View Full Version : Lookie what I found!

08-25-2007, 03:16 PM
I went to town this morning to get some groceries. I tried last night and got so frustrated that I just walked out! Today I went to the quiet, non-chain store. The higher price was well worth the lack of aggravation! Got what I needed, picked up some lunch and was on my way home on the Alaska Highway when motion in the ditch caught my eye.

It was this handsome guy! He came flying out of the ditch; darn near got himself run over and then froze in pure fear. I pulled over and called him a few times. He wouldn't move, but he let me walk right up to him and quite happily trotted beside me back to my truck. Fortunately, I always have a leash and a treat bag in the truck!

He has a phone number on his tag, but no other information and no one is answering the number. I tried reverse searching the number but it's unlisted. I've left a message so hopefully they call back soon. He's a very nice dog and obviously well cared for--he knows the basic commands, very friendly, neutered, takes food gently, and is well socialized to other dogs. He was completely nonplussed by the chaos his arrival caused! He's hanging out in Tehya's pen until his owners call me back.

08-25-2007, 03:27 PM
Hopefully his owner calls. He is definatly a handsome boy. Good for you to pick him up and give hima safe haven until his owners come for him.

08-25-2007, 04:29 PM
What what a beautiful dog. :) I always carry a leash & treats too, but
never ran into a pooch like that. Sounds so trained & cared for, I hope
the owners can reclaim him soon.

08-25-2007, 05:38 PM
What a handsome boy! He looks very well cared for, and sounds like a sweetie! Hopefully his owner's will call soon!

08-25-2007, 05:51 PM
Gorgeous creature! Wonder if his family is away, and he escaped from his sitter?

Daisy and Delilah
08-25-2007, 05:57 PM
He's such a handsome boy!! I think he must have an owner somewhere. If not, he's found the best home in the Yukon :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-25-2007, 06:20 PM
I went to town this morning to get some groceries.
I tried last night and got so frustrated that I just walked out!


How does one "get frustrated" in a grocery store?

Now back to the Lookie What Tail ...

Nice that you didn't hold it against him,
BUT ...


Your "stray" sure looks a lot like a :eek: German Shepherd ...
Think he'll make a Sled Dawg?

The Husky Mob musta thunk Mom flipped her mynd ...
or that Dawg Peddler was a really FAST talker! :p

Glad The Yukon Rescue Lady isn't biased!
GOOD on 'ya, Tamara!!

08-25-2007, 06:27 PM
See? There was a REASON you couldn't get the groceries that evening and had to wait and go on that road the next day! A VERY IMPORTANT reason, and quite handsome reason, too! Sure hope his family cares about him! Good for you to help him.

08-25-2007, 06:29 PM
Hes gorgeous im so glad that you picked him up!!! I hope his owners claim him soon!! and I agree Cinder & Smoke I think he looks like one too!


08-25-2007, 06:52 PM

How does one "get frustrated" in a grocery store?

Your "stray" sure looks a lot like a :eek: German Shepherd ...
Think he'll make a Sled Dawg?

Two tills open, packed store, clerk with no idea how to ring through a case of tomatoes that was an advertised special, no response from her repeated calls for a supervisor...I decided making salsa could wait a few more days and just left!

The stray definately has GSD in him, but he's not a purebred. He's probably a husky-GSD mix. He'd probably make a fine sled dog, but I'm hoping I don't have to find out.

No call from his people yet. I called AC and the shelter just in case he has escaped from a dogsitter who isn't checking the home voicemail.

08-25-2007, 07:09 PM
Phred, you are so funny! He is gorgeous. If you didn't have all the dogs you have now, I'd kind of wish the owner never called.

08-25-2007, 07:43 PM
If you hadn't gone the night before just think you'd never found this handsome fella ;)

He's a Keeper!!

08-25-2007, 07:55 PM
What a sweetie!! I bet someone is missing him, he sounds like a very well loved pet from the way you described him. Ya know, if no one ever calls back he WILL need a home? ;) :D

I hope someone will call back though! Good luck!

