View Full Version : It's raining again ... Thursday #226

08-22-2007, 04:31 PM
August in Chicago ... heat, humidity, rain - repeat. Today's Chicago Tribune had an exhortation to think snow...


So, barkeep, can I please have some iced tea? I'm not ready for winter just yet.

08-22-2007, 05:31 PM
August in Kansas: extreme heat, humidity, extreme heat, humidity, two sprinkles of rain drops, extreme heat, humidity..... :eek:

Iced tea sounds great to me too!!! With lots of ice, please? :D

Killearn Kitties
08-22-2007, 05:40 PM
Oooo, we just had our hottest day of this apology for a summer, so I could murder an iced tea. :D

08-22-2007, 06:56 PM
We've had lousy weather too. Heat & humidity but just one day of heavy rain in Indy. It's back to the 90's again tomorrow. :(

I had my first taste of Raspberry Iced Tea the other day & boy is it good. :)
I'll take one iced tea please.

08-22-2007, 07:29 PM
Umm I'm not into iced tea so hit me up with a lemonaide? Thanks. Uggg I had to WALK HOME from school. needless to say, I was dripping with sweat by the time I got home.

08-22-2007, 07:35 PM
It's HOT here but I've been riding around in leather and two layers of pants and I couldn't ask for anything better! Raspberry iced tea, please!

Lady's Human
08-22-2007, 09:35 PM
Being that the quote from the mayor is "He who dies with the most scars DOES NOT WIN, bird!"...

I'll take a large anything. A large everclear, straight up please?

Edwina's Secretary
08-22-2007, 09:54 PM
It is lovely here in Seattle or whatever the name of this town might be. I took an unexpectedly long walk...stopped off for some Thai food...enjoying my fume blanc..everyone else seemed to be drinking iced coffee... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Is it the birkenstocks???

Another fume blanc barkeep....

08-22-2007, 10:04 PM
Rain? Not here. Sunny and beautiful in San Francisco. One Peach iced tea for me and a longer tail for Mitzi to chase :D

08-23-2007, 10:24 AM
:p Sounds just like Texas in August.. I know we can get out the Big Mega Blaster Water Gun for a Soak Down.. MMmm lets me find Mario so he can fill up the Water Gun.. :D
August in Kansas: extreme heat, humidity, extreme heat, humidity, two sprinkles of rain drops, extreme heat, humidity..... :eek:

Iced tea sounds great to me too!!! With lots of ice, please? :D

08-23-2007, 11:58 AM

THanks for opening up....It's been really strange around here lately (weather-wise) drove to San Diego and went thru 4 climate zones. Even ran the heater in the truck! :eek:

Ice tea?



Sending you some good weather!

One Killer IT- On it's way!



RIT is like tequila...once you get a taste you crave it! :eek:


Welcome to the bar....Your membership fee is one clean joke....

Here's a lemonade in the meantime!



Horse or HOG? (The only places you can do in leather!)
One RIT?

DONE...Beer for the horse? :D

Man oh man! It's only Thursday!

I'll do one with you!



ES, A few things first...

What kind of people do you let into your neighborhood?
I was reading the crime report for the area and saw the thing about the
Toll Road Scoundrels?

I wear birkies and never wanted to White fume anything! Well maybe once...
Did you Satay?

One Fume Blanc?


One peachy Ice Tea for you and Mario will donate his time and tail!

Lol, whenever I think of peaches I think of a dear friend of mine who's last name was Kuehn (pronounced keen). I told her that she should have another child and name them PEACHY!
Ba dump..
Remember to grab the mop ! ;)


08-23-2007, 12:34 PM
;) Richard I havn't found Mario yet.. But however I think I found a Mop..


08-23-2007, 01:08 PM
It's a typical summer day in Pittsburgh! It's a hot 89 degrees with the humidity at 60% and a heat index of 98 degrees. As I type this, I'm hearing thunder over the horizon which means more rain. RICHARD, do you the big slushie mixer going? If so, I'd like the biggest slushie you can pour me! No, Mario! not pour it ON me!

