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07-28-2002, 05:44 AM
Perhaps this will strike some of you as odd, but I must admit my minor obsession with frequent poster and even more frequent genius, FrostFrog.

I've been checking out Cat of the Day since the beginning of the year. As adorable as the cats are, my real pleasure is in finding out what FrostFrog will say next. In fact, I've submitted my own cat to COTD for the sole pleasure of having FrostFrog's prose lavished upon him.

In my circle of friends, FrostFrog has become something of a cult figure. We often call eachother and update one another on his latest words and the surreal nature of his humour.

More often than not, FF writes in a gentle, relaxed way that is somewhat reminiscent of Alice Walker. And at other times FF comes at us with scatalogical and bizarre utterings that leave the reader breathless and wondering. My personal favourties are his dry utterances that could equally be perceived as being utterly earnest, but I find it more entertaining to think that they have been scrupulously planned. I suggest you visit his profile where the subtely hilarious "known to eat at Taco Bell" resides. It is hilarious in its banality.

Others may judge me and find me strange for admitting all of this, but I have a strong feeling that FF will not. There is an openness about the man, a feeling of "anything could happen" about him, and I do not fear his judgment, but welcome his friendship despite my strange introduction. There are not many people upon whom I fixate, but he is amongst the few.

I often wonder: what does this man look like? what does his house look like? what's his favourite Taco Bell meal? hard shell or soft shell? what is his age? what is this man's day like?

FrostFrog, you have an admirer in the ranks.

07-28-2002, 07:13 AM
Very well said. I totally agree, FF is an amazing writer with a great mind!

07-28-2002, 07:56 PM
I am an avid Frostfrog fan! His writing is delightful, let's hope he writes more, and not just here!!! I would buy his books in a minute!!! I admit, I queried as to whether or not he was the brilliant Jim Qwilleran, of Lillian Jackson Brown's"The Cat Who ....." books. Nope, not our mysterious Frostfrog.
His insights into the cats is wonderful!!!
All Hail, Might Frog!!
We salute you!!!!!!:cool:

07-28-2002, 08:16 PM
I agree, FrostFrog is very witty. I thoroughly enjoyed his post for the cat of the day today---Lucky.

07-28-2002, 09:28 PM
Well, the pressure's on now... I think I better go pick my wife up from work.

07-28-2002, 10:30 PM
Tell her our intentions are honorable - anyway, if you write more, you'll be home more - right?

Aspen and Misty
07-28-2002, 10:50 PM
if you ever write books. Or have writen books please inform us! I know I would love to read them!

07-28-2002, 11:26 PM

P.S . I HAVE TREEFROGS:) :cool: :cool:

07-29-2002, 06:15 PM
You can add me to the list! I think Frostfrog's posts are a breath of fresh air! Must be that nice Alaskan air up there:D

07-29-2002, 10:19 PM
that I've inadvertantly silenced the once irrepressible Frostfrog? I fear my admission has made him uneasy. The only pressure Frostfrog is to be yourself.

07-29-2002, 11:12 PM
His Frostiness (Froginess?) mentioned during a brief visit to another thread that he limits his posts to Cat of the Day! I'm sure he'll be there, writing as only he can!
Sure hope so!!!!!!

07-29-2002, 11:34 PM


07-30-2002, 11:52 AM
I believe FrostFrog mentioned he's a photographer and travels a lot. Maybe he is out earning a living and will post when he can. I enjoy his posts too.

07-30-2002, 08:09 PM
I'm into photography. Not so much from the taking angle as the analysis, etc. Old art history habits die hard.

I do fear that FF is a little freaked out, most likely due to his humble nature.

07-30-2002, 10:50 PM
I have been out walking the dog, generously providing the nutritional foundation for whole new generations of mosquitoes, and I have been wondering how I should deal with this. I could just ignore it altogether and let build up whatever mystique I have inadvertantly generated on this site - but, after reading the most recent postings, it occurs to me that in his silence, Frost has been a most ungracious frog.

Be assured, Soledad - you have not driven me off. You have stunned me (and flattered me, too) and it is a fact that for two days running, I have faced writer's block when it comes to Cat of the Day. This is a bit curious, because I do not really labor over the words I post on COTD. Rather, I just start typing, having no idea what I am going to write. I am always a little bit curious myself to find out. The thought that anyone is paying attention - let alone that there are people half-way around the world who wait to see what COTD nonsense I might spout - is a bit amazing to me.

