View Full Version : Do you have conversations with your dogs?

08-23-2007, 03:59 PM
I was just curious how many people have conversations with your dogs? I tend to baby talk my dogs, and just tell them what there plans for the day is going to be. Does that sound really weird, or do you do it to? What kind of conversations do you have with your dogs/other pets?

08-23-2007, 04:12 PM
Absolutely! I'm always telling him how handsome he is. :p Sometimes I confide in him as well....and just vent to him about whatever is going on in my life.
However, as an introvert, I love that I can be with my dog and say nothing at all. I think we communicate with dogs a lot more through our body language than through the spoken word, but as primates we hopelessly fall back on verbal language.
Anyway, I cherish him both as a 'listener' and a 'quiet time' buddy. :)

08-23-2007, 04:22 PM
You are not alone. :) Yes, I do talk to my dogs & sometimes the cats too.
I ususlly just ramble off my plans for the day, when, I'll be back,etc. :D

08-23-2007, 05:12 PM
Yes of course. ;) I've recently been telling Layla a story about how the bears in the woods aren't afraid of thunderstorms. :o I talk to my dogs, my cats and even my fish. :D

08-23-2007, 05:20 PM
I talk to all my pets, well except the shrimp. :p I've been doing it since I my first ever fish, Rainbow and I will continue to lol. By now, It's more of a habit. I talk to them about anything really. Usually, it's how much I love them and how pretty they are.

08-23-2007, 05:29 PM
Yes, I do talk to the dogs and the cats as well. Sometimes I mutter about the news or Dad or something or other. Often I tell them how special they are; pretty or handsome. And of course giving commands like stay home and take care of the hosue and be good; get ready for walkie, etc.

Daisy and Delilah
08-23-2007, 07:38 PM
If I didn't talk to the dogs, people would think I have something wrong with me. I tell the dogs everything. :)

M&M's Mommy
08-23-2007, 07:57 PM
I talk to the dogs exactly the same way I talk to the kids. Like, "Mocha, be patient. Don't you see I'm busy here", or "Missy, leave your sister Muffin alone for a minute, will ya?", or "Muffin, I know you wanna go out for a walk, but I'll have to fold these clothes first.. " :D.

When I talk to them (in this manner), they cock their heads trying to undertand me. It's really, really, really cute..

08-23-2007, 08:01 PM
I do all the time like today I couldn't safely take Mister with me so I was trying to tell him no Mister you can't go but I won't be gone long and he was tilting his head and started to whimper so I deffinately think they udnerstand. If I didn't talk to Mister I would go crazy plus he "talks" to me so I have to carry on a conversation with him :p :p

08-23-2007, 08:02 PM
I also talk to my dogs. They're wonderful little listeners, and even though they can't understand you, they can pick up on your mood. Sometimes they can be a real comfort when I'm upset... sometimes unlike people, they're always there to comfort you when you need it most.

08-23-2007, 08:06 PM
Yakkity yak all day! Result: a head tilt with ears up, huge smile and lots of good lovin'!

08-23-2007, 08:08 PM
All the time! Mostly telling him what a good dog he is. Sometimes telling him to stay out of the kitty treat bowl :p

Ginger's Mom
08-23-2007, 08:53 PM
Cute thread, Bre. :) I talk to my dog all of the time. A lot of it is explaining to her what is going to happen that day and what to expect, sometimes it is just telling her how special she is.

08-24-2007, 05:47 AM
All the time telling them how clever they are and how they are such wonderful furkidz and just chat in general like when John's mam broke her hip I gave out stink about the way things had gone so they sat and listened and they love when I read they will sit beside me and let me read to them which is cute they rest their heads on my knee and get comfy and listen to a story.

An no I am not nuts or a loner just like to chat thats all

08-24-2007, 05:52 AM
This is a trick question right??? I think people must have something wrong with them if they don't hold conversations with their dogs!! My Dukey and I have had some of the deepest conversations, I know I can tell him anything in the world and my secrets are always safe with him. He just looks at me with those big dark brown eyes and I can see he understands every single word I am saying. Sometimes he will even express his opinion about the matter and give lots of kisses when needed. But he also has a smart mouth side and will talk back. He does not like to be told that he is stinky and needs a bath or that he has bad gas :D He grumbles and growls and makes all kinds of fuss. Here are pictures of two conversations we have had....
In this one he was telling me that I should be done working by now, and if I am not what was I doing playing with the camera?
This one he was telling me that it was all Champs fault, he tried to tell her that they were not allowed to do that but she just did not listen and he does not understand why she cannot be a good doggy like him.