08-23-2007, 03:18 PM
RICHARD, you get the beer for the horses and I'll get the whiskey for the men (whiskey sours for the women???). Hmm, haven't had a whiskey sour in years.. think I'll try one. Anyone else?? How long does it take to drive to San Diego RICHARD? I'll be there next month for a week. Planning to head up to LA while there although I know Gini's busy on that Saturday but we'll work something out. YOOOO HOOOO, Sara?? When will you be back from "up North"? Let's salute our PT friends in OHIO and wish them well with this horrible flooding they are having. Floods/drought fires/earthquakes? How about some peace/quiet? Puleeeese??

08-23-2007, 03:49 PM
I have to say, this is one of the nicest August's I've ever experienced! Newport is lovely, temps in the 70's except for just a couple hot days. Cools off every evening when the ocean breezes come in, just lovely! I'll take a TALL iced coffee latte please. And to take your minds off the rain, here's a pic from the TALL Ships festival in July... we sat on the rocky shore & watched them all (about 20?) sail by, very cool!

08-23-2007, 05:18 PM

Totally cool! that looks like fun...hope you had on your sunscreen and hat!!


One tall Ice Coffee Latte? done!

It depends...If you are in a hurry more than three to five hours. It's only 120 miles but you have to plan accordingly!
Oh, you wait until I get a job with goofy hours..

One whiskey sour? DONE!

One huge see-ment mixed Slushie?



I think that will do!!!

poor kitty? :eek:

08-23-2007, 08:54 PM
Not to say that it's hot and HUMID here, but I think the humidity hit 100% at one point because all of a sudden the sky opened up and down the rain came. It lasted about 5 minutes or so and then stopped. It was still humid after but cooler.

Edit: Richard, "Got Maine Coone?" I had one but I had to send him to the rainbow bridge. :(

08-23-2007, 10:37 PM
Hey, did I miss Thursday? :D

I don't think so~ :p Hi Everybody~

Hit me with a Raspberry Iced Tea Please, Bar Keeper~ Do ya have real "Red Raspberries", floating on the top? :D

I've had an Awesome( pardon the 80's phrase) August, ahhh, Summer time, and the Livin is Easy :o Fish are jumpin,and the cotton is .................... :D Well, you know how the song goes, I'm certain of it.

08-23-2007, 11:13 PM
Staggers into the bar.............just survived a "sleepover" I let my niece have at my home.

Have you "ever" had 8 - 13 years olds in your house all at the same time.
Those who know my home - how about games of hide and seek???? (all night!)

They all settled down at 3 AM..............I feel like a truck ran over me today.

Then we were back up at 6 am - because one girl had to go to school. Who goes to school in August? Well, she did.

I couldn't believe it - they ate all night - and had three hours of rest and all of them woke up HUNGRY.


Real Maple Syrup
Fresh Fruit
and then..........

could I please make some scrambled eggs?

Oh, yeah and milk and orange juice.

I was slugging down the coffee while I cooked.

So, I would like to put my feet up - let someone else do all of these dishes.......and maybe a Mimosa would help?

The things we do for love!!!:D

Prayers that everyone will be safe in Ohio - and elsewhere with this freak weather.

08-24-2007, 03:19 AM
Staggers into the bar.............just survived a "sleepover" I let my niece have at my home.

Have you "ever" had 8 - 13 years olds in your house all at the same time.
Those who know my home - how about games of hide and seek???? (all night!)

They all settled down at 3 AM..............I feel like a truck ran over me today.

Sorry Gini,

I have to call you out.

What's the matter?

You open your home to PTers and survive a week, but you let some kids run you over in one day? ;)

People falling on your deck.
Wetting their pants.
The Fire Department shows up.
Bag women showing up in the wee hours.
Chop or dice?
And all this time I thought you were tough!

Good to see someone is having a good time!
Cyber raspberries o.k.?

Hey you!

The humidity really sucks the life outta you!

Oh yes,

Maine Coon.....I have the most wonderful, smartest cat on the planet.
When I first met the Edster he fit into my t-shirt pocket. Now he fills one of those cardboard boxes that bottled water comes in. :eek:

One day I'll tell the story of how the Edster came to live with me!

08-24-2007, 06:53 PM
May I please have an ice cold beer??? Maybe that will improve my day. Not having a very good one and my new boss has shaken my confidence. I feel so dumb and so stupid. :(

Gini, I'd give anything to have a sleepover at your place right now..... :( :(

08-24-2007, 10:46 PM
Sure, Bar Keeper, Cyber raspberries will do just fine!!! Hey, did I mention that they need to be frozen first? :D

Gini~ That's what you get for being a good cook ;) Geesh, you even made me hungrey!!!!!