08-25-2007, 09:08 PM
Cool! I've never found anything quite so handome in a ditch beside the road! He looks like GSD-husky mix - that's quite a set of long legs on him! His family will probably be very happy someone responsible found him. He looks like a happy boy. Hope you hear from them soon.

08-26-2007, 04:19 AM
He is bewdiful!!!!!
Glad you found him, and hope his owners call soon.

Is Tehya having fun with thim??? Another playmate to try to tire her out ... :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-26-2007, 10:44 AM
Do you still have a House Guest?

08-26-2007, 01:22 PM
Well isn't he lucky that the chain grocery store's staff was so incompetent! ;) He's also lucky that he chose your truck to dart onto the highway for. I hope that his family listens to their messages, or posts some fliers.

08-26-2007, 01:52 PM
Do you still have a House Guest?

Yup, he's still here. No phone calls yet. He's a very nice dog. He was quiet all night; he's very playful and got all silly happy when I went to see him this morning.

Captain: Tehya is having a riot with him. He's just a bit bigger than her so they are nice match for wrestling! She spent the night with him, keeping him company. I'm going to take her for a hike this afternoon so she doesn't feel too disrupted by the visitor!

08-26-2007, 02:19 PM
Maybe his owner is on vacation? Or maybe Tehya has a new boyfriend :D

08-26-2007, 02:41 PM
Hmm, if he was my dog, I'd be phoning around straight away so this delay is a bit worrying if you ask me.

I agree he certainly looks like a GSD/ Husky cross. Almost seems like he was meant to end up in your hands.... :D

08-26-2007, 05:05 PM
Surely a handsome boy like that has someone looking for him!! I hope his owners call you back soon!

08-26-2007, 11:15 PM
Oh my, he is absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you so much for saving this sweetheart.

Have you checked the local papers for listings? (easy to do for free online.)

08-26-2007, 11:43 PM
Awww, what's one more.........................:D

08-26-2007, 11:58 PM
Aww he is such a handesome boy! I hope him family calls for him soon, even I agree with Gini, whats one more??:D

08-27-2007, 02:08 AM
Have you checked the local papers for listings? (easy to do for free online.)

LOL, easy to do in the South! There are no weekend papers here and neither has on-line classifieds. I did check Friday's papers and there was nothing. Next paper doesn't come out til 4pm Monday. I'll put an ad in if he hasn't been claimed.

08-27-2007, 02:16 AM
Glacier, if you find his owners, tell them they might want to do what Archie's mom did. Archie was a Wheaton Terrier who lives abput three miles away from us, on the other side of Commonwealth Ave - where the Boston Marathon is run. When I discovered Archie eating my neighbor's trash one day, I hooked a finger in his collar, and he came readily with me to our porch. Paul examined his collar and found not only his name embriodered on it, but a tag with his address and phone number. Archie had been known to "take a wander before, and they had just moved to a new house. His mom didn't think that hole in the fence was big enough for him to fit through ... We called and didn't get an answer, so figured we'd drive him home, tying him on a porch or garage if there was one. By the time we got there (Archie let out one "Bark" to say "This is MY house," and one more at the door to say "I'm home, ") his mom and the two human boys were home. Mom apologized, scolded Archie, told me "We DO feed him, honest," and it was a happy ending. No playtime in the back yard though until Daddy came home to fix the fence!

08-27-2007, 08:19 AM
What a cutie!
I hope his owners call soon!

08-27-2007, 04:10 PM
I don't see him as "what" Glacier found but "who" - and a most handsome "who" at that -- I hope he will be able to go POOF and join Tehya and the Glacier family if his owner doesn't return the call. Glacier, do you have a sense of how young or old he might be? He's beautiful!

08-27-2007, 05:31 PM
I Glacier, do you have a sense of how young or old he might be? He's beautiful!

