View Full Version : Rescued Dog ... What Breed(s)?

08-20-2007, 02:01 PM
A neighbor of the person who "owned" this dog contacted me about her. She was not being fed or watered and we have had nearly 3 weeks straight of temps over 100 degrees outside! Anyway, I went and picked her up and the "owner" basically drug her to my van ... made me SICK!!!

So, Coco is now here with us. Does anyone have any idea was breeds she has in her? Also, I am concerned about her being around my kitties. She growls and the hair on her back stands up and even though my cat was behind a gate, when it ran off, Coco tried to chase her! I am afraid she has a very strong prey drive even though she is only a year old. :(




critter crazy
08-20-2007, 02:05 PM
Awww....she is a cutie!! Hmm...maybe shepard/husky mix?? I was at first thinking chow/husky ix maybe as well?? Dont see any purple spots on the tongue tho, but who knows. all I know is that she is cute!!

As far as the cats go, it could just be that she has never been around any before, and it might just take her time to get used to them. For now I would just keep them apart, and hopefully she will get used to seeing them through the gate,a nd will eventually be okay.

You are awsome for taking her in, what a sweety!

08-20-2007, 02:08 PM
soo cute!!....... I saw Shiba but not sure they are too common to be a mix..... maybe some Shep/Rott/Chow....... anyway...... too cute!!

08-20-2007, 02:34 PM
When I saw her face I saw Shiba also.
I can also see Shepherd/Husky too.

Maybe with her being left to fend for herself she started going after smaller animals for food and that triggered her prey drive.

08-20-2007, 04:00 PM
From what I've read just today about Shiba Inus, they do have a strong prey drive, and I believe that Huskies do as well. Of course, everyone always has believed that about GSD, though I know they can also be very gentle and loving with small animals. I just hope I can get her to accept my cats, as I would love for her to stay here. Dottie really loves having her as a playmate since big brother Kenny gets grumpy with her rambunctious ways sometimes! :rolleyes:

08-20-2007, 04:44 PM
She's a pretty dog. I was thinking maybe, Sheba Inu/Shepard mix. :confused: It would pay to be very careful in getting her used to
the kitties. A strong prey drive is almost impossible to change.

08-20-2007, 04:46 PM
Such a pretty dog! I love the way that one ear tips, he he.

Although the breed will give you some idea of the prey drive, ultimately you have to cope with this dog, whatever her prey drive is. The first 2 foster bichons I had were in high drive after the cats day and night; it was a chaotic 48 hours until I could get them to another foster home. The 2 fosters I have now are like mine; the cats sleep with them, step on them, not a woof!


08-20-2007, 04:54 PM
Kim, we had a pure breed GSD at my parents, he was respectful and gentle with the kitties, but we had to teach him, it wasn't hard, he was very intelligent. At the same time we had one cheeky orangie who liked taking rides hanging on his tail ! :D

08-20-2007, 06:02 PM
Can anyone give me really sound advice on Coco and my cats! Should I attempt to get them together, maybe with her on leash with hubby holding the leash? I'm scared to death at what could happen to my kitties!! Is it worth trying, or would I always be putting the cats at risk? :confused: I have never had a dog that was like this with my cats. I mean she growled at just seeing one through the window from our back yard. Growling, hair on neck all raised and chomping at the bits. I love this pup, but I love my kitties too, and they are my family first! Serious opinions needed PLEASE!


08-20-2007, 06:48 PM
I love cats and I love dogs. But, if it were me, I wouldn't take the chance. I wouldn't leave them unattended together for a long, long (if ever) time. The dog doesn't sound like she's used to being around cats. Maybe she will always see them as prey. Maybe not, but it's not fair to put them in that position. Neither the dog or the cats (or you) will be happy living in an war zone. She sounds like she'd be happier living in a home without cats.

08-20-2007, 06:51 PM
Whatever she is, she's mighty cute!

08-20-2007, 06:53 PM
Lisa, that's what I am afraid of. She is wonderful in every single other way! This is just heartbreaking!!! :(

critter crazy
08-20-2007, 06:56 PM
I wouldnt give up just yet, you have just gotten her. We had a Rotti once, that absolutely hated cats!! The first time we took him to the vets, he tried to attack one that was in a kennel!! But we had cats, so we were going to try to make it work. we just seperated the house off, and just gradually introduced the kitties over time. It took us a few months, and before you knew it, he was sleeping next to the cats.

08-20-2007, 06:57 PM
No I wouldn't do that either. Don't force them onto each other. Keep them separated. You will see enough over a few days to let you know what she considers them.