Hey there Slick~ Try not to let those "little people" rule your world ( hugs ) ;)

08-25-2007, 07:29 AM
Since "rain" is the theme this Thursdays, I'm posting here with a request for prayers for my good friend Gwen & her family in Findlay Ohio. They lost their home in the floods there. She, hubby, & three little doggies are now homeless.
Bartender, I think I NEED another one of those tall lattees!
:eek: Hi dorothy39, nice to see you back again!

08-25-2007, 08:23 AM
Hi Slick, how are you this morning? It sure has been hot here, we are going through such a drought, the temperatures has been in the hundreds for the past month, and we have forgotten what rain even looks or feels like!

Ice Cold Water here!

Willie :)

08-25-2007, 01:23 PM
May I please have an ice cold beer??? Maybe that will improve my day. Not having a very good one and my new boss has shaken my confidence. I feel so dumb and so stupid. :(

Gini, I'd give anything to have a sleepover at your place right now..... :( :(
*moff shuffles cards*
slick I'll see you one boss and raise with neighbors who fill my trash barrel with their stuff so I can't put mine in it.... :D

08-26-2007, 12:46 AM

Beer for the Slickster and whiskey for everyone else!

Hi Tray!

Long time!

Ice water for you! DONE!

Prayers and a Latte for you!


Cyber freezing? :D


08-26-2007, 06:31 AM
*moff shuffles cards*
slick I'll see you one boss and raise with neighbors who fill my trash barrel with their stuff so I can't put mine in it.... :D

:D Hey Slick, are you laughing yet?

Oh Geesh, I think I just swallowed a whole frozen raspberry :eek: :D

Hi Cyber-sibes~ Here's to your good friend in Findlay, Ohio!!!! We've got things covered .

Yeah Mario, I missed you too buddy ;) Here, have a raspberry.

08-26-2007, 05:51 PM
Welcome to the bar....Your membership fee is one clean joke....

Here's a lemonade in the meantime!


My membership fee:


do we have any drumstick icecreams or italian icees up in this place?

08-27-2007, 01:35 PM
do we have any drumstick icecreams or italian icees up in this place?




Remember, if he starts slinging those suckers around I'll have to pass out helmets! :D

08-27-2007, 02:07 PM
It's hot here again. I need a cherry limeade and, in honor of the last week of summer, a chili cheese dog!!! :D (and some antacids)

08-28-2007, 07:07 AM
Hey Connie, how hot has it been getting your way? It has been so hot here, that I just don't get out much, it feels like you would melt from the heat.

Bartender, give me what Connie is having, and what has Mario been doing? Has he been good? I bet he has been getting into trouble. I am going to make pictures of him, and post some of him pretty soon, so everybody be watching for them.


08-28-2007, 09:24 AM
:p Found Mario over in the corner chilling out with a Pepsie.. At least he is being good..


08-28-2007, 12:58 PM
Hi, Willie!!! Good to see you.
It was in the 100s here for a long time but now has cooled down to around 99. The heat index is still over 100 though. Good news is we have a cool front coming in the middle of the week. Our highs will only be in the 80s for a while then.

Looking forward to seeing new Mario pics!!! :D

08-28-2007, 01:53 PM
It's hot here again. I need a cherry limeade and, in honor of the last week of summer, a chili cheese dog!!! :D (and some antacids)

Why not? Forget the antacids, Thursday's food never is bad for you!
Cherry limeade and a chili cheese dog?


I guess I'll trade you a cherry limeade and a CC Hotdog for some Mario pics?
Yes, he is always good, It's the patrons that worry me!



He's been shaking the cans that he has been serving, know anything about that? :D

08-28-2007, 05:51 PM
OMG at practice today I was like dripping with sweat and felt all gross and nasty before practice even began. ew.

08-28-2007, 06:58 PM
OMG at practice today I was like dripping with sweat and felt all gross and nasty before practice even began. ew.

Keep drinking fluids!

Here's an ice cold coke!


08-29-2007, 09:37 AM
:) Darn Darn Richard I told Mario he could only shake up the big bottles of coke with mentos in them.. :D

08-29-2007, 04:48 PM
:) Darn Darn Richard I told Mario he could only shake up the big bottles of coke with mentos in them.. :D

A mop and bucket? ;)