He's young, maybe 2. His teeth are perfect, shiny white, no wear and he plays like a puppy. He does not like it when Tehya isn't there. He let out some very sad howls when she came in the house last night.

I missed a call this morning, but it was a blocked ID and no message left. So I don't know if it was a telemarketer or his owner!

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2007, 05:51 PM
He does not like it when Tehya isn't there.
He let out some very sad howls when she came in the house last night.

I missed a call this morning, :( but it was a blocked ID and no message left.
So I don't know if it was a telemarketer or his owner!

You're breaking up a budding romance by taking Tehya inside at night! :(

NUTZ on missing the call.
When you call the number on StrayPup's tag ~
does it ANSWER with a recorder or voice mail?

Are you able to Leave a Message on his number?
Is the number a local Land-Line number, or a cell phone exchange?

Maybe we otta start working on a Name?


08-27-2007, 06:15 PM
Did you ask your Vet if she/he has met the dog & owners yet. Maybe
they would know him.

08-27-2007, 06:16 PM
I've never found anything like that in the ditch either!
I can certainly understand the frustration - there's been a time or 2 I have actually left a cart with stuff in it b/c it is so insane @ Walmart - and that was at 11pm at nite!! :eek:

08-27-2007, 06:34 PM
You're breaking up a budding romance by taking Tehya inside at night! :(

NUTZ on missing the call.
When you call the number on StrayPup's tag ~
does it ANSWER with a recorder or voice mail?

Are you able to Leave a Message on his number?
Is the number a local Land-Line number, or a cell phone exchange?

Maybe we otta start working on a Name?


Tehya spent the first night outside with him, but I felt kinda mean leaving her out there. She'd never spent a night out before. If the stray is still here when Stuart leaves, I'll get out another crate and maybe try him inside too. He settled down after a few minutes last night and was deleriously happy to see her again this morning. Pacer is in with them today too.

I've left a couple messages on the number on his tag. It's answered by a machine, but with an automated message--computerized voice, no info about the owners. It's a land line and a local number. Cell phone service is horrible up here!

He answers to Buddy. I've tried a few hundred other names and Buddy is the only thing he responds to at all!

08-27-2007, 06:36 PM
Did you ask your Vet if she/he has met the dog & owners yet. Maybe
they would know him.

I called both local clinics and left his description.

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2007, 07:05 PM
Tehya spent the first night outside with him,
but I felt kinda mean leaving her out there.
She'd never spent a night out before.

He settled down after a few minutes last night and
was deleriously happy to see her again this morning. :D

Good to know Tehya can handle an overnight "outie" if she needs to!
StrayPup must appreciate a Good Lookin Babe when he sees one!

It's a land line and a local number.

Do you have any REALLY GOOD Buddies who work for the Phone Company?
They're not supposed to do it ... but a LOT of *whimperin* & *whinin* might
get a Customer Service Rep to slip with the number's Name or Address.

You might also ask the Vet Clinics if they could do a "search by number" of their customer records.

08-27-2007, 07:12 PM
Oh Phred, if the owners are not interested in retrieving the pup, isn't he better off with Tehya? Er, I MEANT Tamara and Stu, really I DID! :D

You can try a reverse look up on the internet. Here is one of many links:

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2007, 07:39 PM
Oh Phred, if the owners are not interested in retrieving the pup,
isn't he better off with Tehya / Tamara & Stuart?

*IF* being the important word in that statement!

Luckily for StrayPup/Buddy, his Finder is willing to go the distance to contact his Owner
to verify, one way or the other, *IF* they want StrayPup back.

Until the Owner checks in; there's no way to tell if they even KNOW StrayPup/Buddy isn't where
he was supposed to be.
The Owner could be on vacation, injured or sick in the hospital, or out of town ...
and Buddy is/was "supposed to be" in someone's care & custody - or possibly self-feeding at Home.

The Owner may not know his answering machine is full of "Ive found your DOG messages".

