View Full Version : A cute Elvis-related joke

smokey the elder
08-17-2007, 02:51 PM
I heard a story yesterday (30th anniversary of Elvis' passing.)

An American visitor was on a tour bus in the UK when a lady came on in tears saying that "The King is dead." The guy called information, asking who the King (of England) was. The operator, somewhat baffled, said, "We don't have a King, we have a Queen."

Tourist: "Then who's married to the Queen?"

Operator: "That would be the Duke."

Tourist: "Does the King know?" :p ;)

08-17-2007, 03:29 PM
Hah !!!! :d :d :d

Miss Z
08-18-2007, 09:38 AM
LMAO! Yeah, you have to watch dear Queen Lizzie... ;)