View Full Version : Dog Car Restraint?

08-31-2007, 11:10 PM
ok! so a friend of mine had a scare and her dog fell out the window while driving. I want to get a dog car seat of sorts. Anyone have any suggestions or knowledge about these things? thanks!

08-31-2007, 11:21 PM
That's why I don't let the windows go down enough so that they can stick their heads out, let alone their body. I'm sorry your friend had to go through that though.

You can get dog seatbelts/harnesses for vehicles, and many people just travel with their dog in a crate.

08-31-2007, 11:26 PM
OK...that friend is me.

Jasper fell out of my car window today.

We were headed to the dog park after dropping off some blankets and toys at the animal shelter. I had the window down because it was HOT, and he was sitting in the backseat. I went around a wide right turn at about 30mph, and somewhere during the turn he got up to stick his head out the window. When he got up, the momentum of the turn sent him careening out the window, where he tumbled for about 15 feet before he hit a curb.

I stopped a long line of cars behind me and looked around for him frantically, but he was already almost in my arms by the time I was able to get out of the car.

He's all right, thank goodness, but I still tear up thinking about it, I'm such an idiot, he could have died. I don't usually have the window all the way down like that but it was so HOT and the air conditioning doesn't work and he was laying in the middle of the backseat....and it was still incredibly stupid. He has no scrapes of any kind, and so far his movement is fine. We did end up going to the park for a bit afterwards so I could watch him move, and he seems to be 100%. I won't be surprised if he's stiff or sore tomorrow though. :(

I'm already beating myself up over this, and I'm going to see him tumbling down the road every time I close my eyes for a long time.

08-31-2007, 11:37 PM
don't beat yourself up too much!!! It was an accident. He happened to jump up at the wrong time. I still think I'm gonna go find a car seat for him for the future.

09-01-2007, 12:32 AM
Ohhh I was hoping it wasn't you, Cathy :( I'm so sorry to hear about Jasper's tumble. I'm sure my heart would've stopped if I ever saw that. As for restraints, I too never leave the window open large enough for their head to pop out. Well, actually, we drive them in a mini-van so the window only opens sideways. Otherwise, you could invest in one of those doggy seatbelts or a crate. Give Jasper some hugs and kisses for me!

09-01-2007, 02:50 AM
:( Cathy, I'm so sorry that happened to you. What an awful thing to have to go through. I'm glad Jasper seems to be doing okay though. ((hugs))

09-01-2007, 07:20 AM
OMG I'm so glad Jasper is alright. And hugs to you too, I shake for quite a time after a scare like that!

I use the Guardian Gear harness, it clips into the seat belt snap so it is easy to do and undo. You can leave the harness on for walking.

Here is a link, I got mine from Pet Edge. They also offer other types, but this works for me and 2 bichons. They can lie down or sit up.


09-01-2007, 09:38 AM
Don't beat yourself up too much Cathy.

When Tito was a puppy, I had him in my lap (as a passenger, not a driver) i had one hand on his back, and the other holding the end of his leash. All the sudden he leaped out the window and was hanging like a fish on a hook outside the window. Thank god the leash was short and he didn't hit the pavement or go near the back wheel, but it still gives me shivers when I think about what could have happened.

09-01-2007, 12:13 PM
Wow thats scary! We have one of those dog guard things to keep the pups in the 'trunk' of the rodeo... but when Eli gets to sit in the backseat I often worry about him getting out the window.. but we usually keep it half way up.

Glad Jasper is ok!!