View Full Version : So busy, but dropping by to say 'Hi!'

Russian Blue
08-18-2007, 02:27 PM
As the title suggests, this summer has been so busy over here. We started a major home renovation project over the last while and phase one just finished. We knocked down two main walls on the mainfloor of our house and added a solarium/sunroom to the back of the house.

The reno guys were really quite good, but I'm very happy to have my house back to myself. They literally almost worked 7 days a week, so each weekend we would escape to the cottage. I also didn't have a working kitchen so we had to do a lot of microwave meals and fast food. I never thought I would miss my stove, but this experience has changed that! ;)

Phase 2 will be planning/installing the kitchen ourselves and refinishing the floors throughout the house. Once that is done, I'll be on the look out for a new feline (or two!) to make my home complete. :D

I'm a little torn right now since I'm still missing Nakita like crazy and I'm not sure how I'll handle having another cat in the house. But I'm going to take my time making sure the right one comes home since I can't stand not having a cat in the house. It's been really hard these last few months coming home and not having anyone to come home to.

The house still is so silent and lifeless but I hope to change that soon. Also, please let me know your opinions on what cats I should get? Should I get two females? One male one female? Two males? I've only had female cats so not familar with male cats at all! Right now I'm so feline deprived I'm sure I'll just pick up the first two I see. ;)

Thank goodness we did the renos since it has kept my mind busy and my mind moving forward. So, I didn't want you guys to think I forgot any of you or your kindness. We've just been extremely busy with all the contractors and cleaning up!

Just posted a thread in the General forum regarding my renos. Check here if you want to take a look at what we have been up to:

Home Renos (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=132314)

08-18-2007, 03:04 PM
I think that Nakita would love for you to have another Cat in your home.
She would never want you to be lonely and having another Cat would give her a Friend to whom she could be a Guardian Angel.
Shes been in your sunroom with Pet Angel Visitors and they love that sun.
She says that you will enjoy that together for years to come.

Edwina's Secretary
08-18-2007, 03:25 PM
Saw the purrfect pair for you yesterday....we went to the pet store and they always have cats. A beautiful pair of dainty 3 year old tabby girls. Loving...both to each other and to people.

My husband wanted to bring them home....but Edwina said....

08-18-2007, 03:40 PM
"We've already got one too many!"

critter crazy
08-18-2007, 03:44 PM
Hmmm...I have 4 beautiful babies that will be up for adoption in a few weeks!;)

08-18-2007, 03:49 PM
Wow -- home renos can be so consuming -- kitchens and bathrooms are the toughest, aren't they?? We did our kitchen last summer and although it was really hard to function for a few weeks, the pain was so worth it :D I'm sure you'll feel the same once it's done :D

Can you fast forward the renos ;) so we can have some new kitties at Russian Blue's home please??? Whomever they will be Kass - they will be special :D and it will be so good for your heart to have new babies in your home -- Nakita will be so proud :)

Fingers crossed everything works out Purrfectly!!

Russian Blue
08-18-2007, 04:44 PM
Thanks guys. I just need to make a little adjustment to my heart and I'm sure the right feline(s) will show up.

I've added the link to my reno project in my original post. ;)

08-18-2007, 05:28 PM
Kass, it's wonderful to hear from you again and I'm glad to hear that the renovations are going well.:) Hopefully your kitchen renovations will go smoothly so then you'll be finished and you'll be able to add a couple of kitties to your household.:)

I grew up with mainly female cats and they weren't as loving as the one male cat that we had. I then had male cats of my own for many years until I adopted Pearl and Ziggy. Now I'm so glad that I finally decided to add a couple of females to my mix. They're all very loving towards me. I say go for a male and a female if you can. Then you'll have one of each.:) I'm sure that you'll find the purrfect pair when the time is right. Good luck.:)

08-19-2007, 10:31 PM
Hi Kass. :)

I've often think about you and Rob on how you are handling the loss of your beautiful girl. I'm sure being very busy has helped somewhat.

You'll know when the time is right to bring another kitty or two into your home and I'm sure you will find the right one.

I viewed your thread on your renovations and WOW, you guys have been really busy. I just love the new sunroom and can't wait to see phase 2.
You guys have done a beautiful job.

Take care and it's so good to hear from you. :D

08-20-2007, 02:42 AM
Kass I didn't dare to ask in the other thread what about a kitty. The house looks wonderful to me but a feline in the sunroom is a must.
I am also for boys (2 of them)- and don't forget to think about an Abyssinian :D

Felicia's Mom
08-20-2007, 11:43 AM
I know your cat(s) will enjoy the sunroom. It looks beautiful!

I am glad you are getting another cat(s). Anytime I got a new cat or kitten, it could'nt look like the one that had died (same color). Maybe this wouldn't bother you.

08-21-2007, 09:52 PM
It's nice to hear from you Kass. :)
Aren't renovations fun?
They are so much work and so much mess but so worth it when it's done. :)
I'm sure you will be ready to add a new kitty or two soon after the renovations are done.
You might even want to try out fostering a couple of kitties before you decide which cat or cats to get.

08-22-2007, 10:02 PM
Male & Female. :p

The spirits of these cats will be guided to you.

May your hearts be filled with feline love, once again.