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View Full Version : NO whiskers!

08-30-2007, 04:54 PM
I'm sprawled on the bed last evening playing with dogs and cats, and I realized Sugar has NO whiskers! :eek: WHAT the ??? So I checked Lacey. NO whiskers! Checked the 2 foster dogs, nope, none on them either! So apparently bichons don't HAVE whiskers!

Okay, so I've had Sugar since Dec of last year, I'm not observant, sorry. :rolleyes:

What about other breeds with hair, not fur? Do they also lack whiskers?

Poodles, Maltese, etc? I just never knew this!

08-30-2007, 05:19 PM
I thought all dogs have whiskers :D

08-30-2007, 07:30 PM
when I get him groomed and they clip his face, not only does all that curly hair go - the whiskers go too. Same thing happens with Molly (Yorkie).

08-30-2007, 11:42 PM
I've been grooming dogs for years and I honestly do not recall ever seeing a dog without whiskers. Granted, I wasn't checking for it either or anything. Are you sure they weren't just clipped off when groomed? If the face is shaved, the whiskers will get shaved off too.

08-31-2007, 12:05 AM
Yup - they have whiskers, but when their faces get shaved, there go the whiskers as well. With curly-haired breeds like Poodles and Bichons, often the whiskers curl back in, so are not as noticeable as a sleek-haired, never shaved dog like a Lab or Dane, for example.

08-31-2007, 07:29 AM
Gee I never considered the grooming,a nd I do my dogs myself!

Now, on cats, you CAN'T cut their whiskers as it HURTS! Guess dogs are different.

Well this has been enlightening!

09-02-2007, 01:21 AM
Our shih tzu & schnauzer(we had) both have/had whiskers. :)