View Full Version : worms, worms everywhere

08-09-2007, 10:48 PM
I live in Bangkok and picked up two street kittens about four months
ago. They have been and still are full of worms (definitely roundworms - 1 cm in length with arrow-shaped heads - maybe
others). I had been taking them to one vet and they were treated for worms
there, but due to language problems (I don't know exactly what was given to
them, how often, etc) I began going to a different vet. They were spayed and
neutered at this new vet's and I requested worm treatment as I saw no
improvement in the situation. They were treated with Revolution. Still no
obvious improvement - I mean, the cats sleep on my bed and when I wake up the
bed is littered with 20-30 dried up roundworms every morning. They are
everywhere. I purchased more Revolution and treated them both again several
weeks ago. No change. If anything there are more dried up worms around. I
partially suspect that the increase in worms is an indicator that the medicine
is working - they are exiting the cats en masse, but I don't know and it's been
several months with no improvement. This cannot be an unsolvable problem. What
can I do???

08-14-2007, 04:35 PM
I am so sorry about your cats. It sounds like tapeworm that your cat has. Try going to another vet and ask for tapeworm medication. Hope your cats feel better.

08-14-2007, 05:10 PM
I live in Bangkok and picked up two street kittens about four months
ago. They have been and still are full of worms (definitely roundworms - 1 cm in length with arrow-shaped heads - maybe
others). I had been taking them to one vet and they were treated for worms
there, but due to language problems (I don't know exactly what was given to
them, how often, etc) I began going to a different vet. They were spayed and
neutered at this new vet's and I requested worm treatment as I saw no
improvement in the situation. They were treated with Revolution. Still no
obvious improvement - I mean, the cats sleep on my bed and when I wake up the
bed is littered with 20-30 dried up roundworms every morning. They are
everywhere. I purchased more Revolution and treated them both again several
weeks ago. No change. If anything there are more dried up worms around. I
partially suspect that the increase in worms is an indicator that the medicine
is working - they are exiting the cats en masse, but I don't know and it's been
several months with no improvement. This cannot be an unsolvable problem. What
can I do???

Sounds more like tapeworm. Revolution is a preventative not a cure. Ask for Felex or Milbemax. They will take one pill only and 15 - 20 days later take another. I was going through the same thing with my dog and with the feral cat I rescued. Milbemax worked the first time. You can treat your cats after with the revolution as directed as a preventive then. Good Luck and keep us updated. :)

BTW....Welcome to PT. I am Michelle and am owned by 5 cats and 1 dawg.

ETA: Let me know if you need to medicinal ingredients in the Milbemax.

08-14-2007, 06:52 PM
Sounds like tapeworms to me too. Where I work we use a pill called Droncit to treat them. I dunno if it's available worldwide or not. Check with the vet there for TAPEworm medicine.