View Full Version : Newest scam at Craigslist

08-16-2007, 01:36 AM
In Texas, Dallas and Houston specifically, a guy (posing as a girl named Ashley, I think) made a post the other day stating that his cat appeared to have been stabbed. I've been watching and wishing I could afford to help...it was really heartbreaking knowing that this kitty had to be in excruciating pain, if even still alive.

Something about him hearing it crying outside, he let it in and it ran under his dresser and after reaching to get the cat, he felt spurting blood from what appeared to be a stab wound. He went on to say "what do I do, I don't get paid for two weeks and the vet I normally take it to won't accept payments?".

After raising $87.00 from caring folks, he fessed up and said it was all a joke to earn beer money!
There's quite a few pissed off folks but there's nothing they can really do about it. I have worried about this cat for the last few days, feeling guilty that I couldn't help, and then I learn that it was all a scam! I can't imagine how those that actually donated felt...

Anyway, I just wanted to let folks now that you'll probably see this trend now. Just beware what you believe.

08-16-2007, 01:49 AM
Thank you for the heads up!

What a jerk... Hope he gets what is coming to him!

And I hope people have learned NEVER to give money to someone you dont know and trust, and if you do, pay directly to the vet...

08-16-2007, 06:24 AM
I HATE hearing things like this. It just goes to show the vast difference between the good people in this world and the scum. How could someone ever take advantage of people's compassion like that? What goes around comes around. This guy will get his some day. :mad:

08-16-2007, 06:46 AM
Wait a second. Who says there's nothing to be done? That's outright fraud and the authorities would look at it that way as well. I hear about people getting arrested all the time for scams, maybe not about animals, usually about people of families who were supposedly killed on 9/11 or who have cancer and no health insurance, etc. Granted, only $87 was raised but the man confessed online, for crying out loud! Someone should alert the authorities and haul his sorry, beer guzzlin' ass off to jail. If he sits w/guys who pee on the floor and is in danger of being stabbed himself, maybe he'll think twice before he uses innocent animals as a ruse to get money for his habit, the asshat!

08-16-2007, 09:24 AM
The Craigslist moderator would know who the guy is...unless he posted false info(but how would he get the money if he did?)

I hope he has been reported, and some mandatory AA meetings are part of his sentence...I mean, that is DESPERATE for beer!

08-16-2007, 09:57 AM
Thats about as low as the scum that steal the donation boxes meant for charities. There was a well dressed couple that made thier living doing that stealing money meant for veterans etc.
Some people are just too lazy to work and have no sruples whatsoever. I hope they can charge this piece of trash.
Its like able bodied people who pan handle. Garbage on two legs.