"GOOD ON Ya", Tamara - for doing your best to find StrayPup/Buddy's real owner.

08-27-2007, 08:16 PM
He does not like it when Tehya isn't there. He let out some very sad howls when she came in the house last night.

I missed a call this morning, but it was a blocked ID and no message left. So I don't know if it was a telemarketer or his owner!

I hope it was a telemarketer. If it had been Buddy's person I am thinking he or she might have attempted to leave some sort of message, unless it was a bad connection. I'm still hoping the owner who let such a gorgeous fellow slip out doesn't call back and Buddy becomes one of the Glacier family. He's better off with Tehya. Wooooo, Buddy, and welcome to PT even if you're a short-term guest!

08-27-2007, 09:09 PM
What about Petfinder or Dog Detective? :D Those are free and online 24 hours a day.

He he... it was so funny being referred to as "the South." Ah, good ol Perspective.

08-27-2007, 09:14 PM
i barely know your story, but i've heard a bit. I think the doggy is in the best hands possible for now. It seems like the dog was well cared for and I hope it can be reunited with his owners. :) but if that doesn't happen I'm sure it won't be a bad thing. What a lucky day for you!

08-27-2007, 10:13 PM
He's been claimed. He escaped from a dogsitter. I am making arrangements to return him right now. More details later....gotta get back to the ER right now....it's been one of those days!

08-27-2007, 10:14 PM
Yay! A happy ending, thanks for letting us know.

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2007, 10:35 PM
He's been claimed.
He escaped from a dogsitter.

Awww, NUTZ! :D
BLESS You, Tamara, for the Rescue and the loving care you gave StrayPup.

For Tehya's sake, I hope she and "Buddy" can arrange some future Play Dates. ;)

Now about THIS >>>

gotta get back to the ER right now ...

it's been one of those days!


WHO got hurt???

"ER" as in People ER or "ER" as in Vet's Office??? :confused:

Hope Stuart headed back to the Gold Mine without incident ...

Are *YOU* the patient???

PRAYERS Offered for whoever needs 'em!

08-27-2007, 10:37 PM
Oh Phred, if the owners are not interested in retrieving the pup, isn't he better off with Tehya? Er, I MEANT Tamara and Stu, really I DID! :D

You can try a reverse look up on the internet. Here is one of many links:
let's try putting YOURSELF in the 'parents' shoes....
what would you want the finder to do?
We know that Tamara and Stuart would be a fabulous home for him but He HAS a home - that has been found...
and Tamara's the best! :)

08-27-2007, 10:52 PM
Aw, Ratz! As glad as I am that *Buddy* is back with his owners, I'm kinda disappointed and sad for Tehya :( I'll bet he's never had so much fun! Maybe you can arrange play dates for Tehya. Her 1st boyfriend... ;)

I'm with Phred...ER??? Yikes! Everything OK???? Very worried!

08-28-2007, 12:04 AM
That's good news!

I'm sure S.O. will be relieved that i won't be making arrangements for another foster pup! ;)

ER?! What's up?!

He's been claimed. He escaped from a dogsitter. I am making arrangements to return him right now. More details later....gotta get back to the ER right now....it's been one of those days!

08-28-2007, 02:59 AM
Ok, more time for details now.....oh, where to start!

Stuart was supposed to go back to work tomorrow in the mining camp, emphasis on supposed to! He was doing yard work today with a Bobcat(a small loader type tractor). I'm not clear on the details of what happened, but essentially the tractor tipped forward and Stuart's head went through the window. He suffered a massive laceration to his scalp and a concussion. X-rays showed no skull fractures and a CT scan didn't show anything major, but he took a significant hit to the head and that's always major. He's spending the night in the hospital for observation.

While we were in the ER, one of the nurses overheard me say my name and came over to talk to me. His wife hadn't quite been able to understand the messages I left on their friend's answering machine. She speaks little English(she's a francophone). Turns out that the nurse and his wife were taking care of Milo for the local surgeon! They live not far from where I found Milo, but a long way from where he actually lives.

