View Full Version : My new friend...by Tehya...

08-28-2007, 01:40 PM

On Saturday my Mom brought home a new friend for me. She found him standing on the Alaska Highway. That is not smart! Not smart at all!
I liked him right away. We played lots!
In fact, he was always bugging me to play. Even when I was relaxing. Mom says now I know how Anvik feels!
But he was fun! He let me stand on him!
It's very important that your friends let you do whatever you want to them! :p

My new friend went back to his real home last night. That's a good thing. We have enough doggers here already and someone else really loves that dogger. Us huskies just like to escape and go exploring sometimes. We can't help ourselves!
Plus that dog was stealing some of my attention. Here he is with my Daddy, before Daddy bonked his head!
Now I have all the attention back to ME! As it should be!

Wooos and Wags

Queen of Poop
08-28-2007, 01:53 PM
Tehya, you're a doll. I'm glad you had a fun time with your new friend, even if it was just temporary. I'm sure you made him feel not so lonely for his family. When your daddy gets home you best give him some lovins so he gets all better soon.

Cinder & Smoke
08-28-2007, 02:17 PM
My Oh My ...

What a weekend you guys had!

* Milo shows up with Mom and you two Fall in Love ...
* Daddy Stuart takes a wild ride in BobbyKat and *BONKS* his headbone ...
* Milo's dawg sitter recognizes Mom's "unique" name ...
* Milo get's reunited with his sitter ...

All you need now is Bumpa-Head Daddy back home!

GREAT set of *snappies* ... nice to have pix of Mom & Dad, and your buddy Milo.


08-28-2007, 02:19 PM
LOL. What a funny picture!


08-28-2007, 02:34 PM
Oh, Tehya, precious one. You always make me smile :D Please take good care of your mom and dad for me.

08-28-2007, 02:37 PM
Oh Teyha, you are such a good hostess! Milo must have had lots of fun. Maybe you'll get to see him now & again, on purpose, when his owners know where he is! But now you've got mom all to yourself again--except for the other 23 dogs & a bunch of cats!
Hope your dad comes home soon. I doubt he likes to stay at the white-coats any more than you do! :rolleyes:

08-28-2007, 09:19 PM
Hey Tehya! Thank you so much for sharing pics of your new buddy Milo! I do hope you get to play with him again... often! :D

I simply fell in love with that boy. Tell your hooman to tell his hoomans that if they ever get tired of him i'd love to have him in my life. (well, I'd have to ask them all sorts of questions of course. ...From what you and your hooman have told me though he's an awesome friend.)

08-29-2007, 08:16 AM
Tehya, wow an unexpected play date! and it lasted a couple of days, what fun! When his hooman returns home, Milo can tell all about HIS great vacation too, he he. I know you helped make it fun for him.