View Full Version : Flooding in Central Ohio..

08-21-2007, 06:21 PM
I'm ok. My family's ok.
First day of school has been cancelled.
Carey is in my county.
Findlay is where the dog park is, and where Carl and Diana live. You guys ok?
I can't send post links to the videos but if you go to the front page just follow the flooding links.
Please keep everyone in your prayers. No one has been injured in Carey yet, not sure about Findlay.

08-21-2007, 07:30 PM
glad to hear you're okay. those pictures look ugly, and the weather.com site shows more storms on the way. a whole summers' worth of rain in one week isn't good

Angus's Dad
08-21-2007, 07:46 PM
Staci, I'm glad to hear that things are ok in your neck of the woods. I talked to Carl earlier on our way home from MI to get an alternate route since we were hearing the interstate was closed, they are doing ok. He didn't say they were having any problems there thank goodness.
We did run into some of the flooding on our way to the race and OMG it was terrible :eek: We were really surprised that the road was still open...we thought we were going to float away. I'm just glad we were in the Durango and not the van. I did take some picture although it was still really dark (around 6 am or so). At least you can see how high the water was right beside my door and how high it was on the road signs. Very scarey.
I'm just glad I-75 was open when we went home:)

I've added a few pics I took (looking at the pictures again I just can't believe the police were still letting cars pass through!)

08-21-2007, 07:50 PM
glad you guys made it home safely.
even tho it wasn't really what you'd hoped for!! ;)

08-22-2007, 09:26 AM
I'm glad you guys posted some info on the flooding. I saw coverage and
some film clips on last nights news program. :eek: Wow, that looks so scary.

I'm so glad that Anna & Mark made it back home safely. It sure better
all dry up before Labor Day. :(

08-22-2007, 09:38 AM
We were watching ont he news last night all the coverage of Findlay and Carey. My parents are on the north side of Findlay, and like Anna said, really don't have too much to worry about there. Although you would never know it, the elevation change is drastic in Findlay, and where they are height wise is the same elevation as the top of the courthouse downtown (where a good deal of the flooding is). The whole town would have to be 40 ft underwater before it would reach them! Dog park isn't so fortunte, being right by the river and could be pretty soggy Labor Day!

Toledo hasn't been too bad. They have had some flooding in the normal high risk areas but no problems in our area.

08-22-2007, 10:00 AM
is Moraine near the flooding area? :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
08-22-2007, 10:14 AM
Is Moraine near the flooding area? :confused:

The City of Moraine, Ohio, is a south-western suburb of Dayton, Ohio;
* west of Columbus
* north of Cincinnati

Probably not badly impacted by this week's flooding.

08-22-2007, 10:18 AM
Goodness, I saw Staci's videos - and it looks pretty scary to me. I just hope everyone stays safe and has no damage to their homes.

08-22-2007, 12:51 PM
thank you

08-22-2007, 02:40 PM
Fox news is showing film of the flooding right now.

I had posted on the meetings thread before I saw this.
Stay safe everyone!!!

08-22-2007, 04:27 PM
I just saw footage of the flooding in Findlay on our local news here in Knoxville. Wow! Glad you guys are okay.

08-22-2007, 04:51 PM
Oh, I just posted in the meeting thread as well. :o I hope all this rain
moves out of here pronto.

08-22-2007, 07:40 PM
:( Poor Findlay! I suppose our house is alright, I haven't heard otherwise from the neighbors or our realtor, but if it's like from last spring's flooding, I'll bet the dogpark is under at least a couple feet or more of water. I couldn't even drive into the park last spring, the water was up level with the large tressel bridge over the Blanchard River. I'm sure part of Findlay's problem is that they have been experiencing a drought all summer, farmers have lost a lot of crops, and the ground may be too hard to soak up a heavy rain. there's probably a lot of houses in town that have flooded.

If the rain stops, it could all soak in by Labor Day, but I would bring boots for the pic-nic, just in case it's still squishy.

4 Dog Mother
08-23-2007, 07:30 AM
Sorry, I haven't posted yet. I am having some health problems and on some very strong pain meds. My work has been cancelled the last few days because it is very close to the Downtown area. The basement was flooded and yesterday my boss said it was up to the doors - I won't be working today either. The only way to get from one side of town to the other is I-75. Hopefully the water is going down now - but many people have lost their homes and businesses. It is so strange to see your town on the national news. I will try to write more later when I am not so "high" on the meds.

08-23-2007, 08:16 AM
Diana, I hope you are ok! Sorry you are experiencing pain and on the dreaded meds while this is going on all around you. When I heard Findlay, OH on the news, I immediately started worrying about you!

You guys stay safe!


08-23-2007, 08:34 AM
Crossing fingers that nobody gets hurt by the flooding. Now everyone stay safe.

08-23-2007, 08:45 AM
Yes, Findley is all over the news on the Chicago news too. Thanks for checking in as we have been worried about you all.

08-23-2007, 10:05 AM
Yes, Findley is all over the news on the Chicago news too. Thanks for checking in as we have been worried about you all.

