View Full Version : Snoring Puppy?!?!

08-12-2007, 08:29 AM
On July 7, 2007, Missy a tri colored Australian Cattle pup entered my life. What a joy she is. But something is going on when she sleeps. She plays hard during the day & is really tired out when evening comes. She sleeps on the sunroom floor next to my bed. I have heard her snoring very loudly. Is this normal? She is now 4 months old.

08-12-2007, 06:38 PM
Awwww! Do you have any pictures of Missy?? She sounds beautiful!
My yellow Labrador (Rita) also snores... it is the funniest thing! :p

08-12-2007, 06:58 PM
Hearing my Mickey snoring in the night is sweet sound.

08-13-2007, 08:06 AM
Both Duke and Champ snore on occasion. I haven't heard Chopper do it yet.

08-13-2007, 09:24 AM
Some dogs just do snore, it's nothing unusual. Sunday afternoons at my folks' house, when I was a kid often ended up with three sets of snores coming from the living room:
1. Dad, in his rocking chiar "watching the game"
2. Ma, on the couch "reading the newspaper"
3. Freckles, the St. Bernard, "supervising"

It was pretty funny!

08-13-2007, 11:21 PM
Oh yes, quite normal! All my dog snore periodically, but our RB Angus used to snore almost all the time...a very sweet sound to me:D

Do you have any pictures of Missy?

08-14-2007, 06:52 PM
my black lab snores so loud, I can hear her downstairs now :D

08-14-2007, 07:43 PM
Both my pitbull and my lab snore while they sleep, its really funny. I dont think there is anything wrong with it, mostly its a throat noise, not actually coming from the nose. Your Aus Cattle pup sounds cute, what color is she? Any pics? Welcome to pettalk by the way :)

Lady's Human
08-14-2007, 08:19 PM
There are dogs who DON'T snore?

Gosh, didn't know they existed!

08-14-2007, 08:35 PM
My Raven girl used to snore a lot as a baby. She doesn't snore as much as she used to, but she was the first dog I've had who snored. I actually miss her little puppy snores, it was so cute :D.

08-15-2007, 03:05 AM
Oddly enough, my cat snores louder than my two dogs sometimes... hehe

But yup it's perfectly normal :D

08-15-2007, 08:59 AM
Thank you everyone for answering the snoring question. Missy is the only dog we have ever had that snores. :D She also gets the hiccupps. Does anyone else have a dog that gets the hiccupps? She is black over most of her body with wooly black hair. She has a white collar of fur around her neck & down her chest area which is soft. She has butterscotch coloring on her eye brows & down on her paws which are white with the butterscotch bands above the white. She reminds us of a little bear & loves to splash in the mud puddles, & play ball. I love Australian Shepherds & she is a sweetheart for sure. Thank you for the welcome. I have been here over the last couple of years off & on. Like everyone here my heart belongs to the unconditional love of a companion canine.