In another weird twist, they are very good friends with my closest neighbors and provide daycare for my neighbors' youngest son. I ran home to feed the dogs while Stuart was getting the CT scan. Met my neighbor in the driveway and handed Milo over to her. The ER nurse was just finishing his shift when I got back to the hospital and was on his way to pick Milo up.

Just for extra weirdness, Milo's actual owner has operated on Stuart--she did his last hernia repair! She actually told us a few stories about her dog while in pre-op! Milo is deeply loved and has followed her around the country as she has moved for her work! I have no concerns about him going back to her.

Tehya has plenty of friends already, although I think Anvik enjoyed the break from being chewed on. Since the people who love Milo seem to all be connected to my world somehow, I am sure Tehya and her buddy will cross paths again!

Cinder & Smoke
08-28-2007, 03:42 AM

Hi God ~

THANKS for not lettin Mr. Stuart *bang* himself up any worser than he did!

Stuart was supposed to go back to work tomorrow in the mining camp ...
He was doing yard work today with a Bobcat ...
the tractor tipped forward and Stuart's head went through the window. :eek:

He suffered a massive laceration to his scalp and a concussion.
X-rays and a CT scan ...
He's spending the night in the hospital for observation.

Wish he's just learn to get his hair cut like normal guys do - stedda gettin his
"trims" inna ER.
Iz he gonna have a "stylish" Zipper?

And THANKS for arrangin the Return of Milo ... but it's kinda a shame poor
Mr. Stuart hadda get beat up to send Milo home.
Maybe we kuld figger out an eazier way to send messages?

Tell Doc she otta add a 2nd number on Milo's tag - her 24/7 Message Service
OR her hopsbittle office line ... one that answers 24/7.

So, THANKS, God - for gettin Mr. Stuart fixed up; for gettin Milo back Home;
and for not lettin Miz Tamara suffer a *stroke* last nite when Hubby kame in
*leakin red stuff* all ober his head!

Dat Gurl otta get a Ree-Ward for holdin up unner "adverse" konditions!

/s/ the Prayer Pups


08-28-2007, 06:00 AM
What a great ending for Milo, but not so great for Stewart :eek: I'm just glad to hear he's doing OK, sounds pretty scary to me.
I'll be saying a prayer that he heals up good and doesn't have too much pain.

(((HUGS))) to you for being such a great woman...for everything you do:D

08-28-2007, 06:46 AM
:eek: Oh my, Stuart! Hope his noggin is ok inside & out, prayers & healing vibes heading north. Is Muskwa back now, too?

That is just too weird about all the connections between your world & Milo's! Obviously you were meant to find Milo so that eventually he'd find his way home again. Maybe next time (if there is one) one of you guys are getting sir-juried, Milo's Mom-doc will do it with an extra measure of love! :D

08-28-2007, 07:16 AM
OK, first I'd like to apologize to anyone who misunderstood my message earlier. I am VERY supportive of always tracking down the owner. Be it a dog, a cat, or ANY other pet. I was jsut trying to make a funny re Tehya. People had already suggested the owner may be on vacation; and that's just what happened. In that same post, I provided a reverse look up to help with finding the address for Milo's home.

I am so glad Milo is back where he belongs. What a story he'll have to tell his surgeon mom when she returns. All about the house with all those dogs! I can hear it now, "I went on a vacation too, Mom!"

Hope Stuart recovers fully, quickly. Best wishes!

08-28-2007, 09:41 AM
Glad Stuart is going to be okay and glad you found Milo's owner.

It's a small world!

08-28-2007, 09:45 AM
Yay that you learned Buddy's real name - MILO! - and that he found his home. I agree with Phred that hopefully his people will add information to his tag. I hope he gets to visit Tehya again, because he is a very handsome guy! Glacier, you're wonderful.

