evil so I can only show you one tonight. But there are TONS coming! You poor souls! hehe.

We had a great time...I will post more details about everything as I post new pictures. We went to the Grand Tetons, Jackson, and Yellowstone National Park.

Hey, if there is a sudden surge in the siberian husky population of Wyoming--don't blame me! LOL. I didn't want to leave him in the car when we went shopping in Jackson...so well...he went with me. I'm normally a shy person, and I've never talked to so many people in my life! I think I should have hung a sign around his neck that said "Hi, My name is Nebo. I am a 2 month old male siberian husky. Yes, my eyes are blue, aren't you clever! No I am not for sale! Really! But you can donate $5 to pet me!" :D He should be pretty adjusted to meeting new people by now (now on to dogs...heh....) Everyone in Jackson seemed to be dog lovers, because nobody cared if I held him in the stores, in fact, most of the workers came to pet him. Fortunately, I think most of the people were able to see his good side. You don't want to be by him when he's in his "hell-raiser" mood. I swear he gets possessed sometimes. I have dug everything imaginable from that dogs mouth--toilet paper, plastic, grass, rocks, sticks...my hand...he has a particular affection for flowers.

Arg.....my computer keeps freezing as I'm trying to post this.......so I'll post more in the morning (it IS 3:46 a.m. I guess I should go to bed anyway..)

07-31-2002, 06:14 AM
Amy, I can't wait to see pictures! Nebo is such a charming lil guy! No wonder you got so many volunteers who wanted to pet him! Did any of the other pooches go?

07-31-2002, 06:55 AM
Amy, it sounds as if you had a marvelous vacation, and what a good opportunity to socialize Nebo. I'm so glad you had a good time and like everybody else here, can't wait to see your pictures.

07-31-2002, 07:20 AM
Oh Man! Not even one picture?! Well that sucks, stupid computers!!!!:p
I just can't wait to see some new pics of Nebo, I've been waiting patiently......can't wait much longer.......hurry, hurry Amy!!

Dixieland Dancer
07-31-2002, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I have dug everything imaginable from that dogs mouth--toilet paper, plastic, grass, rocks, sticks...my hand...he has a particular affection for flowers.

Welcome to the world of puppyhood! It does get better in about two years!!! :eek:

I agree with Anna.... we have been patient enough! WE WANT PICTURES!!!!! PLEASE! ;)

07-31-2002, 09:05 AM
Amy, so glad to hear you are back safe and sound and that you had a wonderful time. Nebo sounds like such a sweet pup, no wonder everyone wanted to pet him. We will be looking forward to the pictures.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-31-2002, 05:18 PM
YAY! Me and Rachel were quite bored without you on AIM!!

today while shopping U2 came on the radio and i was like "MOM!!! Isn't that U2??" And i instantly thought of you! And while in the music section, i saw Kenny Chasney's cd and tohught of Rachel!:p

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-31-2002, 05:35 PM

Glad you had fun on your vacation.. and really WHO could resist little Nebo?!?!?!
Can't wait to see the pictures!!:)

07-31-2002, 06:38 PM
Amy, he is such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!! :) You must be having a ball with him. I hope your vacation was wonderful, it would be great to see pictures. Yellowstone Park....I haven't been there in the longest time (+15 years)...but I have such sweet memories. :)

08-01-2002, 02:07 AM
KayAnn I missed you and Rachel too! Did you get my charming wooden postcard? lol. Melissa said she was all confused when her mom handed her a piece of wood.

No Reggie and Smokey didn't come. :( They stayed home with my brother. My parents didn't want to take any dogs period, but they decided they couldn't leave a pup away for so long.

Uh-oh, you asked for it! I'm a serious camera addict. So if this takes forever to load, don't blame me! Actually I got much better pics w/ my real camera. I just droppd those off to get developed yesterday. The digital camera is on permanent wide angle, no zoom whatsoever. So it makes you look much farther away then you really are. Anyhoo, so I have these really great wildlife shots, but only a couple worked for the digital pics.......I even have closeups of a bear (black bear w/ grizzley type coloring) and a bighorn sheep....

Well at first I just posted some pics of Nebo then I realized I had so many.......I'm putting them under a new post.......I'll do vacation pics here....

08-01-2002, 02:13 AM
Nebo and I...behind Jackson Lake Lodge. The Grand Tetons are actually behind me, but you cant see them because of the lighting.
The next pics are all in Grand Teton National Park
At Jenny's Lake
Looks like a Bob Ross painting doesn't it? lol
My parents on a bridge...

08-01-2002, 02:47 AM
A mule deer...I walked up to her at first, but then she just walked up to me. I was much closer then it looks. Lol want to know why she is looking up? She heard a certain siberian husky puppy barking (my parents had him). He had found something that he REALLY wanted....a baby's pacifier! LOL. He picked it up the right way and everything!
Hidden Falls. We took the ferry across Jenny Lake to get to these at the base of the Tetons.
My parents by the waterfall
View from the Inspiration Point trail
Golden mantle squirrel. Watch out, these guys get fed on the trails too much--they'll crawl right up your leg!
One last pic of the Tetons...

