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View Full Version : Anyone from Tennessee???

08-23-2007, 11:48 AM
Out of all our PTers I am sure someone has to live there or at least visited there. I am looking for any information on Tennessee, anything you can think of. My hubby and I are considering purchasing some property there to eventually build a house/log cabin on, preferably 5-10 acres in a "boonies" type setting but where my hubby would only have to drive 30 minutes or so to for work. If anyone lives there and has pictures or anyone that has visited please post them and any information that you can provide. Is is expensive? Weather? Areas that have really nice acreage without costing an arm and a leg. Names of some counties that have nice land for us to start our search would be great. Thanks in advance.


critter crazy
08-23-2007, 12:34 PM
Oooo....I love tennessee!! I have been trying to convince hubby to move there for a few years now!! We have visited quite few times now, and I have quite a few friends out there! The area is gorgeous!! And there is plenty of places that are out in the Boonies!! Not sure if it matters to you or not, but Tennessee has alot of dry counties (no alcohol sold)! Especially where we wanted to move! but dosent matte to me, as you can just drive to the next county if interested. Property is relatively inexpensive. we found some gorgeous places, for a fraction of what we would pay around here. And if you like horses, tennessee is definitely the place for you!! Here are a few pics from our last visit!


Oh and the area we Visited, was Crossville Tenn.

08-23-2007, 12:51 PM
Thanks. Alcohol or no alcohol doesn't matter to me...that is definately something I can live without. We are not big drinkers. It is so beautiful there in your pictures. That is what we are looking for...land, land and more land. I don't know about horses, I love them and all but they are a lot of work too. I think I will stick to renting them for the hour/day and riding and let someone else do all the other stuff :D We are going to VA this Thanksgiving and are thinking about leaving a day early so we can kinda curve over to Tennessee and get a look-see. I love all the pics I see on line-ESPECIALLY THE FALL. Oh how I miss the fall. I need seasons!! Florida has two Summer and MORE Summer. I hear property is relatively cheap there. My area right now is running about $55,000 for half an acre--disgusting isn't it? We bought our property almost four years ago and we only paid $5,500 including closing costs for 3/4 of an acre---if we had only known we would have bought more and flipped it. Oh well. Thanks for the Tennessee info.

08-23-2007, 01:01 PM
I'm from TN. What part are you interested in? I'm in Knoxville in East TN and close to the mountains.

08-23-2007, 01:18 PM
I'm from TN. What part are you interested in? I'm in Knoxville in East TN and close to the mountains.

That's part of the problem we are not really sure. We have never actually been there, just heard how nice and seen lots of pictures but we are considering moving from Florida and that is one of the places that peeks our interest. We are looking for land but I want rolling hills, moutains, lake or streams, things like that(not that the property has to have all that just those are some of the things we are looking for). I would like to be able to have a pond(wheather natural or man made) for ducks and stuff. Maybe some chickens. I am looking to not be in the middle of everything if you know what I mean. I like being on the outskirts of stuff but not a forever drive just to get to the grocery store. Hey man I want it all LOL(it sure sounds like it anyway :D ). I know I definately want at least 5 acres but I don't want to be in an area that requires you to farm it. Do you have pictures of where you live?? I would definitely like to see them. Thanks.

08-23-2007, 02:38 PM
I definitely live in the middle of everything and the last remaining land and farms are all be sold off and developed into subdivisions and shopping/dining areas around here. We looked into buying a couple of acres a few years ago and was absolutely shocked at the price. That is just here in west Knoxville. If you go to the other side of Knoxville or to some of the outlying counties you can find exactly what you are wanting. From your description it sounds like you would want to move to East TN. Tennessee is kind of divided into three section with each section being completely different. East TN is the mountainous area. Lots of hills and valleys, very beautiful with a more laid back atmosphere. Middle TN is much more flat (around Nashville) and is more fast pace. I lived there a few years. West TN (Memphis) is just a completely different area in my opinion. Pretty much flat land and parts are on the Mississippi River. I don't know how to describe that atmosphere, I've only driven through it a couple of times.

I grew up in a small town about 35 miles west of Knoxville. Kind of like Mayberry of The Andy Griffin Show. You can still get good land there and there is a little shopping but most people drive to Knoxville for dining/shopping/entertainment. It is pretty much that way for most of the surrounding counties.

These are the only pictures I could find quickly.

This is a picture out of my in laws screened in porch. Sorry about the screen.

Here are some we took a few years ago in the The Great Smoky Mountain National Park which is about an hour drive from us.



08-23-2007, 02:46 PM
I found a few pictures from my Dad's birthday on the lake back in June.




This is in the area I grew up and now lots of expensive homes are being built on the lake and being sold to retired notherners.

08-23-2007, 02:49 PM
East TN is the mountainous area. Lots of hills and valleys, very beautiful with a more laid back atmosphere.





That sounds just right, East TN. Sounds mor like us, laid back. I just want to absorb the beauty of nature. The pictures you have a gorgeous. I so miss fall. You're in-laws have a beautiful view!!

Thanks very much for all the info and the pictures :)

critter crazy
08-23-2007, 06:11 PM
Yes, East tennessee is where we were looking as well! Loved teh area, the mountains everything!! great pics!!!

08-24-2007, 12:01 AM
Tennessee is the last family vacation that we took before my daddy passed away...I LOVE IT THERE!! it is gorgous!!!!!!!!!!....I have alot of pictures that I can post I just have to scan them.... we stayed in Gatlinberg and I loved it we drove through the old town settlement in the mountains I can't remember the name of it but it was sooo cool!!! we just went all over the state it is beautiful everywhere .....if I ever move from Texas that would be one of my first choices to live!!....sorry I can't be more help on the land info and everything I really don't know about any of that but I do have alot of pictures of the beautiful state

08-24-2007, 06:00 AM
Countrycowgirl....please post them when you have time. I would love to see them. I am so looking forward to actually going there myself but I just know by what I have heard and the pics I have seen so far that I want to be there.

Thanks everyone :)

08-24-2007, 04:25 PM
My SO is from Knoxville, TN. She grew up in Halls-Crossroads. It's a very small town on the outskirts of Knoxville. We lived there for a while.

Her mom owned property with 12 acres, a pond, and 2 houses on it. That's where we stayed while we were there.
In fact, the property and the houses are for sale. The houses need quite a bit of work, and the trees and stuff would have to be cleared away before you could have access to the pond, but it's still a nice place.

I think TN is absolutely beautiful. I loved living there.

08-24-2007, 07:56 PM
My dad lives only a few miles outside of Athens TN. I haven't been down there in years, although we are planning on going this fall for a visit.

Where my dad lives is in the 'boonies' but yet only a few miles from Athens and a reasonable driving distance from the tourist sections of the Smokey Mnts. Natl' park, Gatlinburg, Dollywood etc for a day trip.

Sorry I don't have pix to post. The only pix I have of the area are from a film camera and my scanner isn't working right so I can scan them into the cpu.

Talked to dad the other night and he said they're having a drought in the area really bad, and they've had alot of heat lately. Summers can get fairly hot and dry down there. I've personally sat under his carport when it was 106 degrees in the shade during August. A/C is a must in the summer there.

Houses/land is less expensive down there, as well as groceries and whatnot, but mostly because the avg. wages earned down there is less than more populated areas more North in the Midwest.