View Full Version : Every have one of those days?

08-13-2007, 01:30 PM
Where you wake up just exhausted and dreading any of the things you have to do?(well some of them anyway). I am having one of those days today. I think I over did it this weekend and am paying for it today. lol As I type this I am yawning.

Hubby told me to just relax today. Bless him. lol If he only knew. Relax with a toddler in the house and 6 puppies that are a day shy of 5 weeks old. lol Not that I dread either of those tasks. lol It is hte house work and such I dread. So I am doing as hubby said and other then taking care of the kids and pups I am relaxing. The floor can wait to be swept and the few dishes there are can wait till I have had a nap this afternoon. I am just having a lazy day. lol

Tomorrow should be much better. Anyone else having a lazy day today?
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-13-2007, 06:15 PM
not a lazy day for me. had to go to work, much too early. enjoy your day on the downside, you've earned it.

08-13-2007, 06:23 PM
Lazy day here and I do think it had something to do with the air pressure.

It was overcast, hot and humid. even the cats and dogs slept most of the day. Finally about 5 we had thunerstorms and rain and now it is bright and cool out. I am waking up! :rolleyes:

08-13-2007, 07:16 PM
I seem to have alot of those days lately, I think its because the warehouse I work in has no air conditioner, and the humidity really drains my energy.

08-14-2007, 06:51 AM
I have been having a couple of those lately my doctor seems to think it has something to do with my hysterectomy earlier this year that my hormones are driving me nuts and that when I feel tired is all mixed up with when I should be awake.