View Full Version : Flower Pics *18 pics*

08-18-2007, 10:14 AM
I am on a posting spree. I figured seeing I have neglected to post pics in so long it was time to make up for it. There are tons. And I have tons more I still have to upload to my computer so for now I will just post the ones I have on the computer.

First I will post some of the flower pics from the zoo. They are over 1000 species of plants and flowers. I didn't take pics of all but some.






more coming

08-18-2007, 10:40 AM

Now for random flower pics.





more coming

08-18-2007, 11:02 AM
oh wow photobucket is so slow. gonna try to fit the last 7 here.







that's all. Hope you enjoyed. :)


Miss Z
08-18-2007, 04:02 PM
Very pretty, Michelle! I love floral photography.

08-18-2007, 04:21 PM
Oh your roses are lovely! I especially like the shot from the under side, showing the flower soaring up to the sky, with the top of it sun drenched! Dramatic photo!

On the first post, the third photo, I am not sure what flower that is but it is a stunning cascade of flowers.

I HAD a hibiscus like yours, it didn't come up this year, boo hoo.

And your hydrangeas are so full. Great photos!

08-18-2007, 04:30 PM
Very pretty, Michelle! I love floral photography.

Thanks Zara. :) I never have flowers in the house cause of the cats but I love to take pics of them.

Oh your roses are lovely! I especially like the shot from the under side, showing the flower soaring up to the sky, with the top of it sun drenched! Dramatic photo!

On the first post, the third photo, I am not sure what flower that is but it is a stunning cascade of flowers.

I HAD a hibiscus like yours, it didn't come up this year, boo hoo.

And your hydrangeas are so full. Great photos!

The rose pic that was taken from the underside was a fluke. It was too tall for me to see it so I said the heck with it and took it that way. The other rose pics were taken in my hubby's aunt's garden. They were lovely and the pics hardly do them justice.

I am not sure what the cascading flower is either. I took it at the zoo. I know it isn't native to here. I will have to check when I go back next time and get the name. They were so full and lush. I just loved them. And the color was so vivid too.

Sorry you hibiscus didn't come in. Luckily I don't do the gardening here or nothing would come in. I have a black thumb. :p

I don't know what it is about the hydrangeas here but they are all huge. Must be the italian sun and soil. :)

BTW...thanks for the lovely compliment on the photos.

08-18-2007, 06:02 PM
Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing. :)

Daisy and Delilah
08-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Beautiful pictures, Michelle!! Thanks for sharing :)

The cascading flower is a crepe myrtle. We have them all over the place down here. I was surprised to see them in the picture because I didn't know they grow over there. :)

08-19-2007, 05:39 AM
Beautiful pictures, Michelle!! Thanks for sharing :)

The cascading flower is a crepe myrtle. We have them all over the place down here. I was surprised to see them in the picture because I didn't know they grow over there. :)

Good to know the name of that gorgeous flower. The only place I have ever seen them is at the zoo. They have plants from all over the world. It is not native to here but their gardens are gorgeous so I think they have an expert gardener on staff. It was the first time I saw them there so not sure if they are new or not. Thanks for the info Terry. :)