View Full Version : Suggestions?

Owned by Hoosier
08-20-2007, 07:51 PM
I'm suprised at the lack of suggestions here!

I'd love to hear about other folks suggestions for games to keep your owners happy. Doesn't anyone have some novel or interesting games to keep your benefactors happy?

Hoosier is most happy with a string and bamboo stick contraption I made him, though we play various other games like chase, hide and seek, fetch(on a really good day) and 'whats under the rug?'. He's pretty picky! I must have gone through hundreds in toys he doesn't like!

Anyway, I'd love to hear some suggestions for my 4 year old boy!


08-21-2007, 09:10 AM
Hoosier's a beauty. What a cute cat.

Anyway, my cat loves to play with string, feathers and dangler toys you buy at the pet store. Also she loves The Electric Mouse. It is a mouse and it moves on it's own and Angel will chase it around the house.

08-26-2007, 03:02 PM
I am sorry I am just now seeing this thread!

Both of my girls LOVE milk rings! Buy a gallon of milk and you also get a free toy! Tabby (19) still enjoys a milk ring very now and then. And Sasha (4)... well, she plays with them all the time! She especially loves to play hockey with them on the linoleum. She lays on the floor and I shoot one to her and she is the goalie and tries to stop it. She also just loves to throw them in the air and catch them with her paws or mouth! One time last Christmas, I came home from work and found a new milk ring ornament hanging on the tree... compliments of Sasha I am sure.

Both girls also LOVE their laser. I found one real cheap (less than $8.00) at WalMart, in the kitty toy aisle. I had been pricing them at the pet stores and was amazed at the cost! :eek:

08-28-2007, 12:45 PM
Those plastic caps from pop bottles can keep my cats entertained for hours. Although a crumpled up piece of paper works too.

11-17-2007, 01:13 PM
We bought two of those collapsable tunnels and you can connect them to make even longer tunnels. My cats LOVE these! They take turns running through and chasing each other.

Laura's Babies
11-21-2007, 03:05 PM
That purse stuffed with cat toys was the best idea I ever had. The game is, I pick up her toys and put them in the purse, she digs them out overnight (or all day) and I get to pick them up and restuff the purse. This game was endless for about 3 months....

11-21-2007, 04:06 PM
My cats amuse themselves with the catnip mice -- ONLY the ones which rattle inside. :rolleyes: I feel like an idiot some days, in the pet stores, shaking all the mice to find the ones which rattle and then find the best one with the most rattles. :rolleyes:

I have so many pets just now they chase each other and it's never a dull moment.

11-21-2007, 04:14 PM
:) First of All Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics..

Second of All your baby is just so Adorable with Beauty..

Third is my babies love any thing that rolls.. Just wadd up some foil or a sticky note into a ball & the rest is history.. They also love frilly dangly things..

11-26-2007, 06:12 PM
Dear Hoosier,

Let's see ... Games to keep my human happy. I like to play the "Feed Me" game, especially around 3 AM - just grab the nearest magazine or book (my meowmy reads a lot so there is always one around), sink my teeth into the paper and rip away. Game's over when she wakes up and feeds me. I also like to play the "Look Down" game when she is working in the kitchen. I sit right behind her, just close enough that she might step on my tail if she doesn't look down first. If that happens - or even if she gets close - I let her know it. Then she stops what she's doing to pet me. When company comes there's the bathroom game. My meowmy knows she and I must always be on the same side of a closed bathroom door, but guests don't. So I position myself just outside the bathroom door and glare at them when they come out.

Will those work?

Purrs ;) Cassie

Hoosier, Cassie's person here. At 12 she's not too playful, but her favorite toy since kitten days is called a Kitty Tease. http://www.stuffweuse.com/kitty_tease.html

11-28-2007, 01:46 PM
Freedom, you're not the only one...Sasha will only play with the rattling ones too.

Favorite game...'make the dog bark'

1. wait for meomy to sit down to eat
2. get on the table with the plants
3. wait for Belle (in sig) to notice and decide that I'm not supposed to be there, dig in flower pots to attract attention, if necessary
4. jump off the table as soon as meowmy stands up to chase me off
5. repeat steps 1-4 when meomy sits down again, until she puts me in my room and shuts the door.

Other games include 'chase the dog', 'attack the dog's tail', and 'pick me up as soon as you get home, especially if you're wearing nice clothes'.

Need we go on? :D

12-12-2007, 07:56 PM
Try a metal tape measure! :D Pull it out, wag it around (scratching your hardwood floors, for sure . . . :eek: . . . don't tell my husband) and then retract it . . . that is the new, novel toy according to my kitties. :)

Seems like the most ordinary, household items hold more interest than the store-bought ones.

I took a heavy-duty, made for workboots type of shoelace and attached a twisted, bent-up pipe cleaner to it. They liked it well enough, but I never would have thought that the cats now prefer the plain end with nothing attached, being dragged around for them to stalk and pouce upon! :rolleyes:

12-24-2007, 09:53 PM
Back in the late 60's, my cat Beazle loved a marble being put in a shoe - preferably man's full lace-up shoe(leather or similar). Went NUTS trying to get it out of the toe of the shoe. Marble must be 'rolled' into shoe so it moves temptingly! :D

01-02-2008, 08:11 AM
Smudge is fascinated by Acculon (plastic-coated beading wire) but of course only when it's whipping around because I'm making something with it!

01-09-2008, 10:02 PM
Several years ago we discovered a new toy that our kitty loves!

It started out with my husband getting the coffee pot ready for the next morning. He'd dump the paper coffee filter in the sink and then rinse the used coffee grounds down the garbage disposal and lay the wet filter on the faucet to dry and then he'd toss it in the garbage in the morning. Well, one day the filters started disappearing! We had NO idea what was happening to them until we realized it HAD to be the cat stealing them! So, he moved it to a new spot inside of the cupboard and then next morning he wadded it into a ball and threw it for Molly and she went NUTS! So, for 3+ years now, this is her morning ritual! It doesn't work if we use a brand new coffee filter....it has to be a USED one! So, I don't know if it gives her a caffeine buzz or what but she just loves them!