View Full Version : Baby Hiccups

08-24-2007, 04:29 PM
Just a random question for all those that have or are going through a pregnancy....

Did your baby get the hiccups very often in the womb?

My baby gets them at least once a day lol usually twice a day. My mom says I was the same way when she was pregnant with me and when they gave me to her the first time after birth .... sure enough I had the hiccups lol.

What causes baby hiccups?

08-24-2007, 05:54 PM
I only remember Jordan having them on occasion but my mom told me that I had them every day for the last month or more. She said I didn't do much moving so when I got the hiccups she knew I was okay in there. :D

critter crazy
08-24-2007, 06:04 PM
My boy never had the Hiccups while in the Womb. He never ever realy moved much either. He was such a quiet baby!:D

08-24-2007, 06:25 PM
Austin had the hiccups all the time!! I found this little blurb about hiccups at

Hiccups in your unborn baby are just a fetal reflex that is remarkably similar to our own. Only the more mature fetuses will hiccup, as hiccups rely on the development of the central nervous system. Some experts think that hiccups in utero is a response to fetal drinking or fetal breathing, which causes the flow of amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs, stimulating the diaphragm to contract.

Hiccups in unborn babies do not seem to cause the same discomfort as it does in adults. Some research even suggests that hiccups are actually soothing to your baby, and help to relieve a variety of pressures on his growing lungs and organs. Your unborn baby may even start hiccupping as early as the last part of your first trimester, although you probably won’t be able to notice them until much later. If your baby has a hiccup while you are at a prenatal exam, you might be able to hear the hiccups with a Doppler heart tone machine. It is also fairly common for newborns to get cases of the hiccups, so dont be surprised when your little one who has been hiccupping in the womb continues to do it after he gets out!

08-24-2007, 06:28 PM
My doctor told me it's the baby excersising the lungs and that it's not only natural, but it's good that they hiccup. I LOOOOOVED the feeling of Quinn hiccuping in my belly! She would sometimes get a case of the hiccups and they would last over an hour. I can't imagine having the hiccups for so long, but she got them every single day, and it was just wonderful for me. That also gave me a good chance to let my friends and family feel the baby, as she never seemed to kick for anyone. People that had never felt a baby kick inside a belly before, could feel Quinn hiccuping. Enjoy it, before you know it, you will be holding a hiccuping baby and will miss the feeling from when he/she was inside your belly doing so.

08-31-2007, 05:15 PM
how far along do you have to be to feel the hiccups?? i think im feeling them, but seems like its way too early.... :confused: