View Full Version : Hiking Mount Timpanogos <photos>

08-29-2007, 12:55 AM
About a week ago my friend and I hiked Mt. Timpanogos (elevation 11,749 ft). This was the third time I've hiked it, 2nd time on this trail and 2nd time to the saddle. It took us 9 1/2 hours including stops, 5 up, 4 1/2 down...it's about 16-18 miles round trip (different sources say different distances, I'm not sure which is right). I was very tired by the end of it, but it was well worth the hike. :) I didn't take Keva that would have been too much for her, she'll get to go next year when she's older. Here's my photos:

We started out at 7:30 am. You know, its really cold wearing a t-shirt and shorts that early in the mountains...unless you're a husky of course.
Moose! This is zoomed in, but not that much, he was really close to the trail. :eek: We had to stand back and wait for him to leave before we went further.
Aw there's the sun...it was warm once it came up over the mountains
My friend Michele and her dog Cisco (she'd probably kill me if I posted the ones where you can actually see her )
Three deer that were watching us (until the dogs noticed them that is)
The boys taking a break
"It's this way!"

08-29-2007, 12:56 AM
I really liked the lighting here
Looking down to where we started
Sorry, couldn't choose between these two
Yay, we made it to the meadow!

08-29-2007, 12:56 AM
"I smell jerky"
"Me too"
Of course I shared!
See the slight U-shape in the middle...that's the saddle, where we were headed
The snow in the middle is the glacier, below that is Emerald Lake where we camped out last year. I may end up hiking back to the lake again this year too.
Wildflowers along the trail to the saddle
Getting closer
The U-shape at the top is the saddle, almost there!

08-29-2007, 12:57 AM
Now that's a view! Actually I wish we had picked a different day, I think there had been a fire recently as it was hazy/smoky looking that day and the day before. Usually you can see the valley better.
The trail continues from here to the summit (also known as the "shack" and triangulation station...it's a small metal building). I went on that trail the first time, we didn't go again because it's a very narrow trail and I didn't think it would be good to take dogs on it. You can see the building in this photo, its very tiny, its on the right side of the peak on the left.
Nebo and I at the top (bad photo!)
King of the mountain :D
Looking below, the mountain on the right is the "G" mountain. The valley to the left of it is one I often hike in, there's a waterfall I've taken a few visiting PTers to.
Nebo posing in the wildflowers

08-29-2007, 12:59 AM
Nebo the butterfly killer. I didn't see him do that and I didn't know I captured a photo until I looked at them tonight!
Cisco being adorable
My friend made me pose by this tree. For the record, no I did not spray paint that, I don't know who did...but I do love U2. :D

That's all, I hope you enjoyed joining us on our hike. ;)

*Attached is a photo of Timp from the valley, with an arrow where I *think* the saddle is...I may be wrong

08-29-2007, 05:03 AM
Beautiful pictures Amy! I'm tired just thinking of all that hiking! Looks like you all had a great time. :D

08-29-2007, 06:34 AM
WOW! WOW! and WOW! again! That's one heck of a hike Amy...you (and Nebo) must be in great shape! I can't imagine doing that, but it sure looks like fun.
I'm glad you shared it with us, that way I can go hiking without ever leaving my chair:D

The pictures are absolutely stunning to say the least!

(((HUGS))) to two of my favorite huskies!

08-29-2007, 06:52 AM
Gorgeous photos! You had beautiful weather for a day of hiking. Nebo & Cisco look very content, maybe Nebo appreciated a little break from MissKevious? what is the body of water you look down on from the top -- it looks like an awfully big lake- (don't have a map handy, is that the Great Salt Lake?)

08-29-2007, 07:41 AM
Those are AWESOME photos. I'm very impressed that you can hike that. I do a 6 1/2 mile hike with Fenway and I'm ready to take a nap. :o :eek:

I love the west. It's so beautiful.

Ginger's Mom
08-29-2007, 01:03 PM
I think we Pet Talkers get the best of both worlds. We get to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the company of two handsome boys, and still stay warm and comfy in our chairs. :) Yeah, this is my favorite kind of hiking. I would like to go again soon (hint, hint).

08-29-2007, 04:36 PM
Thanks everyone! No I'm not in great shape at all (but Nebo is, he'll go all day) I was just determined to get to the top...and well, once you're at the top there's only one way down...lots of walking. There was one older guy that passed us that was literally jogging all the way up, that would kill me. :o

Pat, the lake is Utah Lake. The Great Salt Lake is considerably larger, it's near Salt Lake City, this is the Utah Valley area. :)

08-29-2007, 06:48 PM
I must get in shape. I must get in shape. I must get in shape.

Then I must go vist Amy and go hiking with her.

