View Full Version : Beanie went to the white coats(could be bad)

08-23-2007, 07:22 PM
We found a red bubble like thing on Beanie's hiney the other day. I asked the vet at work what he thought it could be. He told me to bring him in. So Beanie went to work with me today. Beanman went under and we lazered the growth off. We sent it to the lab this afternoon so we should have the test results back next week. The vet said it could be just a random growth or with his age it could be cancer. Keep your fingers and paws crossed that it isn't anything major.

Here's Beanie on the way back home. He is still kind of groggy and tired. Notice his legs are shaved. It's not anly his legs. I gave him a lion cut last night. He seems so much more comfortable with it.

08-23-2007, 08:04 PM
Aww poor baby. I will keep my fingers crossed and I will put him in my prayers tonight that all goes well....
Mister here I will keep my pawz crossed for you too I don't like the humans in the white coats either so I will hope it's just an age thing

08-23-2007, 08:09 PM
Poor pumpkin. Lots of prayers going out that it's nothing serious.

08-23-2007, 08:24 PM
Prayers and paws crossed that it's nothing serious! Poor lil' Beanie.

08-23-2007, 08:36 PM
Poor Beanie. I hope he'll be ok and will be back to his old self soon.

Ginger's Mom
08-23-2007, 09:01 PM
Aww, Beanie boy. I will pray that it is nothing serious.

08-24-2007, 07:50 AM
Best wishes for Beanie!

When Sugar had her lump removed 2 weeks ago, the hardest part for me was the waiting to learn what it was.

Sugar goes to get her stitches out later this morning; and the news last week was a benign trichoblastoma, so all well here and praying for the same for you!

08-24-2007, 08:13 AM
Oh the poor widdle bald man! ;)

I hope you hear good news!

08-24-2007, 08:26 AM
Fingers, toes and paws crossed here. Praying that it is just a benign growth. ((hugs))) Beanie.

08-24-2007, 10:20 AM
Fingers and paws crossed here that it is benign!

08-24-2007, 09:41 PM
Aw, he looks patheic, poor guy. Paws crossed it's nothing to worry about. Here's hoping your hiney heals in a hurry, Beanieboy!