View Full Version : Moxie

07-31-2002, 03:00 AM
Moxie, you are really a beauty!
What an interesting story your humans told us about you.:)
We hope to see on Pet Talk other pictures of you and read more stories.
Stay happy and healthy, and enjoy your furr-ever family ;)

07-31-2002, 04:44 AM
Congratulations on being our lovely Cat of the day, Moxie!

You're a smart girl Moxie - and lucky too. Your name fits you so well, you struggled together with your humans to get to where you are today, and what a beauty you have turned into! I'm so glad you found a loving home! Enjoy your day and be sure to get lots of yummies and cuddles! :D

Ps. My Fister's mum looked a lot like you! :)

Miss Meow
07-31-2002, 06:18 AM
Little Foxy Moxie, what a sweet angel you are! I can't believe you were ever an ugly duckling; you look like a very beautiful and smart kitty. Your parents are wonderful people for taking in such a sick little kitty and making you well and happy again. Happy COTD!

07-31-2002, 07:40 AM
Oh Moxie!! I can't imagine you being anything but beautiful!!! You are among my favorites, a tortie! And yes, you do have eyes that sparkle like jewels!! And what love shines from them as well!! Thanks to your human for giving you such a wonderful life!! It sounds like you've put those sad days behind you and are living life to it's fullest!! Let the good times roll, beautiful, sweet, adorable Moxie is Cat of the Day!!! Congratulations to you precious Moxie!! I hope your day of great honor is a very, very special one, filled with lots extra everything!!

07-31-2002, 08:21 AM
Oh, Moxie, what a lovely story told so well by a very loving human! And you ARE a very lovely Tortie! I love a happy ending...with a happy cat, and, obviously, you are just that! Congratulations, sweet Moxie, on being today's absolutely purrrrrfect, extremely special Cat of the Day! It is so nice to "meet" you!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

07-31-2002, 08:59 AM
Lovely MOXIE !

What a lovely story your humans had to tell about lucky Moxie!
Always enjoy hearing about "rescued kitties"

Enjoy your family Moxie!
Ernie :rolleyes:

07-31-2002, 09:02 AM
Moxie is a beautiful little girl!! I also have a tortie named Mollie Rose. She is very special to me because she is a Wilson House cat from the Bill Wilson House in East Dorset, VT. She was my very first cat 8 years ago!! Torties are wonderful!

Moxie's name is so cool and so true! CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING COTD!!

07-31-2002, 09:17 AM
Moxie, what a pretty girl you are, from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. I love that photo of you in the grass, looks like you are ready to pounce. Thank goodness your family decided to adopt you and give you all that care, nursing you back to good health. Congratulations, dear, sweet, beautiful Moxie Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-31-2002, 09:42 AM
Aww Moxie!!
What a trooper!! My face is a little on the damp side after reading your touching story! I'm so happy for you and so grateful there are wonderful people like your family on this earth; people who care. My CJ and Bubba send special kittie prayers of thanks for your rescue and happy life!
-Syl, CJ and Bubba

07-31-2002, 10:15 AM
Moxie, you're a beauty! We also have a tortie at our house (Bunny, COTD 2/22/01). Torties are something else! Funniest cat personality I ever saw...expressive, demanding, affectionate.

Congratulations on your special day! :D

07-31-2002, 12:02 PM
Moxie is a beautiful kitty, and her story is inspiring. However, i was distressed to read that her favorite toys include rubber bands. Cats like to chew rubber bands, and the rubber can get into their guts and cause serious problems. I hope Moxie's loving owner sees this post and takes away that hazardous toy.

07-31-2002, 01:42 PM
What spunk you have to survive all your past problems. I am so glad you became the beautiful girl you are today with a loving family and forever home. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today, sweetie.:)

07-31-2002, 01:45 PM
I'm glad that Moxie isn't ugly anymore, and that she's healthy, too. Not to cast doubt on the veracity of Moxie's caretaker, but I am a little skeptical that Moxie was ever ugly. I have been trying to remember the last ugly kitten I saw, but I don't think I ever saw even one. I do agree with Miss Meow - Moxie is foxy. Day before yesterday, I saw a fox running down the road in front of me. I tried to photograph it, but it slipped into the bushes before I could. That was a pretty foxy thing for the fox to do and yet I find Moxie more foxy than the fox, which is pretty darn foxy.

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-31-2002, 04:14 PM
I am in love.... you are one beautiful girl and just stunning in your picture!! You sure had some angels watching over you sweet girl to be rescued from that aweful pet store and now have a forever home!! You story was so uplifting.. . you are such a special kitty... beauty.. brains and all!!! CONGRATULATIONS SWEET MOXIE.... our most pretty torti girl COTD!!

07-31-2002, 04:45 PM
purrrrrritty kitty you are, Moxie! I think calico cats are so beautiful!

07-31-2002, 06:05 PM
Yay for Moxie and Torties everywhere! Congratulations little sweetie (Cleo also weighs in at 8 lbs!) on your special day, you are one terrific kitty! The general consensus is that you never could've been ugly, and I have to agree :D God bless you and your family, I hope you have a wonderful, fun-filled life! :) :) :)

07-31-2002, 10:28 PM
Moxie! I can't believe you were once 'unattractive'!?!
You are such a beauty now :) I just love that pic of you in the grass- what a great life you have now sweet girl. And bless your owners for finding you at that BAD pet store and taking you in. You have paid them back and then some!

Congratulations to Moxie, a super COTD!

07-31-2002, 10:39 PM
Hi Moxie. You look like you are ready to pounce something or someone. I think that you are so adorable, the colors of your coat are gorgeous.