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View Full Version : hay moving n' such

07-27-2002, 12:07 PM
I'm from the city, so I've never actually moved hay. There was 5 bigs carts with about 200 big bails in them we have to put onto the esculator thing, and into the top of the barn and move it to the back so we can fit the rest in. It was very hard considering i'm not use to it, and my back got very sore. I have some sort of back problem that makes it sore easily. We had to sleep in a tent that night, which made my back worst. So I could barily do anything the next day (move more hay) After the hay was done though, we got to go pick out a horse to ride. I ended up getting a sweet Standardbred stallion. He appearintly never spooks, but he actually did when I got on. From my previous instuctor/horse riding experiance I ended up being extremly nervous. I guess thats kind of stupid. The lady who owns the barn is very nice though. She lets people ride her horses for only 25 bucks a year (for insurance) She totally cares about your safty too. She makes sure you have proper things to wear. So I'm hoping my dad will let me drive as far out as it is, to ride from time to time. She lets you take your time, so I could get my confidence back for riding.

07-27-2002, 12:43 PM
That sounds like more work than play there!! lol