View Full Version : The things we do for our pets...Share Yours!

08-09-2007, 12:13 AM
Before we got Ivy, our front yard was two-tiered. Training, as you can imagine, was incredibly bothersome. So, I had the grand idea of remodeling it to become level.


Look at this dirt!

After 4 days of hauling buckets of dirt, shoveling, and sweating, here's our front yard now:


Please tell me I'm not the only nutjob on here :D What crazy things have you guys done?

08-09-2007, 12:35 AM
I slept on the bathroom floor with casey when I first adopted her and she was vomiting and had diarreah, I also called in sick from work.

08-09-2007, 01:22 AM
I position folding step stools/chairs and foot stools around the house for Spunky. he even uses the ottomans. He is such a lousy jumper. He's fallen several times and one day he will get hurt.

Sams is a good jumper but since he has filled out, he needs a little help. The small dresser is next to the shiftrobe so he can jump easily enough.

I have a chair in front of one window that has no ledge and a stool in front of another.

I also put the bathroom organizer shelf thingy over the toilet in the new place so that Sam and Spunky have a place to sit while I shower. (I was going to leave it since I don't need it here.) I couldn't use it for towels since Sam would knock them off tyring to jump on the shelves. I was afraid he would hurt himself so no more towels.

I gettring ready to buy a cat tree. I saw one someplace at a really good price.

08-09-2007, 03:51 AM
I went through a catalogue to pick out things for my dogs to make their lives easier such as steps to climb onto the couch which they do not use as they still jump really well, I bought them beds little four poster ones, they have lounge cushions and bowls that open for them by sensor.

When Jack was nuetered I spent the night on the floor of the sitting room wiht him and the same when Millie was done.

I also put on Animal Planet for them every morning while I am getting ready for work and when I have breakfast they have tea and toast Jack likes his tea with two sugars and Millies tea has no sugar, In the winter they have porridge and honey for breakfast - Jack likes Flora on his toast and Millie likes real butter, for lunch when I pop home they have ham and cheese and for dinner they have whatever we are having if I give them chips (fries) they must have baked beans too - yep over spoiled and the as for their health the vet says they are very healthy and have lovely coats and their teeth are kept in great shape because they are brushed every evening.

Yes I am nuts about my dogs completely over the top... and I will admit it no problem

08-09-2007, 10:26 AM
When my cat informs me between 3 and 4 AM that she's hungry - I get up and feed her!

08-09-2007, 10:42 AM
I think your hard work was worth it!!!

Lets see...things we have done with our yard...

When we first moved here the yard was not fenced. We went 5-6 years that way and never had a problem with Shadow. Once we got the brats (Micki and Mini) we started fencing it off a little at a time because they liked to go critter hunting. We survived with just the bare minimum of fencing for about 2 years, and once we started applying to rescues and getting home visits we fenced off the remaining portion. We even installed a fence across the driveway that's on wheels and has to be open via the automatic opener (mom or dad beeps the horn, we have to go running to open/close it :o ). It's a PAIN to use in the winter, but it's all worth it.

We also installed a mini pond JUST for Princess Mini.

Lastly, we built a little "tree house" on the play set JUST for holding my agility equipment. We even got rid of a few apple trees in my "agility field".

08-09-2007, 01:01 PM
Call me crazy but, if Duke and Angel want to sleep on the bed, I'll grab a blanket and sleep on the floor. (Well, with them to on the bed you will want to sleep on the floor: Duke rolling all over and kicking in his sleep, Angel sleeping on your head, but you can't escape Duke's snoring and random barks. lol http://www.petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif )

08-09-2007, 01:04 PM
Where to start.....LOL.....

One that comes to mind is spending the night on the floor of our vet clinic with him after two of his surgeries! I (hardly) "slept" with the lights on both times cause it was just so creepy to be there overnight. For his first surgery we had fourth-year vet students doing clinical rotations at our clinic and so two students were able to keep him with them up in the apartment our clinic provides.

