View Full Version : Labor day Thursday 227!

08-29-2007, 08:57 PM
Since this is the last huge holiday for the summer We are going to have a giant picnic!

In the U.S. we celebrate the workers of the country -Kinda like May Day - with out the communism! :confused:

It's a three day weekend with lots of food, fun and relaxing.

Not to be totally void of the reason for the celebration, take a second to remember all the people who have worked to make your life a little bit easier!
We owe them that much!


Lemon Drops, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Limeade and my favorite- Watermelon agua fresca! It means fresh water in spanish. It's pureed watermelon, water and sugar or sweetner. It has chunks of watermelon cut up to float in the final mix!

And for the grill?

Ribs, Dogs, burgers, salmon steaks.

Potato, macaroni and green salads, not to mention a greek olive salad with feta in it....Dang, now I'll have to make some for the house!

Ambrosia or fruit salad for dessert - Cold fruit ice pops to keep everyone cool!


We have lawn bowling, badmiton, volleyball and softball to play.

I wanted lawn darts, but that Orc is not to be trusted.

The pool and hot tub are open!

Cinder & Smoke
08-29-2007, 09:04 PM

Goll-Lee ... our Findlay Gathurin is gonna be kinda tame compared to the Thursday's Bash!

Party ON!


08-29-2007, 09:10 PM

Goll-Lee ... our Findlay Gathurin is gonna be kinda tame compared to the Thursday's Bash!

Party ON!


Oh no!
Nothing can replace a good old Face to Face.
This is cyber and I promise I won't let this horn in on the Findlay celebration!

Cinder & Smoke
08-29-2007, 09:39 PM
I promise I won't let this horn in on the Findlay celebration!

Horn IN on? --- Never!

Wish we take up a Kollek-shin and fly your butt out to Findlay ...
complete with your Thursday's Set-Up.

THAT would give "the Locals" sumpthin to remember!


08-29-2007, 10:40 PM
Even though I won't be one of the lucky ones enjoying Labor Day at Findlay, I can do my best to spice up the picnic here. Found a great local shop that makes the best hot salsa that I've ever had, so from San Diego here's some hot salsa and fresh made corn chips. :D

Richard, the watermelon agua fresca sounds great! I'll have to have one.

08-30-2007, 01:26 AM
Even though I won't be one of the lucky ones enjoying Labor Day at Findlay, I can do my best to spice up the picnic here. Found a great local shop that makes the best hot salsa that I've ever had, so from San Diego here's some hot salsa and fresh made corn chips. :D

Richard, the watermelon agua fresca sounds great! I'll have to have one.

I'll trade you a Watermelon AF for the salsa?

You got it!...


You know......I saw some flavored vodka in the back....I wonder??? :D

08-30-2007, 11:24 AM
Today is national toasted marshmallow day! S'mores for breakfast anyone? :p

As for Labor Day weekend, I'm headed off to Monterey for the weekend, meeting up with some friends and taking in the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I could watch those otters playing in the water for hours. Must see the pengers too :cool:

08-30-2007, 12:09 PM
:p Did someone say something about Otters & Labor Day?? :D Oh Yes Richard some Flavored Vodka Please in my LIT with fruit..


08-30-2007, 12:36 PM
:p Did someone say something about Otters & Labor Day?? Yes! The Monterey Bay Aquarium is known for their otter sanctuary. They're also wild in the area. One year I was having a luxurious breakfast at a restaurant overlooking the ocean and watching the otters cavorting in the waves. They are SO cute!

08-30-2007, 12:41 PM
;) Yes I too can just watch Otters all day long.. They move so gracefull in the water.. I love how they wash their food.. Oh an to watch them break open clams is pretty neat.. They are funn..

08-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Yay! a picnic!!! A cheeseburger, potato salad, and one of your watermelon thingys for me, please. Oh, and the cats would like iced catnip tea in honor of Leonardo's 17th birthday tomorrow!!! :D

08-30-2007, 01:33 PM
It's a three day weekend with lots of food, fun and relaxing.

At my house it's a three-day weekend with lots of HOUSEWORK! :mad: No, really, it's a good chance to get something done.

08-30-2007, 01:33 PM
Otter faces remind me of dachshunds :) I'll make some tater salad. Mine has hard boiled eggs and a bit of onion, minced not chopped ;) Dab of mustard and sprinkled with Old Bay instead of paprika. Plus a bit of this and a touch of that :D

08-31-2007, 10:26 AM
Can you just imagine if the Left Coast gang could meet the Right Coast gang...........oh, my, what a party!

Thanks for organizing this picnic, Richard. I will make some brownies.......and I have an ice cream maker - does anyone know how to use it?

08-31-2007, 10:47 AM
*waves hand* I DO I DO!! Right about now the peaches are peachy and berries are bery bery sweet ~ just ask Mario. YUM!!! Home made ice cream, horse shoes, a smokin' grill and some country music. Sounds like a fine howdy do party to me :D EEEE-HAAA

08-31-2007, 11:53 AM
Whoopee~ I made it to the Best Labor Day Picnic on Earth :cool:

Let's Eat~ Geez,all this stuff sounds soooooo good!!!

I'll take a Grilled Salmon Steak, one of those freshly tossed salads, oh yeah, a few of those ribs,some tater salad with " Old Bay", instead of Paprika, and a nice tall glass of iced tea.(for starters) :D

Hit me with that Lemon Drop later on~ :cool:

08-31-2007, 06:26 PM
Can you just imagine if the Left Coast gang could meet the Right Coast gang...........oh, my, what a party!

Thanks for organizing this picnic, Richard. I will make some brownies.......and I have an ice cream maker - does anyone know how to use it?

Oh wow, that would be so much fun. :) We'd definately need a three day
weekend for that getogether. :D

09-01-2007, 02:56 PM
Oh wow, that would be so much fun. :) We'd definately need a three day
weekend for that getogether. :D

Meet in the middle?

Sheesh, plus a week an the front to organize?



Here's your plate! With your ice tea!


Thanks for making the tater salad!
Don't trust the Orc in horseshoes.....He tosses, misses then pulls the stake out of the ground and puts it backl to make IT LOOK like a ringer....cheater!


Will you look for some football on the tube? College starts today!


It's 3,000 degrees out doors and you are making brownies?

(funny story- I raided mom's fridge last night and found some brownies! :eek:)

Here's your plate and your agua (water)...
CNT for the kids and Happy B-day Leo!



Some vodka for your LIT!


remember to drink lots of water and take breaks!

How would an otter get along with the rest of the group? ;)