View Full Version : What would you have done?

Goochina & Goochissimo
07-29-2002, 01:15 PM
I purchased my dog from Petland. As I've said before, he is now 7-months and happy, healthy, and super smart.

I wouldn't normally adopt from Petland because I know they are "questionable" at best. But I'm a sucker. We were shopping next door and saw a cute little dalmatian in the window. I hate the store, but I couldn't help but go see the little guy. He was sooooo adorable. They wanted $850 for him, and I felt bad for the little guy. But I refused to buy a dog from Petland.

So anyway, a couple of weeks later we are next door again and I think of the dal, and peek in the window... and there he sits marked down to $100. What? I was pretty surprised. I asked why the sudden drop, and they told me he was deaf. This time I played with him and fell in LOVE!

I looked into deaf dogs, and found mixed reactions as to whether or not they can be good pets. I also found that many times they are put to sleep because homes can't be found. I read up on pet stores, and discovered that puppies that aren't sold quickly enough are returned to the puppy mills and backyard breeders. In my heart, I knew this puppy did not stand a chance. He was going to be put to sleep if he didn't find a good home, and if someone else adopted him without properly training him and working with his disabilities, he'd likely end up in a shelter or something. Even local dalmatian rescues do not adopt out deaf dals, so he didn't stand much of a chance of finding a good home.

As much as I hated to give Petland my support, I adopted him feeling certain that I was giving him a good life. For the $100, we got his first set of shots and microchip implant. We immediately took him to our regular vet to be checked out, and he was very healthy and happy. In the last 3 months we have taught him SO MANY hand commands, and he is THRIVING despite his disability. He is the perfect dog, and shows no signs of a bad temperament resulting from deafness. We couldn't be happier with him, and he was a much needed playmate for our older dal.

I guess my question is... was supporting Petland with that $100 the wrong choice in the grand scheme of things because it helps enable them to continue? Or was it ok to save my puppy's life? I just want opinions, it won't make a difference because what is done is done.

07-29-2002, 01:21 PM
I would have done the same thing, probably. They didn't make as much as they wanted to, and you saved him from what was going to be misery at best. By continuing to boycot them otherwise - don't buy food or toys or anything els there, you are doing more to hurt them, and you're spreading the message as well.

Thank you for saving his life.

07-29-2002, 01:38 PM
I agree with Karen. Just because he was unfortunate enough to be a petshop pup doesn't mean that he should not be saved. In this case, he NEEDED to be rescued. He would have probably ended up dead if it weren't for you. What would they have done with a deaf dog? I hate to imagine...

Thanks for saving the pup's life!

07-29-2002, 01:57 PM
I would have followed my heart... just like you did :)

That's crazy that dal rescue won't adopt out deaf dogs. I have worked with several deaf dogs at the shelter and all have been quick learners and an absolute delight to be around.

Dixieland Dancer
07-29-2002, 02:33 PM
You definitely did the right thing! Most of my dog training is done with hand signals at first anyway to shape the behavior so teaching a deaf dog is perhaps going to be a touch more difficult than if the pup could hear but once he learns to watch you and follow your hand signals, you will have a special bond beyond compare!! :D

07-29-2002, 03:01 PM
I would have done the same thing. Although you ended up supporting the store, you also rescued a dog that was headed for disaster, for sure. You are forgiven by most of us (can't speak for everyone, of course) for having purchased your lovely doggie at Petland, if that makes you feel less burdened. I would like to believe that not all pet stores get their pets from mills. I just don't have any information about the numbers from pet mills vs. good breeders. I have my on ideas about this, but I just don't know.

So yes, I would have done the same thing. Thanks for rescuing this babe of yours!

So glad to hear it is working out for you!


07-29-2002, 03:09 PM
I would have done the same thing, saving the puppy at that time is more important then the store getting 100.00. I have read on some of the communities about people who have deaf dogs and they do wonderful with hand signals. It might be a little more difficult as Dixie says, but the pup is worth it. I don't believe in Puppy Mills, but it's really difficult because I feel sorry for the pups who are in the Pet stores too. I guess it's a viscious circle.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-29-2002, 03:36 PM
G & G,

What you said about what's done is done is right. I'm very
glad your pup has a good home with you. But people don't
"adopt" animals from Petland, they buy them. I really don't
understand it when people say they "were just walking by
a pet store", or just went in to look at the puppies". For
myself, I wouldn't go in a store that sold dogs & cats if
they were giving away free food products. If I ever want
to see the puppies, there are plenty of them at adoption
events at stores that do not sell companion animals.

Believe me I'm happy for you & your sweet poochie, but
I don't buy anything from a shop that sells dogs & cats.
Just my thoughts about what I would have done.Liz & Buddy.

07-29-2002, 04:34 PM
More then likely I would have probably done the same thing you did. I think it is great that you rescued your doggie from them bad people!