Thinking of you all and hoping that no one is hurt. Praying that it ends quickly. Hugs.

08-23-2007, 12:01 PM

I was flipping thru the channels and stopped at a spanish language weather report....
THey showed a clip of flooding and they identified the area as FINDLAY, OHIO!

Holy crap! Hope everyone is well and your plight is international news! :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
08-23-2007, 12:22 PM
I am having some health problems and on some very strong pain meds.

Please, start feeling BETTER, Mom!!

My work has been cancelled the last few days because it is very close to the Downtown area.

Many people have lost their homes and businesses.

One of those sure to be effected is our own PTer - Carrie - Mom to Gabbie the Great Dane
and two Apartment Kitties!

She and her Dad own a Kitchen Store - right in the center of Findlay on S Main Street -
in the center of the Flood Zone in town.

Diana - have you heard from Carrie or tried to contact her?
I'm fearful their Store has flood water in it ... and poor Carrie and the FurKids
live in an apartment above the Store. :(

Let's all send a PT Prayer that their damage is minimal;
and that all of 'em are SAFE & Dry!


08-23-2007, 12:25 PM
:( Yes the Flooding is all so awefull & horrible.. So glad everyone is doing ok.. thanks for the check in..

4 Dog Mother
08-23-2007, 02:32 PM
No, Phred, I have not contacted Carrie since any of this started even though I have thought about her. You are right I am sure the store has been flooded - in fact it is close enough to the river that it probably had quite a bit of water in it. I am not sure what Carrie would have done because her car would be parked in some of the deepest water too - I would hope she took the fur kids and went to stay with her dad who lives outside of town - I don't think near the river but I am not sure on that.

I have been sick since last Wednesday and have spent more time in ER's and doctor's offices than I would ever care to again - esp. since it wasn't until yesterday that the even began to figure out what was going on. I will share later about what has happened. The night that the major flooding was going on I was in the ER here in town from 8 pm to 3 am. Went to Toledo at noon for a doctor's appointment up there. Basically, I have been pretty much out of all which is happening as far as the flooding has gone.

My boss called and said we did not get water on the first floor but the stuff in the basement now had raw sewage in it and needed major clean-up. A lot of the reporters commented on people out in it riding bikes and just walking arouond and that the water did have raw sewage, gas and oil for peoples garages and just junk in it and it was not a very smart thing to be doing. As they were just coming on with the 6:00 Toledo News some man was walking along one of the buildings and slipped under the water. The were right on the scene as a rescue boat went out to get him. He was okay but his lips were blue and he seemed to be in shock. Another two men disappeared when they tried to get to their van which only the top was showing but later they must have found them because they have said there are no fatalities.

The water continues to recede but there will be months of cleaning up.

Cinder & Smoke
08-23-2007, 03:22 PM

Carrie, Gabbie, da Kats, and Dad are ALL A-OK!!

Carrie answered the Kitchen Shop phone ... Dad was hammerin away in the background ...
FurKids are upstairs in the apartment ... Life Goes On!

The Kitchen Shop DID get seriously flodded :( -
but the flood waters ARE Receeding - and the water is now below the first floor.
They're busily *ripping* up ruined carpeting and positioning de-humidifiers -
doing their best to dry things out.

Carrie said Gabbie was NOT impressed with her favorite "spots" near the Shop/Apartment
being :eek: UNDER Water - so she didn't go potty for 24 hours ...
But they've found "dry" ground and she's "empty" now! :p

PRAYERS will be greatly appreciated by Carrie & Dad ...
they're footing the bill for the damage & clean-up ...
pretty *ruff* on a Small Business! :(

08-23-2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the uppie date Phred. Prayers on the way from me!!!

Maybe Fema or some other agency could help with the costs?

08-23-2007, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the uppie date Phred. Prayers on the way from me!!!

Maybe Fema or some other agency could help with the costs?
Fema is already on the scene.
Not sure what's going to happen.

08-23-2007, 05:17 PM
Diana, Sorry to hear about your health problems :(

"When it rains, it pours" :( Hope you are already on the mend. The news
and film clips were all about Finday again today & they said the Blanchard(?)
river was 7 ft above flood stage. I'm glad though, thatyou guys keep checking
in here. I'm praying for all of you.

08-23-2007, 09:18 PM
Oh gosh, Diana, I'm sorry to hear you've been so ill. I hope you get on the mend quickly, I'll be praying for you & Carrie & all our Findlay friends. Since I heard about this I've been thinking of all the people I know who live/work in the flooded areas. Prayers for everyone affected...

08-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Like everyone else, I've seen the pictures and I've read the stories. My Heart goes out to all the people in Findlay , Ohio. :o

4 Dog Mother~ Diana~I'm so sorry to learn about your health problems :(

Prayers for everyone affected...................

08-23-2007, 10:53 PM
Yes, my heart goes out to everyone too in the flooded areas. Thank you everyone for checking in and letting us know that you are alright.

I too, hope that FEMA will come through and help you.

