View Full Version : Cute dog roaming around....

08-07-2007, 05:48 PM
I saw last night a cute dog wandering outside my house.... it was a light golden color, probably a Golden mix as she had the color, the tail and the hips..... she had prick husky ears (medium in size and same shape).... but maybe something else cause tha face was not either breed..... IŽll see if I can get a pic today as yesterday I left my camera at my parents :rolleyes: .......

I fed her and gave water so hopefully sheŽs still around, although she didnŽt seemed underweight at all and was very clean to be a wandering dog,I mean just the usual/normal dirt........ no grease or mats.....

08-07-2007, 07:58 PM
Maybe she got loose from her owner. I hope she found her way back home.