View Full Version : 7 week old Stacked shots

08-27-2007, 10:51 PM
Yes I know we are one day shy of 7 weeks but it was easier to say then "one day shy" lol. Tonight was much easier in stacking them all. They all actually got a fairly ok shot this time. An online friend of mine suggested rocking them before stacking them and it did the trick. None of course are perfect(they are just puppies) but they are fairly ok compared to other weeks. And the best shot of all was surprisingly from the pup that always gave me the hardest time. Rainbow. lol He did the best stack this week. Anyway. You want to see the pics so here they are. And yes they are getting huge. lol

Dark Blue who just weighed in tonight at 12LBS

Trying to dive off the table to dad. Good thing I always keep a good hold on them.


And we decided to do head shots too tonight.

Green who now weighs in at 13lbs



Light Blue who now weighs in at 15lbs(the biggest boy of the bunch)



08-27-2007, 10:52 PM
Red who now weighs in at 13lbs



Rainbow who now weighs in at 11 1/2lbs



Mellow Yellow who now weighs in at 13 1/2lbs



I hope you enjoyed. Only one more set of shots like this next week and then they go to their new homes.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-27-2007, 10:52 PM
Huge! They are getting huge! Cannot wait to see Rainbow/Sherman's stack where for once he's not just sitting on your hand?

Psst - and you're looking pretty big there, too - when are you due?

08-27-2007, 10:59 PM
ONE MORE WEEK!!! How am I going to survive??? Guess I'll just have to glue my face to your website. *The Boys* are growing up to be fine young men!! ;) :D Love their ears, their widdle pudgy fuzzy bodies and adorable faces!!!


08-27-2007, 11:00 PM
LOL I know. It is like they grow over night. It was so nice to get Shermans stack this week without getting a sore wrist from supporting him. He is not a light puppy. lol

I am due October 8th. But with my other 2 kids I went 2 weeks past the due dates. This one though we will be lucky to get to teh due date. We are praying that we get at least to it.

I am feeling very tired. It is like the least little thing exhausts me now. And my back is in constant pain. But even with all that just sitting with my pups and getting covered in kisses helps a ton.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-27-2007, 11:05 PM
I just ADORE the pictures. I wish I could have Dark Blue I love his face he looks just soo fuzzy and cuddly. ;)

08-27-2007, 11:27 PM
I want light blue! He's beautiful (to me anyway - don't know much about White Shepherd conformation). They're all looking great. Do you have any ideas on who you're planning to keep yet?

I really hope you get to feeling a bit better soon too. :)

08-28-2007, 04:24 AM
The puppies are so cute and getting so big! :D

08-28-2007, 05:55 AM
7 weeks already?!
What are we going to do without all these puppy pictures? I sure will miss seeing them :(

I'm sure much as you love them all you'll be happy for them to go to their new homes so *you* can get a little rest. You sure deserve it! I can't imagine keeping up with all these pups little alone being pregnant to boost...*whew!* what a job it must be. Kudos to you Nicole!

08-28-2007, 08:33 AM
Some more stacking hints for Nicole:

1) put the puppy's front feet right at the edge of the table so that if they step forward they have nothing to stand on. They will learn not to move the front feet this way.

2) Practice stacking with the puppy's rear feet near the edge of the table, and holding the puppy securely, back him off the table a few times by pushing on the front of his chest. This will teach the puppy to lean forward when you slightly push on his chest.

3) Use BAIT to occupy the puppy while you place the feet. Holding puppies in position with your hands is causing most of the leaning, pushing, rocking back, etc.

To stack, start with the puppy lying down on the table with the front feet at the front edge. Put the bait on the puppy's nose and let him get interested in it. Then gradually raise the bait so that the puppy stands up. Keep the head up with the bait. Use the other hand to reposition any legs that need to be moved.

08-28-2007, 10:43 AM
Nicole, I have such mixed emotions when I look at the boys! They are getting so big and I will miss seeing their photos. On the other hand, I am happy for their adopting families. Could you give them some petting (and maybe hugs) for me. Especially Rainbow Sherman.

08-28-2007, 08:42 PM
Holy cow, they look like they've grown a whole ot since last week!
Awww, I'm so tickled with little Sherman, he looks great!
I think they're finally starting to look like WGSD's instead of little polar bears! :) Too cute, everyone of them.