Are there Taco Bell's in New Zealand? Or do you have ties to the US that have made you familiar with this, the most elegant and fine of all restaurants? My favorite Taco Bell meal is a cheese guesidilla with no sauce, a big beef burrito supreme with green sauce, plus a few sides of jalapeno peppers to dump across it all and Pepsi.

Should your cat appear on COTD with no response from me, know that I am not snubbing it or you but am most likely traveling, maybe out in the bush somewhere. Let me assure you right now that I if I could see your cat, I would be greatly impressed by it and would be a bit jealous that it lived with you and not me.

Concerning the speculation and questions some of you have posted:

I am a writer by trade, although I am better known as a photographer, because even people who don't like to read look at pictures and photographs always dominate any publications that I do. The work that supports me is blend of documentation and photojournalism.

There are many books screaming to get out of me, although at the moment I have only one bookstore kind of book out there and it is sold out. Other than Amazon and the online stores, it was marketed only regionally in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. The publisher is planning a paperback edition next spring, which they plan to market nationally. I don't know how it will be received, for it is most definitely an Alaska book - real Alaska, not tourist Alaska. The book has nothing to do with cats, although I did manage to put a cat on page 136.

HOWEVER - cat books (and dog) are in the works. I have about half-a-dozen in various stages of completion and confusion scattered about in my computer. So, if the world does not tear itself apart and if my mind and body remain intact long enough for me to get these great works to a publisher... who knows?

The instant the first cat book hits the stands, my reputation in Alaska (pretty good at the moment) will be ruined.

Oh, well.

When that happens, years from now, if we are all still on Pet Talk, I will let you know.

After doing a little surfing on this site, I have also decided that I will give the very first copy of "Lament for a Black Cat" (working title) to Mr. Charles C. Benoit of Liberty, MO (see "Terrible News"). Perhaps, should Mr. Benoit somehow actually read it, it will help him understand. I will also give a copy to Sheri Scott, who not only already understands, but is exceptionally courageous and has my greatest admiration.

I thank you all for your comments and for your gift to me.

07-30-2002, 11:10 PM
Mr. Frog (that's silly, it should be..) Mr.FrostFrog,

I have just tonight found out about your existence, and already you have touched me.you have a quiet way of typing, like a soft, whispery talk, that of two friends in monstrous armchairs, a small pack of dogs scattered throughtout.

Elegant, slender canines, husky, vigourous mixed ones, quirky corgis and soulful bloodhounds, pedigreed and those of mysterious heritage.A crackling fireplace, a teatable, cats, cups and saucers...
(did I overdo it there?where'd that poetry come from?oh well....)

While this is your style, which leaves my mind hushed and quiet, mine is usually wild, unattentive and loud, mispelled and poorly thought out.

Adios (for...now..BWAHAHAHA!)

07-30-2002, 11:47 PM
SANDY FROST:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Aspen and Misty
07-31-2002, 12:10 AM
I would personally liek to thank you frost frog. This might sound weird but I was sitting here with the worst headach ever and gto lost in your words. It was amazing but when I became "unlost" I had no headach. No pain that made me wantedto kill myself. THank you so much. And I can now stand my puppies eager barking once more.

07-31-2002, 12:33 AM
Well, my COTD writer's block just ended. I'll probably get shot now.

07-31-2002, 01:48 AM
Aspen and Misty - Sounds like a terrible kind of headache. Glad I could help, even if only briefly.

07-31-2002, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Frostfrog
When that happens, years from now, if we are all still on Pet Talk, I will let you know.

I will certainly want a copy of your cat book even if it's years from now. I'm not planning on going anywhere. I love Pet Talk.:D

Aspen and Misty
07-31-2002, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces

I will certainly want a copy of your cat book even if it's years from now. I'm not planning on going anywhere. I love Pet Talk.:D

Same here!

07-31-2002, 12:25 PM
Me too!Sounds like good reading..but I hope it won't ruin your 'doggie' reputation!:D;)

07-31-2002, 12:38 PM

SANDY FROST::) :D :cool: :eek:

07-31-2002, 08:37 PM
We have all been so blessed to see a sampling of your writing talent, is there any chance you would show us a sample of your photographic talent too? I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would love to see a photo of that little black kitty you speak so fondly of. Any chance that he has been or will be Cat of the Day?:)

Aspen and Misty
07-31-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Frostfrog
Aspen and Misty - Sounds like a terrible kind of headache. Glad I could help, even if only briefly.

