View Full Version : A walk in the park? Um...no. (UPDATE: Photos 5,6 & 7)

08-14-2007, 06:56 AM
This past weekend, Jim and I thought it might be fun to get a cat harnass and cat leash for Howard and Luna....and walk the cats (who, I might add, are both strictly indoor cats). Silly us :rolleyes: As many of you already know, this is NOT like walking a dog, where you snap the leash on and the poochie obediently and mindlessly follows her master wherever she may go. Oh no. Not at all.

Since there was only one leash, Luna went first since I've previously carried her outside for a couple minutes and she's got the most curiosity about the World Beyond the Window. The harnass and leash went on no problem. This I was actually surprised about since, of the two cats, she's the most likely to flip out over being restrained. Maybe she understood when I told her that the leash and harnass would allow her to go outside and explore without Meowme having to hold onto her tightly so she wouldn't bolt. Once outside, she just sat there on the porch sniffing and looking around, eyes huge. After 10 minutes, she finally conquered the porch steps (which are pretty big for a tiny little kitty). However, she didn't venture too far off the patio except to briefly taste some grasss. I think she was too overwhelmed to do much more. Next time I think she'll want to explore more.

Then came Howard. He calmly and peacefully resisted our efforts to put the harnass on by plopping on his side and then acting like a dead weight when I lifted him so Jim could secure the contraption. We finally got him hooked up and took him outside. Howard sat on the porch for a few seconds and then took off down the porch steps and across the yard, pulling me behind him (who knew a 12 pound cat could do that to a 110 pound Hooman?). That must have looked funny! Anyway, Howard ha MUCH more fun outside than Luna did. He pulled me all over and sniffed at everything in the small yard. But when it came time to go back inside, Jim opened the door and Howard RAN up the steps and back inside.

This weekend is supposed to be nice, so we'll be taking them each out a few more times...just to get them used to the harnass and leash and The World Outside the Window. I think in no time they'll get used to everything and then the REAL training (teaching them to walk on a leash) will begin....

***P.S. Photos of this adventure posted below!***

Laura's Babies
08-14-2007, 07:56 AM
I can't wait for the pictures!! I was sitting on the edge of my seat reading until I founf out what happened. I was so afraid you were going to say one of them took off without anyone on the other end of the lease.. I am glad that didn't happen!!! Will the pictures get posted today?

08-14-2007, 08:07 PM
He calmly and peacefully resisted our efforts to put the harnass on by plopping on his side and then acting like a dead weight when I lifted him

Isn't it amazing how cats can change their body weight on demand? ;)

Anxiously awaiting pix.

08-14-2007, 09:13 PM
:D :D :D Isn't this fun???? Actually your experience sounds pretty positive and I'm sure they will love going out for walkies :) It took our Eve a few tries initially but now she's great in her harness and on leash. She takes Daddycat and Meowmie for walkies every chance she gets :p She actually heels very well and puts a lot of smiles on other people's faces as she regally trots by :D

She waits patiently while we put her into harness and rarely pulls unless something startles her. When that happens I reel her in quite close and stand ready to pick her up if necessary. That usually calms her down and she's fine. She even climbs trees knowing we would never let her fall! Her favourite trick is hanging over the deck railing as far as she can (must have been a stunt cat in her previous life :rolleyes: ).

Without a doubt harness training your kitties is a good thing. In the event that you travel with them, you will find it so much more enjoyable being able to take them on little strolls.

Keep at it and enjoy! It's a really nice experience going for walks with your cat!

08-15-2007, 09:10 AM
Here are some of Luna's adventure Outside.

08-15-2007, 09:12 AM
And here's some of Howard.

08-15-2007, 09:13 AM
And some after the adventure was over.

08-15-2007, 05:51 PM
I had the idea one time that if I bought one of those handles taht you screw into the ground and then put a harness on say a mild Cat like Michael that I would have an Orange Cat that would have some range to move around and play in the sun. Wrong once more as Michael the Mild became Michael the Maniac and he ripped through the harness in three seconds flat and sulked in the bushes for two days before the bucket of KFC and an apology brought him back into the fold.
Between You I and the Gate Post it was the Colenol.

08-15-2007, 06:59 PM
Loved the pictures - your kitties are adorable and very loved :)

08-16-2007, 07:28 AM
Loved the pictures - your kitties are adorable and very loved :)

Thank you. They seemed to have fun outside....once they got past the getting the harnass and leash on part :rolleyes: Next step will be training them to heel. LOL!!!!!

08-19-2007, 09:16 PM
They did slightly better with Round #2 :D Still a lot of work to be done before they're ready for the Kitty Olympics, though...

08-19-2007, 10:00 PM
They did slightly better with Round #2 :D Still a lot of work to be done before they're ready for the Kitty Olympics, though...

Keep on keeping on and they will get more comfortable with the whole idea :D