View Full Version : Happy Story!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-29-2002, 10:20 PM
I know some of you read my post called "This is sweet"... about the guy that works at my job spotting the trailers... and the kitten he rescued... Well for those who havn't the kitten he found was pretty much starved to death... she was skin and bones and he said that her eyes were bulging out of her head and she wouldn't move..... WELL..............
He has had the kitten for about a week now and I AM MORE THAN HAPPY to report that she is doing good!!!!:D :D He says that she eats like a hog and is starting to play.... poor girl was so starved that she couldn't play..:( ... and he said she was only like 9 weeks old when he found her. This guy is soooo sweet (which believe me is a BIG change from the normal guys that come in here) and today brought me in a picture he took of her on his web cam.. and brought it in just so I could see her... She is such a pretty girl.. she is a gray tabby with dark grey stripes... BIG blue eyes and really big ears.. he thinks she may have some siamese in her. He said today he had a big flower pot in his house and she was inside it going round and round chasing her tail :D :D .
He took her to the vet and everything checked out o.k. she tested negetive for everything and the vet gave him some anitbiotics for her leg... which.. what he thinks happened is someone threw her out of their car going down the highway and she walked over here. The vet told him she probably would have died in a matter of days if he wouldn't have found her from starvation... BUT SHE DIDN'T... It just makes me soooooo happy that this sweet girl is going to have a long happy life in a good forever home since her life started out so grim and hopeless. And after talking to him about this whole thing.. I have learned that he is real fond of cats... he used to be a truck driver and leash trained his last two cats and they rode in the truch with him everywhere... he said he is gonna train this one too, to ride in the truck and leash train her.... I AM SOOOO HAPPY FOR HER.....
I would tell her name but that would give away the company I work for and I am not too sure if that would be a good thing..?!?! He named her after this company...:D

07-29-2002, 10:47 PM
What wonderful news! It makes my heart grin!!!:D :D

07-30-2002, 06:42 AM
That is a happy story. Thank you for sharing it.

07-30-2002, 06:57 AM
How wonderful!! I'm so glad you are keeping us up to date on this precious girl! Sounds like she picked just the right fellow! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2002, 11:08 AM
I'm so happy for her. :) And for you, Sara, that you found a kindred heart at work amongst all the hard hearts. :) It was so sweet of him to bring you a picture knowing you cared, and I'm glad everything was ok at the vet. Sounds like she has found her new daddy and will enjoy a nice long life with him. :)

07-30-2002, 11:24 AM
Oh Sara, I do remember the story. I'm so very happy to hear that this little kitten has been saved - and by the very right guy!! :D How sweet of him! And it's great to hear the vet tests turned out negative, too! :) A nice and spoiled life is now waiting for this lucky kitten, isn't it wonderful!!! :D

Thanks so much for the update!! ;)

08-09-2002, 09:54 PM
What a happy ending . . . :D :D :D . . . what a good guy . . . :) :) :) . . . and what a lucky kitty to find such kindness . . . :D :)