I hope Stuart is all right, too! I've seen the Bobcats around here - there is a trend of taking down little old houses in the best neighborhoods, and building huge mega-houses on the lot ... teardowns ... and the builders use Bobcats to shuttle around the lot when a bigger vehicle won't work ... they're narrow. I hope he's A-OK!

Cinder & Smoke
08-28-2007, 11:13 AM
So, how's ole Bump-Onna-Head Stuart doing today?

Have they tossed him out of the hospital yet?

Gotta wonder if this lil Bump-Onna-Head is going to interfere with the Gold Mining?

My Guess - Notta Bit! ;)
He'll prolly check out the BobCat, park it, and finish packin for Up North.
And he'll say the Cook can pull his stitches in 10 days.

Ride 'em, CowBoy!


Ginger's Mom
08-28-2007, 11:37 AM
Have only been jumping on and off for brief periods of time so this was the first chance I got to catch up on this thread. Yay for you Glacier! Another successful reunion (well soon to be anyway). Milo is a handsome boy, and I have a feeling he and Ms. Tehya will be seeing more of each other. ;)

Prayers and good thoughts going out for Stuart.

08-28-2007, 12:18 PM
So, how's ole Bump-Onna-Head Stuart doing today?

Have they tossed him out of the hospital yet?

Gotta wonder if this lil Bump-Onna-Head is going to interfere with the Gold Mining?

My Guess - Notta Bit! ;)
He'll prolly check out the BobCat, park it, and finish packin for Up North.
And he'll say the Cook can pull his stitches in 10 days.

Ride 'em, CowBoy!


He's still in the hospital as of 10am. The doc is coming back at 1 and if he's not nauseated at that time, she'll discharge him. If he is, he spends another night. He's still getting IV antibiotics and pain meds this morning too. She told him this morning to expect post-concussion symptoms for up to a month. However, you're right Phred, it probably won't slow him down much. I expect he'll head back to camp within a week. There is a trained paramedic in camp so getting the stitches out isn't an issue. He's had enough stitches and we've taken enough out of the dogs that he could probably do it himself! The bobcat is going to need some work too! The window shattered!

08-28-2007, 08:20 PM
Wow, what an interesting and amusing story.

Glad to know that Milo is so very loved.

Lots of well wishes for Stuart!!!

08-28-2007, 09:32 PM
I'm glad to hear that Milo was reunited with his owner! What a gorgeous dog!!

I'm so sorry to hear about Stuart though! :( I hope he'll be feeling better soon!

11-15-2007, 12:55 AM
Hey Glacier,

Just wondering if you've heard any updates on Milo lately?

A dog i'm missing very much right now reminded me of him (and how if you hadn't found his home or a home for him i was going to check into transport :D )

Lori Jordan
11-15-2007, 10:19 AM
He sure is a handsome man,Hopefully his owners are looking for him.

11-15-2007, 10:45 PM
If you read DEEP in to the updates in this thread, they were. One of those amazing "small world" stories.

He sure is a handsome man,Hopefully his owners are looking for him.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2007, 05:14 AM
I'm exhausted just reading this thread! Glad Milo is back home and hope Mr Stuart gets to do the same soon.

Take care

11-16-2007, 02:22 PM
Very cute, some people leave their dogs out alone tho and i agree is wrong.

Today when i was driving in a quiet neighboorhood i almost ran over a little White and Black Shih Tzu i was about to load him/her into the car when i see a middle age man running and asked him if he knew who the dog belong to, so he pointed to a house with a white car. When i turn around the doggie was running around still, i dint fallow the dog or anything because this man had told me where the dog's home was. Dog was in really good shape and was really sweet no collar or anything but probably chip. I just dont see the point of someone letting any dog run around like that, or maybe the dog just escaped who knows.

11-16-2007, 02:34 PM
I think you're a magnet for the lost. ;) :D They sure know who to go to!

Congrats on finding him. Glad Milo is now home safe and hope Stuart feels better soon!