View Full Version : Shippings dogs Via Airlines?*Possible New Addition!*

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 08:25 AM
A friend of mine is going through some rough times. Her husband just left her, she has to move into a new place, and can only take 2 of her 3 dogs. I have agreed to take one of her dogs. The probem is, we would need to ship the dog on a plane. What is the best airline to do this, and how does one find out how much it costs?? We need to figure this out as soon as we can. Anyone got any Ideas???
Please help!

This is Braven, the dog I would be shipping
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n210/sienna001/PUPPIES/march19thbravenunderblankey.jpg (http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n210/sienna001/PUPPIES/march19thbravenunderblankey.jpg)

He is a 11 month old toy poodle. Isnt he just darling??

08-28-2007, 09:29 AM
Awww, give your friend big hugs from me. :(

Some of it depends on the particular airline. When I had to do some flying (multiple flights) with Spanky, I went with all Alaska/Horizon flights. There was one that was an American Airlines operated by Horizon Air but I never ran into any problems.

They have to have an airline approved crate. There has to be bedding on the bottom that will absorb any "liquids". :p There has to be one bowl for food and one for water that can be attached to the crates but also accessible from the outside. I am unsure if the *live animal* labels are required or not. I never had them on mine.

They will need, within a few days of the flight, a vet health check with the certificate to show as proof. Before boarding, there will be a fee that has to be paid.

If I can think of anything else, I will post again! :D I am currently trying to find pics of the crate I used when flying w/ pups.

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 10:16 AM
thanks for the Info! I have ontacted some airlines, and there are many that do not ship dogs, without a passenger. So our options have been limited. Alotof the airlines, do not come into my Airport, so I will have to do some traveling to pick up, which is okay.

so far my best options seem to be:

08-28-2007, 10:43 AM
Some relatives have moved with their pets across the pond by Delta Airlaines
the dog in cabin with them and the cat in the cargo.

Out there is a company specialized on transporting pets by road, maybe it's a better option for you? I don't remember the name of the company.Maybe if you google *pet transport* or something of that sort you can find it.

Good luck, he sure is a cutie. I'm sorry for your friend.

08-28-2007, 10:47 AM
Pet transport (http://www.google.es/search?hl=ca&q=pet+transportation&btnG=Cerca+amb+Google&meta=)

08-28-2007, 11:20 AM
Here is one link, with info, for AA Cargo. This is how my Sugar flew in last December.


08-28-2007, 11:29 AM
When traveling within Canada I always ship West Jet. When Traveling within the States I always ship Delta's Pet First Department. Here is a link to the Delta area:


Hope that helps.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 11:37 AM
When traveling within Canada I always ship West Jet. When Traveling within the States I always ship Delta's Pet First Department. Here is a link to the Delta area:


Hope that helps.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

Yes, i looked, and talked with them. They definitely seemed like the better choice, including their prices.:)

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 11:51 AM
Gosh I have having second thoughts!!! I realy would love to help, and would love to have this great dog. But gosh, Braven is just so tiny, i am so fearfull that he wont make the trip well. I am so freaked, cause I have never had a dog shipped before!! Poor guy only weighs 6 pounds, and ground transport is so darn expensive!! Acccckkkkkk....what the heeck do I do???

I am very connected with this dog, i have been seeing his pics, since the day he was born. And I have so been looking for a small lap dog, and he just seems so perfect!!

Ginger's Mom
08-28-2007, 11:53 AM
He reminds me of Kirby. :) Where is he now? How far does he have to travel?

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 11:54 AM
He reminds me of Kirby. :) Where is he now? How far does he have to travel?
From Spokane Washington, to Binghamton NY

Ginger's Mom
08-28-2007, 01:00 PM
Oh, that really is too long for a road trip. Sorry, I thought maybe we could get a caravan going, but I don't think we could do it that far. But seriously, I think that is right around where Kirby lives too. Yoo-Hoo, Vette...

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 02:42 PM
Yeah it is way too far for ground travel, and very costly. I feel our only option is air, but I am still scared. :(

08-28-2007, 09:24 PM
I still don't see why a ground transport would be impossible.

I'm thinking maybe you could find some help on the Petfinder or Care2 message boards.