07-29-2002, 07:08 PM
I would of done the same thing. Bless his little heart, you did a good thing.

07-29-2002, 09:37 PM
You followed your concience and heart and did the right thing. That pooch is lucky to have you. I also got one of my dogs (Tobi) from a Pet Store 4 years ago. Back then I didn't know any better and thought pet stores were wonderful places (goes to show how little I knew).

I've never regretted my decision to purchase Tobi. I know I put money in their stinking pockets (trust me, they were stinking since Tobi smelled horrendously and the cages were super-cramped, my poor little baby), but I don't care. I saved Tobi's life.

I once knew someone who was going to put 2 Dals to sleep because they were deaf. They were rescued and turned out to be wonderful dogs, very smart and excellent house pets. Their deafness did not affect their ability to love and be themselves.

I say "hooray for you"! You should be proud. Let us all know how it goes.

07-30-2002, 05:43 AM
you SO did the RIGHT thing!!!! i've seen photos of your precious dals...as much as we do not want to support those places....sometimes we have to look the other way to save a life that might have been ended way too early....or worse yet went to somebody that wouldn't love him as you do....lots of people have deaf dogs...they enjoy just as full of a life......
keep up the good work....
your Spottys' appreciate it!!!!;) :)

07-30-2002, 07:22 AM
I believe you did the right thing. I shudder to think of what could have happened to your precious furkid had you not been there to rescue him. Bless you for saving his life.

07-30-2002, 08:11 AM
Well, I think you followed your heart and did the right thing! Most of you know I got my Roxey from a pet store, and I probably wouldn't do it again, I guess sometimes you need to do what you need to do!! I say "Bravo" !

07-30-2002, 12:32 PM
I definitely would have done the same thing. I have 3 dals and do dal rescue. I'm so glad you rescued him, no telling where he would've ended up!!

Aly, I don't know of any dal rescues off hand that DON'T adopt out deaf dals. All the rescues I know of do. I'm not saying that their aren't any, but all the rescues I come in contact with have deafies for adoption. The only people I've heard of that do not adopt out deafies, are breeders. Some do, some don't.

07-30-2002, 02:09 PM
Ahh, thats good. I was just confused because it said this in your first post:

"Even local dalmatian rescues do not adopt out deaf dals, so he didn't stand much of a chance of finding a good home. "

Thanks for clarifying though. That was upsetting news.

07-30-2002, 05:22 PM
I agree with everybody else. I would have done the same thing. I'm a sucker for animals and everybody knows it. When somebody hears about an animal that needs a home, they call me. I believe all animals deserve a chance to live and be loved.

I have so many now I can't keep up with getting them spayed and neutered, but I'm working on it. I have to tell everybody I can't take all the animals in, however much I would love too. If I were rich I would have an animal refuge where no animal would be turned away. :)

07-31-2002, 06:28 PM
Your pup sounds like a very special doggie!! And a very, very lucky one to have fallen into the arms of such a sweet, gentle, caring soul such as yourself. I wish you many, many happy years together!! And speaking as one who actively protests the puppymill trade and Petland, I can completly understand your anguish. This has always been the hardest issue to address..."Rescue" the poor, homeless pups by purchasing him/her and getting them out of that miserable situation. OR, not purchase them in hopes of breaking the cycle. AS animal lovers we ALL can relate to the strings of your heart that were pulled at the sight of that beautiful, needy puppy. Sadly, this is what Petland counts on. And as soon as that cage is empty, they will fill it with another:( And so it goes. I can't honestly say that I would be able to turn my back on a doggie I knew faced death or at a best, a bleak future. That's one reason I don't even step foot in those stores. One look and I'd be a goner:( But, we must all do everything that we can to stop this horrible trade. Please remember that your puppy was the lucky one. The poor mother who remains at the mill, whose sole function in life is reduced to nothing more than serving as a puppy factory, suffering under the most horrifying conditions, endless pregnancies with little or no health care, is not so lucky. When she is no longer deemed "productive," a cruel death awaits her. She never knew love or kindness or hope or even a gentle, human touch. Perhaps you can help to spread the word, educating those around you who are unaware of the puppymill tragedy, encouraging them to write to their legislators, the AKC (who supports this trade by issuing pedigree papers to the mill owners) and distributing leaflets and info. that can be downloaded and printed from www.puppymillfighters.com You were very courageous to come out so openly, to share your concerns, seek advice and ask our opinions. You followed your heart and no one can fault you for that! I wish you all the best with your precious new baby!! And remember, if you find he has any illnesses/health issues (other than her deafness) in the near and even not so near future, you march right back in there and demand that they pay the vet bills! Others I know have had done just that and they HAVE paid! It sounds likes he's thriving and enjoying a wonderful life with you!! Congratulations and all my love to your sweet baby!! Pics???:D