View Full Version : A hobby?

08-14-2007, 08:50 PM
I've kinda been looking around for some sort of hobby or activity...I'm clueless as to what I'd like to do...

I was thinking about tennis, but I really don't know that I'd want to...I was also thinking of a martial art...but I don't really like fighting lol D: I used to be in taekwondo, it was ok, but I just didn't like sparring much...which is really the whole point of martial arts...

I sort of want something physical to help get me in better shape...something fun...but I'm soo picky and don't seem to want to try anything. i've played soccer & basketball, did taekwondo, flyball with zeke and other things like guitar which i didn't stick with cause the teacher made me feel like a failure...or maybe it was just me, not sure. Anyway, I was also thinking of like piano or something too even though it's not physical. I just want to enjoy something and look forward to something...I just have no idea. I'd LOVE to take japanese classes, but go figure I've already taken the ones offered here...they just dont continue on.

Any ideas??

08-14-2007, 08:58 PM
How about a dance class? That's physical, but no sparring is involved!

Piano is also good, not as physical, but it's a great instrument to start with, will help you with anything musical you do for the rest of your life.*
1. Ma was a piano teacher
2. My sister is a piano teacher
3. I was a bad piano student (because I never practiced) and am now used as a negative example - you'd better practice, or you'll play like Aunt Karen!

But I still do other musical things, and do have a keyboard upstairs, and sure enough, knowing how to play piano has helped!

08-14-2007, 09:07 PM
yeah I was thinking of dance too...It's kinda dumb, but I think I'm afraid to take classes cause I think I'll make a fool of myself D: lol

My dad and my sister play piano...my dad is pretty good...I've always wanted to play....

08-15-2007, 04:07 AM
Since you're sort of into the martial arts, but don't like the fighting why not try yoga or tae chi?

08-15-2007, 07:16 AM
yeah I was thinking of dance too...It's kinda dumb, but I think I'm afraid to take classes cause I think I'll make a fool of myself D: lol

My dad and my sister play piano...my dad is pretty good...I've always wanted to play....

Everyone is expected to make a fool of themselves the first time in dance class! If you didn't, THEN we'd be worried! ;)

08-15-2007, 10:42 AM
I suppose that's true, Karen :D

I was actually looking into tai chi too...and I have done yoga before...it was ok

Pawsitive Thinking
08-15-2007, 10:46 AM
How about a martial art using paper - origami.....

Miss Z
08-15-2007, 12:40 PM
I will naturally suggest horse-riding to anyone in need of a hobby, but I realise that it isn't always within everyone's budget. It's very over-priced these days, and even though I am highly biased I know it' worth it once you're hooked!

How about trampolining? It can really help to tone your muscles and anyone can do it. It's great fun learning how to flip and stuff, I always enjoyed it, even though I have very long legs which make moves like 'swivel hips' (seat drop, spinning around into another seat drop) rather difficult!

I've always enjoyed swimming too and it's probably the best exercise you can get. A half hour or so of lengths at your local pool every week will be certain to help get you in shape.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

08-15-2007, 06:05 PM
I will naturally suggest horse-riding to anyone in need of a hobby, but I realise that it isn't always within everyone's budget. It's very over-priced these days, and even though I am highly biased I know it' worth it once you're hooked!

How about trampolining? It can really help to tone your muscles and anyone can do it. It's great fun learning how to flip and stuff, I always enjoyed it, even though I have very long legs which make moves like 'swivel hips' (seat drop, spinning around into another seat drop) rather difficult!

I've always enjoyed swimming too and it's probably the best exercise you can get. A half hour or so of lengths at your local pool every week will be certain to help get you in shape.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

I used to take riding lessons, actually.I did really enjoyed it but I had some bad spills and I'm sort of afraid to ride now (everytime I get on a horse now it's spooks...like EVERY time)

thanks for all the sugestions...I'll have ot research them

08-15-2007, 08:00 PM
This may sound odd as a physical hobby, but how about photography?

Sometimes to go get a really good shot you have to contort yourself into all kinds of positions, or hike a good deal carrying your gear and tripod. Plus it's an art so as long as it's exposed correctly and in focus no one should make you feel like a 'failure'. Not to mention the side benefits of taking beautiful pix of your furbabies. lol