View Full Version : Feeding Deer

08-21-2007, 07:56 AM
We have had two deer visit our yard for months now. Actually they are in the area just behind our fence (4' picket fence across the back which backs up to woods). We live in a suburban area and the woods are not deep woods. In fact there are housing developments and roads all over. The deer live in this one small area of woods. I am concerned about how they will get along in the winter. Those of you in rural areas will think this is a silly question, but should I put out food for the deer? If so, what kind of food? I really look forward to seeing them in these early morning hours, even though Bella and Ripley bark their heads off at them. :rolleyes: They are now quite used to the barking (when the dogs are in the house) but will of course run away if the dogs run up to the fence with all of their barking. :rolleyes: Hubby says I should leave well enough alone and they will survive. We also have two HUGE turkeys that live back there too. I worry about them too. Any thoughts?

08-21-2007, 08:05 AM
I do know that if you start feeding them, they learn to depend on you for food so you can't stop feeding them once winter hits.

I know they like fruit and dried corn, around here we have farm supply stores that sell bags of deer feed.

Here's something interesting to read....

08-21-2007, 08:13 AM
What an excellent article! Thank you for that! In years past I would feed birds (cardinals mostly) through the winter months. I was told that once I start feeding them I must not forget because there are birds that will not migrate south if they have a food source up here. When I took that task on I kept it up through the winter even though it was quite cold going out to that feeder in the snow. I surely don't want to create problems for my two little deer friends so I will leave them alone as hubby said. Thanks again!

08-21-2007, 08:31 AM
I can understand how tempting it would be to feed those deer, (we're all suckers for all animals are we not!) but it sounds like they need to find a better place to spend the winter and I'm sure they will.

08-21-2007, 08:47 AM
(we're all suckers for all animals are we not!)

Yes we are! :) I have tried and tried to get a picture of them but they are there early in the morning (6:00ish) and it is just too dark for my camera. Of course then my camera uses the flash to try and compensate but it doesn't work. I can't illuminate my whole yard with my little camera. :o At this point the deer are probably thinking...."there she goes again with that flashy thing." They pay no attention to me at all any more. :)

08-21-2007, 10:23 AM
For my parents it's the opposite. Dad puts out feed corn for the deer in the winter but doesn't feed them in the summer. They must forage on their own in the summer because they never come looking for handouts. :)

We only see them in the winter.

09-06-2007, 07:38 AM
The deer continue to appear in my yard behind the fence. Today we had a BIG surprise - instead of two, now there are three. :) :) The third one appears to be very young. Do deer have baby deer at this time of year? Now I will surely worry about them this winter. Just yesterday I was in Walmart and noticed they sell *Deer Corn.* I had to force myself not to buy it because it is my natural instinct to feed critters. Oh I hope all of them make it through the winter. *sigh*

09-06-2007, 07:45 AM
I didn't read the article, but suspect it says just that, don't feed them.

It is so tempting. I don't feed the birds in the summer, only the winter, as I know I would be feeding the other critters all summer too!

Be strong. Deer are tough and can survive the harshest of winters. The ones that do not survive are meant to be part of the food chain. The thought of Bambi starving to death is not a good thought, but it is part of their birth control too.

Ugh. :eek:

09-06-2007, 08:05 AM
I went to Key West Florida one year with my best friend and saw my first "key" deer. Florida law prohibits you from feeding or touching them. They come right up to your car at night, so close you can pet them. It was SOOOO tempting, so I know exactly how the temptation can get to you.

Thank you for caring about them.

09-06-2007, 10:57 AM
My sister feeds the deer in the winter. She buys corn at the feed shop in town. She lives in the country.

Personally, I wouldn't want deer in my yard because all I can think about are the deer ticks they carry. Yuck.

Maybe you can take some pictures of the deer & share them with us. Deer are so beautiful.


09-06-2007, 11:01 AM
Maybe you can take some pictures of the deer & share them with us. Deer are so beautiful.


I have tried and tried and no success. :( They are usually out there between 6:00AM and 6:30AM. I stand inside my house and raise the windows and screens and put the camera on *up close* but it is too dark. I have even tried taking movies of them but it is a black blur with the exception of their little white tails moving around. If I dared go outside and closer to the fence I am sure they would run away (especially since my dogs would be barking like mad from the house. :rolleyes: )

I will be strong and not feed them. It will be hard though. They are so beautiful.

09-06-2007, 11:13 AM
I love to look at the deer but I don't like when they are crossing the street because they seem to come up out of nowhere. There is so much new construction around here that the deer are losing their places. The village put up some Deer Crossing signs this past spring when the does were moving about with fawns, and that has helped.

09-06-2007, 01:49 PM
I used to always put out bird feed in the winter and only within the past years have been convinced this may not be the best thing to do. The argument is that the seed spill from the feeder attracts rodents and well, I guess I'm not inclined to encourage mice or rats around my house. The other theory is that those rodents attract the coyotes which are known to inhabit nearby areas and which are a concern to the local dogs during their trips outside.

I've come to the conclusion not to mess with Mother Nature, other than to be happy that the berries and crab apples on my trees often are gobbled up by birds and assorted critters. (I know there is something noturnal eating those crab apples because my dogs go nuts during the night when they smell whatever it is outside the bedroom window.)

09-06-2007, 09:52 PM
I used to always put out bird feed in the winter and only within the past years have been convinced this may not be the best thing to do. The argument is that the seed spill from the feeder attracts rodents and well, I guess I'm not inclined to encourage mice or rats around my house. The other theory is that those rodents attract the coyotes which are known to inhabit nearby areas and which are a concern to the local dogs during their trips outside.

Actually you can buy a 'no mess' seed mix that is mostly hulled sunflowers so there is no messes to attract rodents.

I don't use that kind myself because, well, with 15 feeders I just can't afford that mix. I've never had problems with rodents in my yard, we keep the shells raked up and the lawn mower disperses the rest that the squirrels and rabbits don't eat. We do get an occasional raccoon or possum eating at the ground feeders at night though, but I don't mind as long as they aren't destructive or in large numbers.