View Full Version : I have asthma!

08-29-2007, 09:50 AM
I am sorry for not being on here very much recently. As most of you already know school is back in session. Then, this monday, i found out i had Asthma! I am LOADED with pills and breathing treatments. I have been out of school ever since i started not being able to breath in Science class. And i have an ton of make - up work. I will be hopefully coming on here more & more as the days roll by.

08-29-2007, 09:53 AM
My daughter has asthma also she doesn't take pills but she has an inhaler for twice a day and a rescue inhaler. Once you start doing the inhaler twice a day it should get it under control. My daughter does 2 sports so it hasn't gotten in her way.

08-29-2007, 11:28 AM
Welcome to the club, kiddo! I have had asthma since I was 5 - in my case, it is definitely inherited, as Dad's asthmatic, and so are all my siblings to some degree. Once you get it under control, it'll be not a big deal, but it is scary when you just cannot breathe!

What meds did they put you on? Do you know what your triggers are? I am on Singulair and an Advair inhaler, and with that combination, as long as I keep it up with the Advair like I should, and take my allergy meds like I need to, I rarely need my Albuterol - the "emergency" inhaler.

08-29-2007, 01:27 PM
Welcome to the club, kiddo! I have had asthma since I was 5 - in my case, it is definitely inherited, as Dad's asthmatic, and so are all my siblings to some degree. Once you get it under control, it'll be not a big deal, but it is scary when you just cannot breathe!

What meds did they put you on? Do you know what your triggers are? I am on Singulair and an Advair inhaler, and with that combination, as long as I keep it up with the Advair like I should, and take my allergy meds like I need to, I rarely need my Albuterol - the "emergency" inhaler.
As for inheritance, yes, i inherited Asthma from my mom. As for meds, well, i am on Singular and an steroids and 2 inhalers, one for use as an preventive and one for emergencies, i also have to take 3 other pills that i don't remember the names of. I also have an Nebulizer that i have to use every 3 hours. AND i had to be rushed to the hospital 2 days ago because i was having uncontrollable breathing loss. I am now back home after spending Tuesday night in an hospital bed.

08-29-2007, 01:49 PM
Oooh, if they have you on Prednisone, don't be surprised if, as soon as you feel you can breathe again, you are incredibly hungry! Been there, done that!

08-29-2007, 03:54 PM
My sister has asthma, she doesn't take pills either, she doesn't even take inhalers. She only takes them if it starts to act up which is usually if she does lots of physical activity.

I'm sorry to hear you have asthma.

critter crazy
08-29-2007, 03:57 PM
I have asthma as well. I dont take any pills, but I do have two inhalers. It hasnt realy affected my life much at all, except for one of the two reasons, I was kicked out of the Army.

08-29-2007, 10:07 PM
Oooh, if they have you on Prednisone, don't be surprised if, as soon as you feel you can breathe again, you are incredibly hungry! Been there, done that!
I think that is one of my pills...