Yea my headach has come back so look where I am lol. Its very calming. But I have figured out what is causeing my haed ach and will be going to the doctor for medicine eventually. But for now I will just stick with your post and read them to calm my headach.


08-01-2002, 02:23 PM
I would, of course, love to share some photos of the cats who live here with you. I have the beginnings of a web site underconstruction and when I find the time and discipline will add some cats to it. When I do, I will share the page with you. I might, in the meantime, submit an image and story on the black cat to COTD and then see if we can come to some kind of understanding on the matter of copyright, because I never give up copyright. But I would love to see the black cat - and his cohorts who also reside here - on Day of the Day. But not Willow. Willow could go on Dog of the Day - and what a grand day that would be!

08-01-2002, 02:37 PM
I'll be looking forward to seeing your website and cat photos. I understand about the copyright thing you being a professional phototgrapher and all you gotta be careful. I too love photography, I have an Art Degree from college and photography was one of my favorite subjects. But now its more of a hobby since my family and pets keep me busy.
Congrats on your 100 posts! I'm still a long way from 100 here!:)

08-01-2002, 03:48 PM
Holy cow! I hadn't even noticed. So I'm a genuine citizen now.

08-01-2002, 06:45 PM
I am not a native New Zealander, but have worked and studied here for some time. My partner is a Kiwi, so I've taken the opportunity to get out of the US and experience life elsewhere. I imagine that NZ is not too different from Alaska in some ways. Both are quite lush and have absolutely stunning natural landscapes. NZ is also rather underpopulated and undeveloped (thank God, as more strip malls and suburbs are not necessary).

There are, sadly, no Taco Bells in NZ. I compensate by making my own Mexican treats at home. While its elegance is contestable, the Bell's taste sensations are never in doubt. What a deal. My favourite TB meal is a hardshell taco with refried beans instead of beef. Of course, it must be supremed. The Pepsi, I can do without. Despite my reservations about Coke's corporate antics, I'm addicted to that special burning only Coke can provide.

Not to worry, NZers love great food so I'm not missing out on too much.

I am going to return to the US shortly, much to my dismay. But I hope to get some writing done myself. Why is it that a cat book would ruin your Alaskan reputation? Not big cat people? I have to say, I was not one myself until this past February when I adopted my first feline. He is a great little guy. I know better know, and take animals on an individual basis rather than their breed, species, etc.

Your turn!

08-01-2002, 11:58 PM
I'm enjoying this thread almost as much as I enjoy reading FF's posts. ;)

08-02-2002, 12:11 AM
Perhaps there is a book right here "Conversations with Frost Frog."

Think about what you say, it might show up in PRINT!

08-02-2002, 03:32 AM
I hate to leave anyone hanging, but five hours from this very moment, I must be in my car driving to Anchorage. There, I will board a plane headed for Prince William Sound, where I will then transfer to a boat headed to a certain island. I still have about an hours worth of tasks that I must perform before I can even go to bed to get whatever rest is possible between now and my departure, so I am going to defer responding to the most recent posts for a bit - but I will respond.

Life was better before I crashed my plane. If I had that plane now, I would not have to drive to Anchorage and I could leave at a better time and I would enjoy the flight much more than I will now. I will still enjoy it, but not as much. Although, should I fall asleep, it will be better than if I were to fall asleep at the stick.

08-03-2002, 03:06 AM
FF - will you ever replace the plane?

08-03-2002, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
I'm enjoying this thread almost as much as I enjoy reading FF's posts. ;)
        Same here!! :D

08-05-2002, 11:23 PM
The Frostfrog is sitting here on the edge of Prince William Sound, too exhausted to post and yet, there have been a few direct questions to which Frostfrog promised a response, so post I will.

First, Kohala: Will I ever replace the plane?

The damn thing cost me $15,900 when I purchased it in 1986. Unlike cars, single engine aircraft appreciate rather than depreciate and so it was worth $46,000 at the time of the crash and my mechanic gave me a quote of $42,000 to repair it.

At the moment, all this is way beyond me. But yes - I will replace or repair the plane and if I first replace I will then repair, for the plane and I have history and I am not going to relegate that history to the used parts business.

Gini: For practical purposes, all words written by anyone on these pages might as well already be in print.

Soledad: When I saw Lord of the Rings, there were scenes that at first look could have been in Alaska, so I believe what you say about New Zealand. There are plenty of strip malls in Alaska, although they are confined to about half-a-dozen geographically confined areas that are only specks against the whole of the state.