Awww, I really would love to do that someday. Hmm, I should actually check out some of our state parks around here and take the dogs hiking. I'm so lazy!

I loved the pictures, Amy. It's so beautiful there. Thanks for taking us along through your pictures.

critter crazy
08-29-2007, 06:57 PM
Awsome pics!! thank you so much for sharing!! Breathtaking!!!

08-29-2007, 08:24 PM
Those are beautiful, I am so jealous that you have all that right in your backyard.

08-29-2007, 10:52 PM
oh my -
that makes me so jealous -
of the breathtaking beauty and JUST BEING ABLE TO WALK!!!
just looking at the pics is making my foot hurt!!!
you go
great pics!! :D

08-29-2007, 11:35 PM
I always enjoy your hiking adventure photos, Amy! :) Nebo and Cisco are absolutely gorgeous as always! :D

08-29-2007, 11:37 PM
Awesome pictures, Amy! That definitely looks like a classic Utah trail; all up! ;) Utah is a gorgeous area with great trails, and it looks like everyone had a great time.

08-30-2007, 01:44 PM
Beautiful pics Amy. Utah is gorgeous. I would love to do that hike one day. Thanks for sharing.

08-30-2007, 05:04 PM
Can I vacation with you sometime? I love to hike, but gosh, I just can't imagine having that kind of view instead of woods and clay trails like there is around here. Absolutely gorgeous pictures, Amy. I'm so jealous.

08-30-2007, 05:15 PM
Amy I'm soooo jealous!! I wish I could live by you just so I could go hiking there! Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous as well as Nebo and Cisco! I just love seeing them. :D

08-30-2007, 08:19 PM
Thanks everyone!

P.S. We're hiking to the lake this Sunday, all of you get a flight so you can come with us. ;)

Cinder & Smoke
08-30-2007, 08:52 PM
We're hiking to the lake this Sunday,
all of you get a flight so you can come with us. ;)



I'd have been on my back, *puffing* like a steam engine, long before this point!

You two Kids have got to be in TOP physical condition to complete that kind of a hike!
As are the two PupDawgs! ;)

I hate to lecture - but do you two file a Hike Plan with someone before you set off on
one of these day-long hikes?
I didn't notice too many 9-1-1 Call Boxes beside the trail ...
HELP might take a minute or two arriving!

Have PHUNN, but Hike SAFE!

08-30-2007, 09:29 PM
Amy I just love your hiking pictures - all of them! Although I don't always remember to tell you so - they are an inspiration. My husband and I have done a fair bit of hiking in BC and in Austria; also a little in Taos, N. Mex., Sedona, Oregon, Washington and on some of the Hawaiian islands (volvano craters) when on vacation. We would love to someday visit Utah - it's absolutely breathtaking and I'm so glad you take the time to share your adventures with us all.


08-30-2007, 10:49 PM
Phred, they do have TERT (Timpanogos Emergency Response Team) stationed at the base of both trails. The Timpanooke trail had a paper to sign with what time you left and the number of people. I didn't see that at the trail we're going on Sunday, but the last time I was on that trail they had a lady sitting there, likely keeping count of the people coming/going. There are no 911 call boxes along the way, cell phones work in some places (well, it worked at the very top lol). People know we're going, hopefully we won't have to worry about having to contact anyone. :) Both trails are popular, there will probably be way too many people up there with it being Labor Day weekend. Oh, and I'm not anywhere near top physical condition, I'm just crazy. ;)

Thanks Betty, I hope you are able to visit Utah sometime! I'd be happy to show you some of my favorite trails if you do. :)

08-30-2007, 11:47 PM
wow, those are truly gorgeous photos. I enjoyed looking at this thread. I've seen a few of your threads over the past couple months and they're always neat.

Cinder & Smoke
08-31-2007, 02:48 AM

Hey Amy ~

Ask Sandy Pawz to bring you and Nebo a "PLB" for Christmas ...
PLB = Personal Locator Beacon = your own lil 9-1-1 Call Box!



They're not cheap ($500 - $700) - but what's your LIFE worth?
Some Outfitters RENT the units - call around.


Killearn Kitties
08-31-2007, 03:45 AM
What a perfect day for hiking! Well, as you say, it could be clearer, but lovely nonetheless. :D I'll bet those doggies had a great time.

08-31-2007, 06:03 AM
WoW! Awesome pictures, Amy! I enjoyed looking through them immensely, thanks for sharing.

08-31-2007, 09:46 AM
Gorgeous photos, I'm storing them in a folder to keep if that's alright??? Don't know if it's allowed or not?
I envy your hikes and your skilled photograghy.

husky 1
08-31-2007, 02:18 PM
what gorgeous pics, love them all amy. ;)