08-24-2007, 06:59 AM
Needless to say we've been keeping track on how things are going in Findlay and I can't imagine being one of the poor souls that have lost everything:(

Glad to hear Carrie and her gang are doing OK. I seen that a lot of the people down town didn't have flood insurance. I hope FEMA helps.

Diana, Amy had told me about what you've been going through lately and I'm so sorry to hear you haven't had any relief from the pain. I hope and pray that soon you will be feeling better.

08-24-2007, 08:29 AM
Weather Channel was talking about Findlay yesterday and Andy and I immediately thought of you all down there.

Diana, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. :(

Many thoughts and prayers for all of your Ohioans.

08-24-2007, 01:05 PM
Even watching on the news, I'm not sure I understood how extensive the flooding in Findlay was, until I was looking at a slideshow one of my friends sent to me. There are a lof of pitcures and it loads slow (at least at work), but wow! There are basically 3 sets of pictures, with the middle set being some aerial views.

Findlay Flood (http://sidelinephotos.phanfare.com/slideshow.aspx?username=sidelinephotos&album_id=389129 )

Daisy and Delilah
08-24-2007, 01:58 PM
My thoughts and prayers are going out to all those affected by this. It's devastating, to say the least.

That slideshow is unbelievable. Findlay looks like a very nice town. I hope those folks get some relief soon and some help. :(

08-24-2007, 05:26 PM
I've been checking in with friends in Findlay. One of the people I worked with also works at Marathon in downtown Findlay -- her family lost 2 cars in the flash flooding on Tuesday. She said the Marathon building is flooded so everyone is trying to work from home. Haven't heard from one friend who lives on 2nd st. (very badly flooded), and my other friend who lives on Washington Ave. said her house is ok but everyone around her is flooded. Her neighbors were all upset last year because the city changed the zoning regulations & REQUIRED they all have flood insurance in that area... Guess they're not so mad about it now! ;)

Amy, one of my friends just sent me that video - so sad to see all the flooding. Especially the parks, that's where I used to take Star & Shermanto walk when the dogpark was flooded/muddy!

08-24-2007, 10:39 PM
Sorry, I haven't posted yet. I am having some health problems and on some very strong pain meds.
I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well, Mom. Thinking and praying for you. If you need anything let me know...

08-25-2007, 05:35 AM
the local columbus news is filled with pictures, it seems that a front is stalled over you, and just 60 miles south, it's dry.
diana, i'm so sorry to read that you're not feeling well. sending you thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

08-25-2007, 07:21 AM
:( :( :( PLEASE keep my friend Gwen & her family in your prayers. She & her husband lost their home in the flood in Findlay. She said it happened so fast, they didn't have time to move anything out. She has two min pins & a small mix-breed (she only got her about 4 weeks ago), and barely had time to grab the dogs when the rescue boat arrived. Pixie & Dixie & new girl were terrified during the rescue.

They are now homeless. The house will have to be stripped to the studs & rebuilt. Gwen & hubby are staying with a daughter & young grandson, but her dogs can't stay there. The pups are at "grandma's" for now, which is stressful for them.

08-25-2007, 09:37 AM
Lower Wisconsin got it bad too. Upper WI is still in a drought. Where I live we got enough to revive some of the the dying trees, but no floods. All the victims of the flooding will be in my thoughts as they try to make it through this.

08-25-2007, 09:42 AM
:( :( :( PLEASE keep my friend Gwen & her family in your prayers.

Prayers sent for your friend Pat!!

08-25-2007, 10:57 AM
My heartfelt prayers are being offered for all who have met with disaster during these floods.

08-27-2007, 12:34 AM
Let me know if I should cross-post if they need a temp foster home for the dogs. Or will they be able to stay at "Grandma's" for now?

I'll keep the family in my thoughts.

*sniffle* So VERY glad they were at least able to save the pups. It's sad though that they lost everything else.

PLEASE keep my friend Gwen & her family in your prayers. She & her husband lost their home in the flood in Findlay. She said it happened so fast, they didn't have time to move anything out. She has two min pins & a small mix-breed (she only got her about 4 weeks ago), and barely had time to grab the dogs when the rescue boat arrived. Pixie & Dixie & new girl were terrified during the rescue.

They are now homeless. The house will have to be stripped to the studs & rebuilt. Gwen & hubby are staying with a daughter & young grandson, but her dogs can't stay there. The pups are at "grandma's" for now, which is stressful for them.

08-27-2007, 01:00 AM
prayers for all involved. :( sading.

I also heard that three people at bus stop were killed by a lighting at a time too? :eek: :( rare case.

08-27-2007, 07:14 AM
Let me know if I should cross-post if they need a temp foster home for the dogs. Or will they be able to stay at "Grandma's" for now?I'll let her know, although I think they're fine where they are till Gwen & hubby resettle. If I hear otherwise, I'l let you know. Thanks.

08-28-2007, 05:45 PM
I just wanted to post that I hope everyone in Ohio is okay and recovering from the storms. I'm thinking of you!