View Full Version : Spot the baby deer

08-19-2007, 09:01 PM
Today as my brother and I were coming home I saw 2 big labs on the side of the road. I thought they were just digging at the ground, but my brother said stop I think they've killed something! So I pulled the car over and when I did the 2 dogs took off running. I got out and walked over to where they had been and it was a baby deer.

I picked him up and he let out a loud cry. I carried him to my brother to hold while I drove home. We got home and we carried him in to my mom. She got a blanket and we sat him on it and held and pet him. She called the Vet. but they were closed and couldn't really give us any advice except to call an animal wildlife place.

We tried giving him water but he wouldn't take it. So we just let him lie on the blanket in the hallway.

He had so many bloody spots on him. All 4 legs were bleeding, his head was scratched up and banged up pretty bad, his little lip was bleeding too. The dogs had just hurt him so bad. He didn't have any big puncture wounds or anything...I think the wounds on his head must have been worse that we thought.

My Papa came over and named him Spot. He held him for about 30 minutes and for that 30 minutes my Papa held him he seemed to feel so relaxed and calm like he knew he was loved.

He lived several hours and I had to go to the Dollar General for my mom. When I got back my mom said he had died. I feel bad, but I think little Spot has now stepped into Heaven. He doesn't have any wounds and he is fine and isn't in pain any longer. I'll miss him....even if I only knew him a few hours.

We managed to get a picture of him too so we can always remember his beautiful face.

I'm sad that he's no longer with us, but I'm glad he got to be loved and didn't die out on the side of the road with a bunch of dogs scaring and hurting him.

We love you Spot. You're ok now :)

08-19-2007, 09:34 PM
can you post the picture you got???


08-19-2007, 09:54 PM
I'm sorry about Spot. :(

08-20-2007, 01:02 PM
:( Oh how sad....

08-20-2007, 10:02 PM
We buried him at the end of our yard under a bunch of pine trees. He was a sweet baby...

inlovewithanimals, sure I can send the picture, but I'll have to wait until we get the pictures developed since we used my mom's old camera and not my digital one....