But Alaska has an abundance of folks with a tear down and pave mentality; people bound and determined to lay ugliness upon beauty if there is any chance of making a buck by doing so, so who knows about the future?

(As you can see, this is a subject I should avoid on Pet Talk.)

As to ruining my reputation, I write HALF in jest. Alaska is dog country (cats never did accept the notion of pulling sleds). I make a point of seeking out cats wherever I go and sometimes, when I ask if anyone knows where I might find a cat in the community, I get the most baffled looks.

But when I find that cat - the folks that live with it always understand. Or, if its a couple, at least one of them does. Sometimes the other one is perpetually baffled by the cat, but has no choice but to accept it. More often then not, though, the once baffled have become converts, as did you, as did I.

You refer to your cat as "a great little guy" and I'm sure he is. "Little Guy." The words are a bit hard for me to read and even to write. The original black cat was named Little Guy and I always referred to him as "a fine Little Guy," for I have never known a finer individual - of any species.

Aspen and Misty
08-06-2002, 01:36 AM
Frost frog. Your words are so peacful. I woudl ahev to agree this is one of my fav threads on pet talk. I'm so sorry about your lose Frost frog. I'm sure your cat was a great kitty. And I'm sure you miss him very much so. I hope you are havieng fun. Where ever you are.

08-09-2002, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Frostfrog
The Frostfrog is sitting here on the edge of Prince William Sound, too exhausted to post and yet, there have been a few direct questions to which Frostfrog promised a response, so post I will.
For some reason I get a picture of a guy wearing blue jeans, a plaid shirt and a vest, sitting on a pier, jeans rolled up, and feet dangling in the water. Also wearing the tan hat with fishing lures in it. I got all that just from you sitting on the edge of Prince William Sound. See how poetic your words are? Hope you are all rested by now.:D

08-10-2002, 12:33 PM
Momoffuzzyfaces post reminds me of the image of Garrison Keillor that I had in my mind back in the early 1980's whemn I listened faithfully to a Prairie Home Companion, but had never seen a picture of Keillor. Then, one day, I saw a photo of him in Time Magazine and was a bit taken back at how he did not look at all as I had pictured him. Fact is, he was kind of homely. In time, though, I grew fond of the real appearance of Keillor and now, awkward as it is, it seems to fit him perfectly - much better than did my original mental picture.

I will say this, though - Momoffuzzyfaces did, indeed, get the blue jeans part right. Levi's, to be specific.

As to getting over being exhausted - I don't think that will ever happen. I just returned home from PWS and in 25 minutes I must drive again to Anchorage, where I will board a plane headed for the northern most shore of Quebec, where I will spend the next week. I will miss the black cat every day of that week, although I will be confident he is in good hands with my family, who also love him and I will miss them, too.

I do not have time to make a post on Cat of the Day right now, but I will see if I can make at least one from Quebec.

08-11-2002, 01:20 AM
You must get Mrs. Frostfrog or some of the younger Frostfrog family members to take over the posting dutes while you are away! That's a request, not an order ;)
We miss you when you're gone - do you ever check out the "previous cats" when you are home, and post retrospectively? Not that I'm pushing, or anything - much!!!
Fair Winds, Frostfrog

08-11-2002, 06:44 PM
I miss Keillor's advice column on Salon. He stopped doing it a little while ago, and if Garrison was ever good for anything it was sound, reasonable, fatherly and wise advice. A modern Solomon if you will. I just can't stand to hear him sing.

Perhaps Frostfrog should make his own Pet of the Day advice column. It would be full of winsome prose and sage advice, I imagine. But perhaps it would get too controversial for this crowd. My brief time on this message board has already shown me how delicate most posters are about anything mildly opinionated. It would be fun to try though.

New Zealand is full of natural beauty, as is Alaska, but luckily here people are more conservation minded. It's a refreshing change from the typical development mindset of "gobble, gobble, gobble". When will we learn to create any sort of balance? Oh well, Frostfrog, I too will refrain from going on about this subject on Pet Talk. Perhaps it will be email fodder?

The "little guy" coincidence is strange. I don't think there's a better way of describing him, and I call him that all the time. Yeah, I was once one of the "baffled" and sometimes even now I find myself baffled that I have a cat. I don't know if it would have worked out with any other cat. Mine has such a distinct personality that is hard to find in a cat. We hope to take him with us when we return.

While I'd welcome Frostfrog's family on Pet Talk any day, it could hardly be a substitute for the real thing.