And don't forget, being in the house with a calm cat, a dog may still chase and harm a cat outside dashing about. Or even a cat inside who decides to fly through the room

For now, she is in a state of change, so don't force her to do anything, let her get adjusted to being cared for and loved!

08-20-2007, 07:01 PM
Can anyone give me really sound advice on Coco and my cats! Should I attempt to get them together, maybe with her on leash with hubby holding the leash? I'm scared to death at what could happen to my kitties!! Is it worth trying, or would I always be putting the cats at risk? :confused: I have never had a dog that was like this with my cats. I mean she growled at just seeing one through the window from our back yard. Growling, hair on neck all raised and chomping at the bits. I love this pup, but I love my kitties too, and they are my family first! Serious opinions needed PLEASE!

KimRockee does that to cats too and even tried killing a kitten once. She is fine with our cats though. What we did was first muzzle her, maybe take one cat and put it in a crate and have her muzzled and let her sniff then gradually let the cat out of the crate while the dogs on a leash. Eventually if she gets better let her off the leash with the muzzle still on. And keep telling her shes a good girl and giving her lots of praise (unless she does something bad).

08-20-2007, 07:38 PM
I think Shiba Inu and Shepherd. Possibly Chow in there too. I definatly don't see any Siberian Husky in her. She is definatly a cutie pie! :D

08-20-2007, 08:27 PM
she's a beautiful girl - but it might be best for your kitties to find a home with her where kitties aren't around. You don't want anything to happen to her (ie being pts for attacking a cat) or your kitties.
She's out of the situation she was in and now she can heal.
I was actually thinking she might have some coyote in her, but that's my opinion for what its worth. She is gorgeous.

08-20-2007, 09:55 PM
Staci, I thought she looked like a coyote too! I was even afraid that if she were ever allowed to roam free (which she WAS before coming here) that she might be mistaken for one and shot!

08-20-2007, 10:11 PM
You are right. She does favor a coyote. I think she also favors a german shepherd.

Some dogs just can't ever be taught to not chase cats. It could be that she's still new and the cats are something different...if that's it then I think you have a pretty good chance with them getting along one day, but if it's the prey drive in her then I don't know if you'd be able to train her and teach her that the cats are yours and not there for her to chase!

I've had a lot of dgos that weren't good with cats and we weren't able to have any cats until a few years ago actually becsause of the big dogs. Sadly though all 4 of our big dogs have passed away and we have 3 cats now. We couldn't have ever had cats back a long time ago...our dogs just had too much prey drive, which wasn't their fault or didn't mean anything was wrong with them it was just they couldn't be trusted with cats or for that matter any kind of small animals besides a dog :(

I hope your girl starts adjusting well with the cats soon, but if she doesn't I'm sure you could find her a good home w/out cats/kittens. She sure is beautiful. I totally understand about you not wanting to take chances with her and the cats though.

08-20-2007, 10:26 PM
I knew we had lots of coyotes around here, but this article was just two days ago!!! :eek:


08-20-2007, 10:58 PM
and also keep in mine that regardless of what she's mixed with. If she has that high of a prey drive, you also have smaller dogs too.
I do hope she finds a great home. She's too cute not to! :D

08-20-2007, 11:07 PM
How wonderful of you to take this sweet girl in. Thank heavens for that wonderful neighbor.

I'm thinking Collie/GSD possibly. Collie/coyote? Husky/GSD?

I agree that this prey drive of hers is probably due to being chained outside and starved. It very well could go away after knowing she'll be well cared for.

08-21-2007, 01:29 AM
I was thinking maybe that dog is a Shiba/husky mix.. possibly shephard.. He sure is a cutie. I love those ears.

08-21-2007, 01:13 PM
She wasn't chained. She was free-roaming, with no tags / collar. I think the "lady" was hoping she would just run off. :mad:

08-21-2007, 08:58 PM
Oh how lovely. :sarcasm:

King's owner's boyfriend did that with him, hoping animal control would catch him. That's what one of the lady's children told me. (And i let him back into his yard in the morning on my way to school.)

She wasn't chained. She was free-roaming, with no tags / collar. I think the "lady" was hoping she would just run off.

08-22-2007, 10:16 AM
Beautiful dog, I would give her some time. Maybe some training would help. Cats are pretty fast when they sense danger.
I see Shiba but not sure what else, those tulip ears and her tail have me puzzled, maybe a bit of shepherd and some kind of hound?
Whatever, very pretty.