I also can't forget the thousands my family and I have shelled out for these surgeries and the follow-up therapy....I never did come up with a total, but clearly he's worth every cent! :D

Nice work on your yard, Sophie! Sound like an intense 4 days. ;)

08-09-2007, 03:17 PM
LOL oh I remember when I first got Giselle. She kept whining and gave me the saddest eyes so I took a blanket and my pillow and hunkered down right next to her crate. We slept head-to-head. I woke up the next morning with the crate bars imprinted into my forehead :p

Kirk is just the most lucky dog in the world. Honestly, I could never imagine going through all that emotional and financial stress. Kudos to you, Kate =)

08-09-2007, 03:17 PM
i bought a house. a house with a fenced in yard with mature trees for shade. a condo downtown, a loft, would have been more sensible given my life, but the wonder dog was with me, and it was better for him to run in a fenced in yard, and with shade, so i bought a house. his need meant the 2 other dogs, angel duke and peanut had/have a home, four cats have homes, and it's all because of alex :D

08-09-2007, 03:55 PM
WOW!! Your yard looks GREAT!!!

I adopted Buddy so Sierra had a "buddy" :D (that's where his name came from)

Buddy wakes me up 3-4 times a night to go outside. It's not that he really has to go potty, it's just that he doesn't sleep at night and wants to go check out the yard or something :rolleyes: . He'll sit next to my bed and bark these little, tiny woofs until I get out of bed.

The first night Buddy was home I slept outside his crate on the hardwood floor in my spare room and woke up at one point during the night to find Sierra IN Buddy's crate with him! :D

My hubby and I spent a little over $3500 to fence in our yard.
I've missed several days of work for both of them.
Right now we're looking to move and I won't buy a house unless it has at least 3 acres for them!

08-09-2007, 04:07 PM
[QUOTE=pitc9]...Buddy wakes me up 3-4 times a night to go outside. It's not that he really has to go potty, it's just that he doesn't sleep at night and wants to go check out the yard or something :rolleyes: . He'll sit next to my bed and bark these little, tiny woofs until I get out of bed.

LOL alex does those little polite woofs too. well mannered dogs we've got :)

08-09-2007, 04:11 PM
LOL alex does those little polite woofs too. well mannered dogs we've got :)

Oh yeah... well mannered! :rolleyes:


08-09-2007, 05:19 PM
Great job on the front yard! You will enjoy it even without agility training equipment!

Dad and I routinely get up from the recliner without putting the foot rest down, so as not to disturb a dog or a cat. It isn't easy or pretty, but the pets must get their beauty rest! :rolleyes:

08-09-2007, 06:36 PM
I have sleep in a ball almost falling off the bed so a sleeping Zippy wouldn't have to move.
Yesterday I was looking and moving couches and chairs to find a milk cap(one of her favorite toys)for Pumpkin(I never did find it)
I moved 4 betta fish all in one gallon tanks almost cross country.I think most of my family thought I was crazy.Most people would have rehomed there fishies but I refused.

08-09-2007, 10:09 PM
Oh my gosh, I could go on and on with this one...lol When Mousse and Ginger were alive, I used to peel apples for Mousse, he would not eat them any other way, when Ginger was in labor, I slept on the floor by her box, they each had there own special beds and blankets and when they slept with me, I would wake up in the middle of the night to cover them up if they were cold...lol With Reilly...oy' he is spoiled already and only 8 mos old. We have a ritual every day, at various times, he loves to get in my lap and me snuggle him while he chews on one of his toys and I hold it for him...lol He goes to pet daycare couple of times a week, he gets special all natural treats, I could go on.....Daddy and I both get up during the night to take him potty if he needs to go, oh and when it is just me home at night he gets to sleep in the bed with me.. :D BUT HE IS NOT SPOILED...LOL

08-09-2007, 10:10 PM
Zippy I did the same thing when we had out Betta, rudi came on the drive with us from Oregon to Florida. lol

Nobas Mom
08-09-2007, 11:00 PM
When Noba was first diagnosed with hip dysplasia and put on strict 3 week crate rest (only allowed out for short potty trips), I slept on the floor with him next to his crate for the full three weeks. I rigged the door to the crate with some line so it was open far enough for me to get my arm in there at night when I was sleeping so he could rest his chin on my hand and sleep soundly... :)