Maybe a few people here could pick up a few legs of the trip.

Yeah it is way too far for ground travel, and very costly. I feel our only option is air, but I am still scared.

08-28-2007, 09:30 PM
Nebo has been on an airplane 3 times, Keva once. I was also on the plane, but since they are big dogs, they were in cargo and not with me unfortunately. Both of them did great, I have used Delta all of the times. I put a kong with treats/peanut butter in with them to keep them occupied, a towel, and attached a water bottle to the front. Of course this was a non-stop flight (not sure if that's possible with the distance he'd need to travel?). Although I don't think they ever checked it, I had a health certificate each time.

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 10:34 PM
I still don't see why a ground transport would be impossible.

I'm thinking maybe you could find some help on the Petfinder or Care2 message boards.

Maybe a few people here could pick up a few legs of the trip.

Well It would be great if he could travel Via ground, But i just feel it is way too much to ask of anyone, especially people I hardly know.

08-28-2007, 11:38 PM
this may seem odd, but could you fly to get him and then take him as a carry on. i think if he fits under the seat or in the overhead bin you can keep him with you?

critter crazy
08-28-2007, 11:51 PM
this may seem odd, but could you fly to get him and then take him as a carry on. i think if he fits under the seat or in the overhead bin you can keep him with you?

I would love to be able to do that, but I have looked into it, and it would cost 3x as much!:(

08-29-2007, 10:34 AM
Delta Dash, specialists in shipping pets, is what Dr. Goodnow is using to get Lexie Joon to Illinois. Total $159. The plane is a 12 seater puddle jumper, not a big jet. They go directly on the plane NOT in cargo.

08-29-2007, 11:38 AM
Have heard Delta is the best for pets. He's not too small to make the trip, he will do fine. It's getting onto be the best time to ship animals, with the temps what they are etc. Much earlier or later than this and the temps aren't as nice for flying. Perfect timing if you do it soon. Probably around 250 to fly him all the way there, as far as I know.

critter crazy
08-29-2007, 01:47 PM
Thanks for all the advise and input Guys!! You are all great!!we are still trying to figure out what to do, but we are working on it.:)

08-29-2007, 09:11 PM
keep us updated! I hope things work out

09-03-2007, 10:00 AM
When traveling within Canada I always ship West Jet. When Traveling within the States I always ship Delta's Pet First Department. Here is a link to the Delta area:

and exactly how many litters of pups have you shipped Nichole?
I thought you told us all this was your first litter and on another thread you were asking what sized crates would YOU need to ship your pups.
How can you give advise on thing you don't even know about?

09-03-2007, 10:45 AM
When traveling within Canada I always ship West Jet. When Traveling within the States I always ship Delta's Pet First Department. Here is a link to the Delta area:

and exactly how many litters of pups have you shipped Nichole?
I thought you told us all this was your first litter and on another thread you were asking what sized crates would YOU need to ship your pups.
How can you give advise on thing you don't even know about?

She said "WHEN TRAVELING", not when shipping litters of puppies. But good try at twisting her words=)

09-03-2007, 11:09 AM
She said "WHEN TRAVELING", not when shipping litters of puppies. But good try at twisting her words=)

Yup Sheena has traveled via West Jet 4 times. Twice to Ontario and twice back from. For one round trip Derek went with her and one she was by herself. Both times to go to meet Ryder for breeding.

For Delta I shipped 2 ferrets through them from Florida to here. And also Delta is the airline that shipped Sheena to us when she came to us as a puppy. So I am confident with both airlines and would recommend both for shipping pups.

For my litter 2 pups are being shipped. One through Delta(going to the Service Dog Trainer) and one through West Jet. Everyone else is able to pick up their pups. So not only do I recommend them I am using them for my pups.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

09-03-2007, 04:48 PM
see she said SHIPPED not TRAVELING...well she did say traveling but she was referring to shipping...not twisting anything.

09-03-2007, 05:35 PM
OMG crime in progress she said SHIP! /boggle But she still didn't talk about shipping a litter of puppies, all of that was you. You can transport animals other than puppies...

Someone tie my fingers together please=x

Done I give up, have fun yall, I'll be back when it's not so unpleasant.