I also remind them all daily how much they are love, but my Duke has a very special place in my heart so he gets told all the time how handsome he is, how he is Mommy's bestest boy ever and that there will never ever be another baby like him. But of course he already knows that.;)

08-24-2007, 07:19 AM
I talk to Fenway all of the time. I tell him my dreams and my wishes. I tell him about my day and my plans for the next the day. I tell him what we're doing for the weekend. I tell him about my worries and sadness and I tell him about my happiness and joy. He's my best friend in the whole world. And doesn't everybody share everything with their best friend? :)

08-24-2007, 08:24 AM
I've recently been telling Layla a story about how the bears in the woods aren't afraid of thunderstorms. :o
LOL!!! :D
I'll have to try that one on Buddy! I always say to him "Sierra isn't afriad of thunder! You shouldn't be such a big baby! :D

I talk to them constently!!! When I get home from work every day I get a mouth full from the Princess! Here's a video of it..
Then I ask her how her day was, etc... and it goes on forever!!

I talk to Bud all the time too, it's usally "It's okay Bud, you're okay Bud, don't be afriad Bud" :( I just wish he could hear me and understand what I'm telling him.

08-24-2007, 09:39 AM
Of course, who else am I going to talk to? ;)
I tell them what i'm doing, and what we're going to do. Sometimes I ask their opinions.
Star stares at me like I should just read her mind. Jack talks back, he can get pretty vocal, it's cute.

Sierra has a lovely voice, Angie! I love how she keeps putting her paws on Bud when he walks by.

08-24-2007, 02:06 PM
Oh, only all the time. She's a very good listener.

Suki Wingy
08-24-2007, 03:29 PM
yup, I do the same thing.

08-25-2007, 05:32 AM
oh yeah, i talk to all of the furries. when i come in , i always ask how their day was, did the squirrels come by, since i'm home now, they're off security duty. when i walk with them, we 'chat' about the neighbor yards, LEAVE IT, and the conversations go on off and on all day. peanut is more vocal then alex,and it makes me smile, her arrooos are very hound like vocalizations. mojo is a very verbal cat. lots of conversation goes on here :) .

08-25-2007, 07:56 AM
I think we all hold conversations with our dogs! My husband thinks I'm crazy because I babytalk Buffy, my cats Oscar, and Grover! I have to tell them they are my wittle babies.....now don't I?

Willie :)

08-25-2007, 10:34 AM
Of course I talk to them. Sadie will sometimes talk back to me. She is more vocal than Maggie or Grant. I sing to Sadie as well. :o

08-25-2007, 11:14 AM
All the time!:)

08-28-2007, 05:30 PM
What kind of conversations do you have with your dogs/other pets?

Cassie: Meow (This could mean anything from I'm glad to see you -to- I just wanted to warn you that I barfed on the rug again so don't be mad at me)
Me: What, honey?
Cassie: Meow (Same inflection and pitch)
Me: What do you need?
Me: Is that everything you wanted to tell me?
Cassie: Meow (Exactly the same as before)


ME: In the bedroom; Cassie: In the living room
Cassie: Meow! (LOUD) (I know what this one means: Mom, I'm in here and I just realized you aren't!)
Me: In here, honey


Me: In bed
Cassie: (hops up to her usual spot on the bed) Mrrrp
I know what this one means - Here I am Mom - it's the same sound she makes when she wants to let me know she's close by while I'm getting her food ready or she is just content to be near me.

09-10-2007, 02:33 PM
I think my puppy is ready to take me to the psych ward...

Dogs definitely understand what you are saying....I tell my puppy to lie down and go to sleep and she lies down with a big sigh - like she's saying, "fine, I'll lay down but I won't like it!" Or I'll tell her no and she will make this "errrgh" sound as if she's saying, "aw mom why can't I chew on your favourite shoe?" Then sometimes she will just come up to me and let me squeeze her and rub her vigorously because I can't seem to express how much I love her enough and she'll tolerate it because she knows it's what I need to do. She'll sit there and have an expression on her face like, 'ok mom get it over with".

I'm glad I'm not the only one who talks to their dog.

09-10-2007, 02:56 PM
Rosa is currently in cyprus (i used to live there) and i am in england so i phone my dad just to speak to rosa. I doubt she knows it's me but apparently she goes crazy when my dad holds the phone out to her. I tell her what i've been doing ask how she is.

09-13-2007, 10:24 PM
Rosa lee, they know it's you for sure! My friend has a wheaton terrier and when he puts me on the speaker phone he goes nuts and goes to the door because he thinks I'm there. That's cute!

09-14-2007, 05:15 AM
Oh absolutely I sure do talk to Reilly and Bei-jing, I just talk about anything and everything to them and they sit there and just listen and sometimes they talk back in different tones. Reilly loves for me to say c'mon come help mommy in the kitchen and he stops whatever he is doing and he comes and stays in there while I am doing whatever in there.