08-01-2002, 02:57 AM
Elk antler arch in Jackson, WY. I think it's made mostly of antlers that have been shed...Some guy photographed Nebo under the arch. I think he had 3 different people take photos of him lol. One of them he showed them his backside, I bet that will be great!
Moving on to Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Canyon as seen from the Lower Falls
The Lower Falls from above
River heading into the Upper Falls I believe
Elk Crossing
Herd of Bison in the Lamar Valley. We spent the entire day around there trying to see the wolves. From early morning to late at night. I saw one wolf, but even in the binoculars it looked like a small moving black spot. Hey, at least it was a wolf I suppose. We saw the bear around there too.
Tower Falls
A bull elk! Is he cool or what? There was another big bull by him also, right alongside the road.
A can't remember what this waterfall is called...

08-01-2002, 03:09 AM
Old Faithful!
A hot spring
I think this is the back of Grotto Geyser but I'm not sure
A big deep pool over by Norris
I think this was called Castle Geyser?
My favorite pool.....Morning Glory. It's much deeper then it looks. It's sad that so many people have thrown things in it, it's slowly losing its beautiful blue color...
Me on the trail by Old Faithful (yes I know I look stupid)

08-01-2002, 05:15 AM
Amy, these pictures are amazing. They look as if a professional took them. It can't be just the subject matter which of course if breath taking, but you girl are one good photographer. Thank you for taking the time to share these pictures with us. I've enjoyed them ever so much.

08-01-2002, 06:04 AM
Amy, those pictures are breathtaking! I will have to show them to Andrew. He absolutely loves that part of the country and has been wanting to go again so badly!

08-01-2002, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
KayAnn I missed you and Rachel too! Did you get my charming wooden postcard? lol. Melissa said she was all confused when her mom handed her a piece of wood.

LOL Yeah i got it! I looked at thw Wolves and the first thing i thought when i saw it was, "Amy would love this!" Then i turned it around and whatta ya know! It's from you! lmao. Thanks!:D

The pics are AWESOME!

08-01-2002, 08:26 AM
Amy, those were all such great pictures! Usually I don't like looking at other peoples vac. pics, but these....just awesome! Thanks for sharing them!!

08-01-2002, 08:53 AM
Welcome back Amy!! Those pictures are simply breathtaking. I love the outdoors.

I'm normally a shy person, and I've never talked to so many people in my life! I think I should have hung a sign around his neck that said "Hi, My name is Nebo. I am a 2 month old male siberian husky. Yes, my eyes are blue, aren't you clever! No I am not for sale! Really! But you can donate $5 to pet me!"

Welcome to the wonderful world of owning a dog with blue eyes! LOL! ;) :D

I plan on taking Kia to the Rennaisance Festival and can't wait for the reactions she'll get. :)

08-01-2002, 09:43 AM
Thank you for sharing your vacation pictures with us. I feel as though I have been able to take a great vacation this morning.

Yes, you are a fantastic photographer! Some look just like beautiful paintings.

It sounds as though if everyone had really paid $5.00 to pet Nebo, you might have been able to pay for your entire vacation.
I would gladly pay! He sure is a cutie.

08-01-2002, 04:07 PM
OMG What beautiful pics, Amy!! What kind of camera do you have?? Those pics really got me craving the idea of visiting those spots!! I could really feel the grandeur flowing out of those pics! What an experience to see it in person, eh? Thanks for sharing those with us!! Nebo is a precious poochie, BTW!! Give him a huge squeeze for me!;)

08-01-2002, 05:00 PM
WOW! Great photos!
After driving through southern Wyoming I was convinced I never wanted to go back to that area again... But now, Yellowstone here we come! :D

08-01-2002, 05:19 PM
Hi Amy!! Welcome home!! I'm so jealous!!! Gorgeous pup, gorgeous scenery, gorgeous photos!! You must have had a blast with Nebo!!:D He is so precious! And your photos made me yearn for those backpacking days to return! Ahhh, thanks for the mini vacation!

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-01-2002, 06:11 PM
I just found the pics.... THEY ARE SOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!! Now I am wanting to go to Yellowstone... the pics are awesome .... Morning Glory is sooo pretty... I bet it was amazing in real life :D :D

08-01-2002, 06:22 PM
Those are gorgeous pictures and I can't find anythin stupid amongst them!

08-02-2002, 06:44 AM
Oh boy, those are sooooooooo stunning! I wanna go there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-02-2002, 02:09 PM
Thanks everyone! You really should visit there, all of you! LOL maybe we should schedule a Pet Talk Meeting around there!!
You should also visit the National Parks here in Utah. Zions and Bryce are beautiful!

The camera for those pics is just my digital camera...it's an HP...not a new or really expensive one...The pics taken with my regular camera will turn out better.

I love photography, I took the class in high school last year. :) I would love to be a wildlife/scenery/pet photographer lol.