Keep on truckin, FF.

08-11-2002, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

My brief time on this message board has already shown me how delicate most posters are about anything mildly opinionated.

I gently beg to differ with you Soledad. I think that perhaps we do not suffer fools too well here on Pet Talk. And in the few years I have been posting - we have had our share. Differing opinions - is the spice of life and we respect the great freedom that we have in expressing our own opinions. Pet Talk is an oasis, where people really care about each other and take the time to express just that. Many very good personal friends have been made here that go way beyond Pet Talk and extend into our personal lives and include personal meetings and personal phone communications.

Stay with us for a while and read...........and "hear" the love.

This is a very special and unique forum and we all welcome anyone who cares to join and share their opinions.

Frost Frog and his family are obviously a welcome and refreshing addition to our forum.

08-11-2002, 11:30 PM
I don't doubt that many loving relationships have been formed on PetTalk. I know people here have long time friends and are generally concerned about each other. But I don't think anyone could mistake Pet Talk as a message board dedicated to social change. It's Pet Talk, it's not about world affairs, or sustainable development. It's meant to be light hearted, I get it, but on the few occasions that a heavy issue has been raised (in my tenure) I have seen things get sticky if they are not worded in the most sugar coated of ways. So be it, that's just the way it is here.

08-11-2002, 11:44 PM
I will again, gently say to you - stick around. You registered with us just recently, however, I realize you may have been reading posts for some time.

Social change - if you mean for the care, love and respect for animals - just you watch when there is true action to be taken.

This forum is about PETS - FIRST. You will be amazed how we can gather our energy and respond to a problem. I hope you will join us when the time comes.

When you have the time, go back to the archives and read up on some of the events that have occurred. Sure, there is some tripe, but you will find most are wonderful people, you might like to call friend.

My dream is to visit New Zealand, over Australia frankly. Why? It is the natural beauty of the country that is the draw.

08-11-2002, 11:56 PM
I see what you're saying. I have been observing Pet Talk for nearly nine months, so I'm not a total newbie.

People here obviously care about animals, and to a degree that does deal with social change. But this is not PETA, and people do not group here to organise or make changes in the system, per se. I guess that's what I meant by social change.

I still stand by my previous point as well, as it has been my experience. But I am open to seeing things differently and plan on participating in Pet Talk for a while.

Again, I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not calling into question anyone's caring nature, I am just saying this isn't a forum I feel comfortable expressing political or religious views. That was the reason for my original comment. I'm sure it wouldn't be wanted, either.

It's just not the appropriate place or audience. In my time here I have observed the absolute truth that the vast majority of people on Pet Talk are truly caring people, so please don't mix my words.

08-11-2002, 11:57 PM
New Zealand is spectacular. When I first came here all I could think was "it's like Narnia!!"

Miss Meow
08-12-2002, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
But I don't think anyone could mistake Pet Talk as a message board dedicated to social change. It's Pet Talk, it's not about world affairs, or sustainable development. It's meant to be light hearted, I get it, but on the few occasions that a heavy issue has been raised (in my tenure) I have seen things get sticky if they are not worded in the most sugar coated of ways. So be it, that's just the way it is here.

Interesting comments Soledad and thanks for contributing them. My personal belief is that kindness to self and others (human, animals and earth) is one of the greatest contributions to social change a person can make.

There are so many inspirational people in this forum who care for far too many pets that have been abused or left on the streets for dead, petitions for people charged with cruelty and there will no doubt be many tributes and comments/discussions on peace closer to September 11 as we are all from different parts of the world.

I think it's just a different type of social change. Politics and religion aren't the only ones :)

PS where in NZ are you from? We are thinking of going there for our next holiday.

Gini - if you make the trip to New Zealand, you may as well pop over to Australia too - only another three hours and plenty to see


08-12-2002, 12:28 PM
Soledad...I agree with you 100%. If I am one of the "problem children" please accept my apologies. Egos do seem to be a little ouchy on here sometimes. But, then, on most internet sites they can be. I agree that "deep" subjects need to be saved for someplace else. Thank you for your insightful thoughts.

08-12-2002, 03:49 PM
Hi Miss Meow.

I knew when I wrote that this was not a forum for social change that it would be a highly contentious statement. Let me clarify. Yes, small personal acts of kindness to animals are political statements. It's essential to the whole concept of animal rights. This is obvious. But I stand by my earlier point that this is not PETA (nor should it be...). This is not an organisation bent on protest and lobbying. It's a website for people to talk about how much they love their pets. In this way, it is not a major vehicle for change about how the world treats animals. But that is not to say that it cannot have some sort of impact in that direction.

