View Full Version : Why cats make me curse!

08-14-2007, 03:43 PM
Everyone know that Edward D Katz is possible the smartest cat in the world!

I think he's part dog, homing pigeon and jokester.

He's also a pest exterminator.

Ed and I have an agreement. He pays attention, behaves and keep me entertained.

Again, last night was no different.


Ed loves the walk from my house to my mom's pad. The trust between us is amazing. I open the door, he walks out and stops to see where the dogs are.
The dogs come over and do the obligitory rear sniff and the Edster, properly offened, scoots into the my mom's back door. Not last night.

The dogs, properly conditioned to accept the feline part of the world, let the neighborhood kittles roam the yard..

Ed wanted to go next door so I opened the door. The Edster walks out and stops at his usual stopping point. He looks into the shadows, crouches and RUNS!

I know that he's on the side of the house-I can hear the chihuahuas barking up a storm. I begin my slow slide into the dark sie of cursing.

Four hundred things run through my mind.....60% bad, 40% no too bad and 200% are X rated curses.

Barefoot, I take off in pursuit. I make the corner take two steps onto the driveway and put my foot into the biggest, nastiest slug on the planet.

THIS DUDE WAS HUGE. It was so big that I smeared him about six inches and almost slipped and killed myself. Curses.

O.K., Now I have slug snot on my foot, my cat has run away and I have no flash light....Lovely. BAD curses..

All the while the yappers next door are barking up a storm.....ANd I am cursing.

I stop at the faucet and wash my foot off, I have to go back and get my sandals because every small rock is getting in my way...More curses!

Being dark outside I go back to my place to get a flashlight and my shoes...

I get shoes but the flashlight batteries in the big one are dead, I pick up a smaller version and make my woyu out and I am...you got it...CURSING!

I head back to the front yard and still the dogs are barking, I am cursing.

I don't see anything, I run to the back yard-cursing, of course....and see nothing.


I head back to the front yard and the barking circus next door and see that the motion sensor light is on! I shine my pitiful light into the dark part of the yard and see two luminous eyes looking at me.

THANK GOD...I return to my cursing....
Ed, properly amused, starts to run when I approach.....a little curse and I capture him for our curse-laden return trip to my house.

With the proper curse, we walk thru the door and plan on going to sleep.

I hesitate on my bedtime prayers. God probably don't want to hear from a foul mouthed dude like me, so, I do the next best thing-

I BLAME IT ON THE EDSTER, get my prayers said and we both are off to sleep....

Amen! ;)

08-14-2007, 03:58 PM
Ewww, yick! I thought the huge, gross slugs were only in the Oregon and Washington area. Ick! Ick! Ick! Ick! Ick! Ick! Ick!

08-14-2007, 04:32 PM
And Edsters saying whats the problem Dad, I just wanted some fresh air. It wasnt as though I was running away from home. By and by you should get that slug off of your foot.

Laura's Babies
08-14-2007, 04:32 PM
You blamed it on the Edster?? Shame, shame! Sounds like a real adventure out in the dark of night, barefooted, stepping on slugs....EWWWWWWW!

08-14-2007, 04:46 PM
You blamed it on the Edster?? Shame, shame! Sounds like a real adventure out in the dark of night, barefooted, stepping on slugs....EWWWWWWW!

Why not?

I had to kill the slug! ;)

08-14-2007, 06:54 PM
Well, at least you had pants on this time...... ;)
...or so I hope.... :D :p

08-14-2007, 06:58 PM
Well, at least you had pants on this time...... ;)
...or so I hope.... :D :p


I was dressed! ;) It's my shoes that I missed!

08-14-2007, 08:31 PM
richard, please for the sake of your soul, invest in and leave some flip flops by the door. :)

08-15-2007, 08:19 AM
Geez RICHARD, would you at LEAST let me get a couple if sips of coffee in me before you post stuff like this??? The minute you started describing the Edster, I knew I was in for coffee on the laptop. I knew I should've moved it. :rolleyes:

What??? You only RINSED your slug-boogied foot off before going to bed??? Eeeeewwwwww, ickickickick!!! :p


08-15-2007, 10:54 AM
What??? You only RINSED your slug-boogied foot off before going to bed??? Eeeeewwwwww, ickickickick!!! :p


I did clean up before I went to bed-and trust me, no amount of washing will get the sensation outta my head!

Slug boogied...I like that! :D

08-15-2007, 12:08 PM
Ewwwwwwwww! I have never stepped on a slug and never want to! I would be like you, cursing lol. I"m am glad you got Edster back:)