View Full Version : Prozyme or other digestive enzymes?

08-10-2007, 07:48 AM
Just wondering if anyone has experience with using digestive enzymes or Prozyme (link (http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/product_detail.asp?pf%5Fid=10573901&dept%5Fid=11&brand%5Fid=315) ) in particular?

Kirk has had some recurring episodes of diarrhea that are so far unexplained. Most recently we did identify a bacterial overgrowth, but most of the time he just seems to have an overly sensitive tummy. We've tried herbs, tinkering with his diet, and increasing or decreasing his pain meds....none of these approaches seems to be addressing the issue. My vet has recently theorized that his digestive enzymes may be the culprit and are possibly deficient in some way.

He has been on Solid Gold's Seameal off and on throughout his life, and comparing the two products it seems that they have very similar, if not the same, digestive enzyme components.

Anyway, just hoping to learn more or hear some success stories....cause butt baths are getting really old!!! :o *sigh*

08-10-2007, 06:21 PM
I don't have any first hand experience with "sensitive tummy" dogs but,
have you ever considered feeding raw? I have heard it's a great option
especially with dogs sensitive to the ever changing list of chemicals in
processed dog food. I hope you can find something to help him.

08-10-2007, 06:33 PM
Just wondering if anyone has experience with using digestive enzymes or Prozyme (link (http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/product_detail.asp?pf%5Fid=10573901&dept%5Fid=11&brand%5Fid=315) ) in particular?

Kirk has had some recurring episodes of diarrhea that are so far unexplained. Most recently we did identify a bacterial overgrowth, but most of the time he just seems to have an overly sensitive tummy. We've tried herbs, tinkering with his diet, and increasing or decreasing his pain meds....none of these approaches seems to be addressing the issue. My vet has recently theorized that his digestive enzymes may be the culprit and are possibly deficient in some way.

He has been on Solid Gold's Seameal off and on throughout his life, and comparing the two products it seems that they have very similar, if not the same, digestive enzyme components.

Anyway, just hoping to learn more or hear some success stories....cause butt baths are getting really old!!! :o *sigh*

I dunno about that particular product. However we use one for enzymes at work called Panakare Plus (http://www.petsupplies4less.com/PanaKare-Plus-Rx-500-Tablets--pr--012006T500) or there is a generic called Pancrezyme (http://www.soloxine.com/Pancrezyme.htm) . Dunno how the ingredients stack up to the product you mentioned though, but the one we use at work has had fairly good success, particularly in dogs eating their own stools (which can be a sign of a deficiencies in enzymes).

Good luck.

08-15-2007, 12:35 AM
Has the vet ruled out ALL internal parasites?

If yes, try using some GrapeFRUIT Seed Extract to kill off some of the negative things that could be in there. I suggest two treatments about nine hours apart.

about 16 hours after that use the enzymes.

I have had GREAT success with NOW Probiotic Defense. (It's a product marketed for human use, but it has helped me AND my dogs out a LOT.)

08-15-2007, 01:57 AM
My cat Starr is currently on primal defense powder (http://prohealthsolutions.com/productdetails60.html) 1 scoop per day and GI Encap Pills (http://www.costlessvitamin.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=8193) 1 pill per day as well as feline vitamins and he's also still on 5mg of prednisolone which I hope to be able to wean him off of soon. So far he's doing very well. I just mix half of the herbal supplements in his food in the morning and the other half in his food in the evening. I noticed an improvement in just 2 days even though my holistic vet said it might take 7-10 days. I hope that Kirk will be able to feel better soon. Good luck.:)

08-23-2007, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

We've done a fecal float, numerous fecal cytologies and a Giardia SNAP test. The cytologies prompted us to treat him for bacterial overgrowth (clostridium & spirochetes) for 2 weeks as I mentioned before....and since then his stool has continued to be loose... :(

We had one PERFECT poop about 2-3 days into using the Prozyme...but that was the only one! So I think the issue is more than just digestive enzymes...

I'm not really sure what to try next. I guess I should address food sensitivies since I feed him a wide variety of meats, carbs, and veggies.... :confused:

.....I'm pretty close to shaving off his bum fur and the feathering on his rear legs cause I just don't have the time for all these butt baths! :rolleyes:

08-24-2007, 12:19 AM
I'm sorry to hear that he's still having diarrhea.:( Maybe he needs to be put on a special diet for food allergies. He may be allergic to grains so maybe a grain free diet would help him. Starr's on Innova Evo which is grain free and it's helped him a lot. Good luck.:)