Depending on what your definition of politics is, it can include pretty much anything. That's how I define it, as something pretty all encompassing and inclusive. To me, nearly every action is political, and religion or a general belief system fuels those actions. Being kind to animals, seems to me, to be highly political and dependent upon one's belief system.


Thanks for seeing my point. I know people disagree, but it's nice to know I'm not totally alone on this one. I don't know if deep subjects need to be kept out of here, but because of the mood and audience, it's probably best as it wouldn't be constructive.

08-15-2002, 12:43 PM
Ok....I'm having Frost Frog withdrawals...Quebec can't be THAT far!! lol

08-15-2002, 10:01 PM
Frostfrog withdrawals?

I suppose that Kuujjuaq, Quebec, is no farther away than any other place, once one gets on the net - but, I have been going hard from the time I get up early each morning until the time I go to bed early the next morning. And the internet connection here at Inuit Circumpolar media central is really, really, really slow so, up to now, all I have done is email.

But, tomorrow night I arrive home and after I spend a decade or two sleeping, hopefully with the black cat on my feet and my good woman at my side, I will get back on Cat of the Day and see if my dull brain can think up anything to say.

Kohala - normally, I do not back up to COTD's that I have missed, because my schedule is just too pressing. But, there has never been a Grasshopper on COTD before, so I will be backing up this time.

For what little they are worth, I will share my thoughts on the "debate" debate that got going briefly here.

I would visit COTD tonight, but it is 11:00 PM and I have many tasks to do yet before ending this day. Plus, even though nothing is happening tomorrow and the Alaska charter doesn't leave until after noon, I must get up early enough to go find a Kuujjuaq cat, for I have not yet had time to do so.

I have found plenty of dogs, however. Dogs are abundant all across the north.

08-15-2002, 10:08 PM
YEAH you're back!!! I hope you get caught up on your sleep and are back with us soon. You have such a great outlook on life. I look forward to your posts!! I also look forward to a good debate!! I LOVE debates...just ask my kids at school...they hate it when I debate with them because I beat them everytime, but they actually go back for more ammunition...little do they know that I do it on purpose to make them think and they never know exactly where I stand on issues because I can argue both sides and it drives them nuts! lol

Anyway...welcome home!!! Hi to Mrs. Frost Frog and the rest of the family.

08-15-2002, 10:09 PM
Let's see how you do against adults!!! :)

08-15-2002, 11:38 PM


08-16-2002, 02:07 AM
Go for it dude!!! lol:p ;) :D AAAAHHHHH how I love a challenge! what's the topic????

08-16-2002, 10:51 PM
I agree with Soledad too.. I think of this place as one to come to and unwind and have FUN!!! I think a friendly debate would be fun! :D

08-17-2002, 10:31 PM
To have a friendly debate here, I would just have the following suggestions:

a. Keep it pet-related. after all, that's what Pet Talk is about!

b. Move it out of poor FrostFrog's thread, and put it in whichever "General" would fit the topic.

c. Silently vow to not take things personally yourself, and refrain from getting too emotional to think - or post - clearly.

And FrostFrog, I am SURE there are cat-folk in Quebec! I am part French-Canadian, and I picture my Great Uncle, who was both great, and my father's uncle. French was his first language. The family came to Massachusetts before he was born, but stayed in a very insular Quebecois community.Uncle Mac had a beloved cat, she wandered the farm, mouse-hunted in the barn, had a best-friend cow, and was spoiled absolutely rotten by Uncle Mac and Aunt Adrienne. The cat would sit on Mac's shoulder while they ate, and one bite went to Mac, and the next to the cat, she'd cleany and delicately eat right off his fork, never touching the fork itself. I know, that image WILL give some germ-concious folks the willies, but they both thrived!

MY French-Canadian family members had spoiled cats, surely you can find one up there!

08-17-2002, 11:45 PM
I did in fact find a Northern Quebec cat - a beautiful tuxedo that belonged to two exquisitely beautiful little girls of Inuit and French Candian blood. So, the trip was a success. I fear, however, that I am exhausted, am experiencing problems with my desktop computer that I am trying to fix (I am typing this on my laptop) and I must be in Anchorage early in the morning for a series of meetings that will last the next four days, so I am going to delay my return to COTD and any further comments just a bit longer.